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(Hi Group,New book, " how to unlock your " Mind-Codes of Success™! "

I just noticed I never mentioned my last book I put up on the " Elite

Mind Memember's™ " site. So I've put the first 2 pages of that book

below for your enjoyment. John M. La Tourrette, PhD)


I'm getting real serious now. Not only does this report for " Inner

Circle Member's only " teach you what to do...it also covers it detail

what NOT to do and why!


" How-to-unlock Your

" Mind-Codes of Success™! "

Verifiable Mind Skills You can

Use Right NOW

to Manifest Your Goals, Achieve Your Dreams & Access Your Own Ideals

in the Shortest Time Possible!


© June 2008 by John M. La Tourrette, Ph.D.

Group L Incorporated


Have you ever wondered why the rich get richer and the poor get



Why is it that some people have a beautiful relationship with a

significant other and leads a rich life, and another is lonely,

forgotten and frustrated?


Why is it that so many really stupid people with no spiritual

qualities at all succeed, prosper, become immensely wealthy, famous

and enjoy radiant health while at the same time many good, kind,

moral, upright people suffer sickness, lack, misery, and poverty?


Why does one person succeed in business raking money and clients' in

hand over fist, while another fails in the same business?


Why is it that so many good, kind people are always short of money

and other people have all the money they need and use it wisely?


Why is it that one person tries to sell his house for a year or more

with no success and his fat, stupid neighbor sells his house in a few



Why is it one person gets famous in his profession while someone else

with equal credentials toils and moils all their life without

achieving anything worthwhile and getting no recognition or



Why it is that one person seems to easily attract all the money he

needs or wants to accomplish his objectives and another person can't

make ends meet even though they work 14 hours a day and have nothing

to show for it?


Why it is that one person prays for wealth and gets no answers and

another member of his family prays and gets immediate results?


It's really a simple answer (Notice I did NOT say `easy') that anyone

can use with a tiny bit of practice.


" How to Unlock the `Mind-Code of Affluence™'! "


The ones who succeed are using the laws of the MIND in the right way.


The ones who fail are using the laws of the MIND incorrectly.


Notice the use of the capitalized word " MIND " ?


It's because I'm referencing the 3 minds, and not just the ego-mind

commonly called the conscious mind or left brain hemisphere by most



That ego-mind is used in a certain way.


The other two minds are used in other ways that are just as specific

BUT different.


The method I'm outlining below uses all 3 minds in the " Mind-Code™ "

that works most effectively for the task at hand.


There's a little known and rarely followed 8 step series of

Manifestation I'm going to share with you in the following stories.


Why are the following good/great methods rarely followed?


It's because of the dumbing down of spiritual " Codes of the MIND™ " by

the self-help gurus.


Take Joseph Murphy for instance.


NOTE: I do enjoy reading Joe Murphy. And I enjoy studying him for one

reason. Reading his materials give " hope " . So the " hope " will

motivate those who really want to control their own destiny will then

search out other, more effective methods of achieving what they want!


So I do recommend reading his materials.


I personally recommend the " up-dated " materials more than the



Those who up-date his materials, i.e. people like Ian McMahan, Ph.D.,

do a very good job of clearing up much of the inconsistencies that

Joe put into his books. They make his books more readable with easier





(Rest of the book on " elite mind member's " only site)

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