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Learning to Trace Your Meridians

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Docspeed2001: <<Did you know that there are people that have been going to

Donna Eden events for 8-10 years, but still CANNOT trace their meridians!!!

And learning the 14 basic meridians only takes about 20 minutes!>>


Learning to trace your meridians is one of the greatest things you can

invest your time in doing!


I have the charts, etc. but I really learned how to do it by watching Donna

Eden www.innersource.net over and over on her 6-hour DVD Intro to Energy

Medicine set - she shows you how to trace them on yourself and others.


Three good sites with diagrams of acupuncture points and pathways are:





Any part you can't reach with your hands, just visualize the pathway and

continue with your hands where you can reach to continue the flow. Your

hand acts like an energetic magnet helping the energy flow in that



Once you know the flow of the meridians, you can do so much with the info.

Tracing meridian pathways (on yourself and others) is a great thing to learn

to strengthen them (tracing forwards) or calm/ " sedate " them (tracing

backwards). Donna teaches a technique called flushing the meridian (tracing

a meridian backwards once and then forwards 3 times) as a good way to clear

any blockages.


Tracing your meridians is a great health maintainence practice even if you

have no physical issues - kind of like energetic hygeine. Combining

meridian tracing with the info from the Meridian Flow Wheel (a time clock

with info on when a meridian is at it's highest power and lowest ebb) boosts

it's power. The Meridian Flow Wheel is in Donna's Energy Medicine book (p.

126) and also online at:



(this chart shows the muscle meridian tests of Touch for Health as well for

each meridian)


A good daily technique is to start by looking at the time it is when you're

thinking of doing meridian tracing. Trace Central & Governing (the Zip Up

exercise) and then start with the meridian which time is at its peak and

then going around the wheel, finishing by re-tracing the meridian of the

time you're in and then Central and Governing again. Just like Donna does

on the EM DVD set.


Donna Eden also describes a way to help combat jet lag using the Meridian

Flow Wheel and tracing meridians.


Using the Meridian Flow Wheel, you can start noting trends in your energy,

health symptoms and corresponding times and the meridians associated (peak

and low). When a meridian is at it's peak, the opposite meridian on the

Flow Wheel is at it's low point (lowest energy). This may give you some

insight into what meridian to work on.


There is a lot of free info available online and here Donna talks about

meridian tracking:



It may be hard to follow the info without having Donna's book and/or

watching her in action via video.


I have been blessed enough to attend a 5-day intensive with Donna in March

2007 and, I loved it so much, that I'm now in my 2nd year of her EM

certification program:



Many blessings,


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Thanks for this update -- great reminder.



I know the meridians pretty well - but I still use the Energy

Medicine book for a quick reference.


I like to follow the flush by holding sedating points for some of the

issues I'm focusing on. (mostly wood issues these days...)


and then, I strengthen spleen and kidney (it really feels good....)





On Jul 6, 2008, at 12:25 PM, lunarmm wrote:

> Docspeed2001: <<Did you know that there are people that have been

> going to

> Donna Eden events for 8-10 years, but still CANNOT trace their

> meridians!!!

> And learning the 14 basic meridians only takes about 20 minutes!>>



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I recently led and retreat. We traced (started to type chased,

and that may be appropriate too) meridians daily. On the 3rd day I

was encouraging participants to take the lead so they would take the process

home with them. One of them said, somewhat defensively, “I haven’t memorized

them yet.” I suggested she could just allow her body to let that information in

and forget about memorizing altogether. She seemed to like that notion. I think

doing it often enough it takes hold at the cellular level and can be done

almost automatically. Susan Shanley made up a mnemonic to go with tracing

meridians. I don’t remember it. Perhaps someone on this list has it and would

share it with us.






On Behalf Of Helen


Monday, July 07, 2008 2:58 PM


Re: Learning to Trace Your










Thanks for this update -- great reminder.


I know the meridians pretty well - but I still use the Energy

Medicine book for a quick reference.


I like to follow the flush by holding sedating points for some of the

issues I'm focusing on. (mostly wood issues these days...)


and then, I strengthen spleen and kidney (it really feels good....)




On Jul 6, 2008, at 12:25 PM, lunarmm wrote:

> Docspeed2001: <<Did you know that there are people that have been

> going to

> Donna Eden events for 8-10 years, but still CANNOT trace their

> meridians!!!

> And learning the 14 basic meridians only takes about 20 minutes!>>



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Once you get bladder and gall bladder down, the rest is easy!!I still prefer glancing at Donna's book, just so I'm sure I'm in the right time, (on the elements wheel)  and doing it in the right sequence....Or - pick a time, like 9am -11 am and start with spleen.... (after central and governing) Helen Driscoll On Jul 8, 2008, at 2:42 PM, Judith Poole wrote:I recently led and retreat. We traced (started to type chased, and that may be appropriate too) meridians daily. On the 3rd day I was encouraging participants to take the lead so they would take the process home with them. One of them said, somewhat defensively, “I haven’t memorized them yet.” I suggested she could just allow her body to let that information in and forget about memorizing altogether. She seemed to like that notion. I think doing it often enough it takes hold at the cellular level and can be done almost automatically. Susan Shanley made up a mnemonic to go with tracing meridians. I don’t remember it. Perhaps someone on this list has it and would share it with us.Judith    On Behalf Of Helen DriscollSent: Monday, July 07, 2008 2:58 PMTo:  Subject: Re: Learning to Trace Your Meridians Michelle,Thanks for this update -- great reminder.I know the meridians pretty well - but I still use the Energy Medicine book for a quick reference.I like to follow the flush by holding sedating points for some of the issues I'm focusing on. (mostly wood issues these days...)and then, I strengthen spleen and kidney (it really feels good....)HelenOn Jul 6, 2008, at 12:25 PM, lunarmm wrote:> Docspeed2001: <<Did you know that there are people that have been > going to> Donna Eden events for 8-10 years, but still CANNOT trace their > meridians!!!> And learning the 14 basic meridians only takes about 20 minutes!>>>>

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FYI - Suzi Utke (on the Donna Eden certification staff) has a cute DVD out

now that shows tracing the meridians along to a tune.


Many blessings,




Once you get bladder and gall bladder down, the rest is easy!!


I still prefer glancing at Donna's book, just so I'm sure I'm in the right

time, (on the elements wheel) and doing it in the right sequence....


Or - pick a time, like 9am -11 am and start with spleen.... (after central

and governing)


Helen Driscoll

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