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Hello group,



I know this is probably not the correct group for my question. But

this group and two others are the closest I could get from sorting

through all the .

So please bear with me if I'm in the wrong group.



** Short background:


I'm 32, and I've been bedridden for 12 years now, due to severe

emotional and physical ailments.


I must have been in treatment with about 50 healers over the past 10

years. I've tried pretty much every self-help (like EFT etc) thing

that I've come across (which I've been able to do myself).

Nothing has worked so far and much of it has made it worse. I'm

starting to think that I'm cursed or something. Something seems to be

sabotaging/blocking my progress. There's just too much that will work

on other people (including own family members) that absolutely will

not work on me in order for it to be coincidence. I have tried so

much in the past 11 years - and nothing has work. Its just not normal

when I think about it.


So, I've figured that I need some real insight. Insight to what is

causing my symptoms and ailments - and most of all WHY they they are


Understanding why could help me to find a way to deal with all this.

If not that, at least it'll give me some better understanding about

myself, which is always good and can't hurt.


Also, being bedridden for 12 years (literally have not been out of

the house for 11 years), you can imagine that my body is

deteriorating more and more. I'm suffering ailments as a result of so

many years of inactivity.


I feel the clock is ticking, and my body is about to give up. I need

to get out of this situation soon, as I worry that my body cannot go

on like this anymore like this for much longer. (its not just the

inactivity, but also the severe stress the body is submitted to on a

daily basis, due to my emotional problems.)



** My question:


I'm looking for a person with some clairvoyant abilities, I guess.

Someone who can have a look at me/my being, possibly from a spiritual

point of view. Someone who can look things from 'high up' if you know

what I mean.

Forgive me, but I really don't know the proper terms to use. Maybe a

medical intuitive or intuitive in general. Some call is psychic

readings. Some might confer with angels and then relay this message

to me . Some might see something in a past life of mine that is

causing what I'm going through right now. Am I making sense? I hope

you understand what I mean.


I'm not looking for healing.

Basically, I just need to know what is going on, and, if possible,

know what I can do to improve my situation and life in general. I

don't care if people use tea leafs to do divination, go into astral

travel or talk to spirits - if the information is correct, I can

really do something with it. Doesn't matter how I got it.


Could anyone point me to such a person that would be able to do such

a thing?

And please, only if you have personal experience with him/her.

I've wasted quiet a bit of money on clairvoyants that turned out to

be absolutely, flat-out wrong about their readings. (I know because

thing just didn't fit with facts in the real world). There was one

that kind of made sense. And I'm hoping to hear from other

clairvoyants who might see the same thing. If they do, I'd be fairly

certain that the information is factual.

That would really help me a lot.


So, if you could point me to a skilled person like that, I'd be

really grateful.


Thank you.

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Hi DawnValley,


This is just my intuition speaking but it " feels " like you might

be " enjoying " your bedrest. Not consciously but subconsciously there

are probably some hidden benefits of having someone pay attention to

you, bring you food, feel sorry for you, etc.


We all bring everything into our life for a reason. Some

people " can't " lose weight because then they would have to have a

different reason for not being able to attract a member of the

opposite sex, get a better job, or, I knew one lady that told me that

she was glad her husband thought she was " too fat " ... it meant he

wasn't demanding to have sex all the time. Now, that doesn't sound

very healthy but that was her point of view.


So, if you go to level and ask the question, What are the benefits of

my being confined to the house or bed...what would your " angels " tell



There are no good reasons for you to stay where you are. You have put

yourself where you are and the good news is...you can get yourself

out of the situation. Once you make that decision, any of the methods

you've " tried " will work.








, " dawnvalley "

<dawnvalley wrote:


> Hello group,



> I know this is probably not the correct group for my question. But

> this group and two others are the closest I could get from sorting

> through all the .

> So please bear with me if I'm in the wrong group.



> ** Short background:


> I'm 32, and I've been bedridden for 12 years now, due to severe

> emotional and physical ailments.


> I must have been in treatment with about 50 healers over the past


> years. I've tried pretty much every self-help (like EFT etc) thing

> that I've come across (which I've been able to do myself).

