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Doc is teaching ESP Mind Training Secrets of Manifestation in Copenhagen...

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Doc will be teaching ESP Mind Training Secrets of Manifestation no

one else on the planet knows in Copenhagen, Denmark August 15, 16,

and 17th!


A Warrior Skills Chi Kung Speed Hitting Training is scheduled Monday

right after the 3 day event.


For the past 2 months we've been pestered by a personal friend who

lives in Copenhagen, Denmark to give him and his fellows an ESP Mind

Secrets of Manifestation seminar.


Since this fellow in an NLP trainer, a hypnotist and has been

studying with Dr. La Tourrette for the past 5 years Doc has agreed to

do it.


Because they are friends and INNERCIRCLE MEMBER'S, Doc is doing it.


Doc does not travel much. People go to him and train at his Center in

the back woods of Oregon. This is a one time opportunity to learn

from him in your own location.


If you want to learn how to do what he teaches, this is good for

you. You will not have the travel expenses most have that travel

from Europe, Great Britain and Australia to learn his ESP Mind

Training Secrets of Manifestation.


In fact the last Intensive Doc gave in that area was a 4 day event in

York England. That was 5 years ago.


Doc did NOT and has NOT released the York DVD's to anyone, NOT even

the attendees. These `un-released' DVD's are one of the FREE $2,300

Bonuses he is giving out ONLY to the attendees in Copenhagen.


Doc has NEVER taught in Europe before except at Lake Lucerne

Switzerland, and that was in 2002.


His family wants to go. So we at the office did talk him into doing

it. Doc is doing it because we want to see Rome, Paris and Copenhagen…

and because that man is his friend.


Please note that Doc NEVER teaches the same topic twice, EVER!


So what you are getting is 3 brand NEW Mind Mastery Intensives, made

just for the attendees of this rare one-time event.


I will warn you that, like all of his Intensives, this is going to be

an event where you are going to have roll up your shirt sleeves, get

to work and do the drills! You will make mistakes. You will do things

wrong. That's how you really learn. The good news is, by the time the

event is over you CAN do the drills and have learned the skills



Doc is limiting the attendees to 29 people. His friend says he can

easily get that many to the event from his own list of clients. Doc

already has 5 of his people from the United States signed up and paid

in full for it.


They want as much of Doc's secrets as they can get so they are

willing to do whatever it takes to learn them.


So the available seats are limited to first come first served. So

email me at warriorpublication right away.


Here's a brief explanation of each event.


1. The first event is Aug. 15, starting at 6 pm Friday evening and

goes to 10 pm. It covers the " Eleven ESP Secret Skills Necessary to

Manifest RIGHT NOW! " Normally $700.


2. Day 2 starts Sat at 10 am, and goes until 6 pm. It's a one day

event over " How to Become Your Own Kahuna! " Normally $1,600.


3. Day 3 starts Sun at 10 am, and goes until 6 pm. It's a

continuation of the " How to Become Your Own Kahuna " . It is

titled, " How to Create Your Own Future with the Use of the Kahuna ESP

Mind! " Normally $1,600.



Normally day 1 is $700; day 2 is $1,600; day 3 is $1,600, or a total

of $3,900.


Because these events are for our friend, Doc is giving the first 3

events for a total of $1,597.


You SAVE more than $2,300 dollars if you sign up right now.


But only if you are among the first 19 people to sign up and place a

$100 non-refundable seat deposit within the next 10 days.


If you desire to sign up for just one of the three events, the normal

pricing holds.


If you desire to sign up for both Sat and Sun, then the price is

$1,297 if you sign up right away, within the next 10 days.


We are giving you 6 weeks advance notice to `plan to attend'.


Doc loves people that " take action " and " get stuff done " . Because of

that he is giving out a Free $2,300 bonus to the first 19 people that

respond and pay-in-full prior to the seminar.


So in reality they are getting all the seminars for free if they

respond right now.


Here's FREE Bonus Choice #1, a $2,300 bonus.

Doc has authorized us to give as a free $2,300 bonus, " The Secret

Friendly Energies Circuits: How-to-Turn Them on For Seduction,

Business Success & Vibrant Health! " , if you are one of the first 19

to respond.


Here's FREE Bonus Choice #2, a $2,000 bonus.

Remember up the page where I talked about the York Intensive taught 5

years ago? Doc never did release those DVDs. They are called, " The

York Kahuna Secret Psychic ESP Skills Advanced Mind Training for

Seduction, Business and Friendship building! " This set is totally

different than Bonus Choice Set #1. So you get your choice of one of



Just let us know right away.


On Monday, Dr. La Tourrette is teaching a 2 hour Warrior Skills Chi

Kung (emphasis on Warrior skills) training covering; how-to-hit a man

11 times or more in one second or less; Dragon Lines of Awareness &

how to use them; along with a few " Instant Kill Sets " for those that

want to know specific targets and how to get them on King Kong.


For informational purposes ONLY!


The last public Martial Arts Skills training the Doc has done for the

general public over the past 5 years was at the

International " Gathering of Eagles " where he was one of the world's

top 100 martial artist masters Initiated into the world's

first " Kenpo International Hall of Fame " .


Dr. La Tourrette was also one of the top 13 Kenpo Master's asked to

present his skills at that event. So he gave 2 completely filled up

events while at that Gathering of Eagles event.


The Monday Warrior Skills Chi Kung event is TOTALLY FREE to those

that are attending the first 3 days.


If you are not attending all three days, that single event is $129.


All 4 events are limited to a maximum of 29 people. So to reserve

your seat email me right now at warriorpublication, or call

me at 541-535-3188. If I am not there, leave a message and the time

of call so we can know who called first.


Jack Williams

Office Support

Ps. If you need a payment plan to take advantage of the above events,

we can help. The key to getting the FREE $2,300 Bonus is to pay in

advance. You have six weeks to do that. Email me (Jack) at

warriorpublication (or call 541-535-3188 M-Th between the

hours of 3-9 Pacific Standard Time) and I will help you set up a plan

so you can get your choice of the FREE $2,300 Bonus and go to all the


These events will never be offered again.

Ps. #2. We will be filming all 4 events. ONLY the attendees will have

the opportunity to `get' those InnerCircle Member only DVD's.

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