> Nothing has worked so far and much of it has made it worse. I'm

> starting to think that I'm cursed or something. Something seems to


> sabotaging/blocking my progress. There's just too much that will


> on other people (including own family members) that absolutely will

> not work on me in order for it to be coincidence. I have tried so

> much in the past 11 years - and nothing has work. Its just not


> when I think about it.


> So, I've figured that I need some real insight. Insight to what is

> causing my symptoms and ailments - and most of all WHY they they


> happening.

> Understanding why could help me to find a way to deal with all


> If not that, at least it'll give me some better understanding about

> myself, which is always good and can't hurt.


> Also, being bedridden for 12 years (literally have not been out of

> the house for 11 years), you can imagine that my body is

> deteriorating more and more. I'm suffering ailments as a result of


> many years of inactivity.


> I feel the clock is ticking, and my body is about to give up. I


> to get out of this situation soon, as I worry that my body cannot


> on like this anymore like this for much longer. (its not just the

> inactivity, but also the severe stress the body is submitted to on


> daily basis, due to my emotional problems.)



> ** My question:


> I'm looking for a person with some clairvoyant abilities, I guess.

> Someone who can have a look at me/my being, possibly from a


> point of view. Someone who can look things from 'high up' if you


> what I mean.

> Forgive me, but I really don't know the proper terms to use. Maybe


> medical intuitive or intuitive in general. Some call is psychic

> readings. Some might confer with angels and then relay this message

> to me . Some might see something in a past life of mine that is

> causing what I'm going through right now. Am I making sense? I hope

> you understand what I mean.


> I'm not looking for healing.

> Basically, I just need to know what is going on, and, if possible,

> know what I can do to improve my situation and life in general. I

> don't care if people use tea leafs to do divination, go into astral

> travel or talk to spirits - if the information is correct, I can

> really do something with it. Doesn't matter how I got it.


> Could anyone point me to such a person that would be able to do


> a thing?

> And please, only if you have personal experience with him/her.

> I've wasted quiet a bit of money on clairvoyants that turned out to

> be absolutely, flat-out wrong about their readings. (I know because

> thing just didn't fit with facts in the real world). There was one

> that kind of made sense. And I'm hoping to hear from other

> clairvoyants who might see the same thing. If they do, I'd be


> certain that the information is factual.

> That would really help me a lot.


> So, if you could point me to a skilled person like that, I'd be

> really grateful.


> Thank you.


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Hi Page - and thanks for the reply.


You wrote:

> This is just my intuition speaking but it " feels " like you might

> be " enjoying " your bedrest. Not consciously but subconsciously


> are probably some hidden benefits of having someone pay attention


> you, bring you food, feel sorry for you, etc.



I just wish there was some way that I could tell my subconscious to

stop doing whatever it is doing!

There is absolutely NO logical reason for me to be doing this. (if

this is indeed so)


Thanks again for the reply. You gave me something to think about.




Oh, and PS: I always hide my ailments and am very embarrassed because

of them. I have no-one that comes to comfort me etc. I try to shy

away attention from it.


However, this does not mean you are wrong.

God only knows how this blasted subconscious works!

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Have you tried any DEEM (Donna Eden Energy Medicine) ?If not,

I would recommend that you read Donna Eden's book " Energy Medicine " .

It's in a lot of bookstores and can also be ordered from this

website: http://www.innersource.net/, also a good site to browse.

There is a lot to be learned therein and one of the first things I

would look into is the concept of being homolateral., in which

energies are not crossing correctly. If one is deeply homolateral it

can be very difficult to heal, regardless of what wonderful

modalities are being used. Donna gives exercises to correct this.

On the left side of the above linked page is a link for

recommended practitioners. You might check to see if anyone is near

you and start with an in person session if you feel drawn to this.





At 8:34 PM +0000 8/22/08, dawnvalley wrote:

>Hello group,


>I know this is probably not the correct group for my question. But

>this group and two others are the closest I could get from sorting

>through all the .

>So please bear with me if I'm in the wrong group.


>** Short background:


>I'm 32, and I've been bedridden for 12 years now, due to severe

>emotional and physical ailments.



" Be Yourself : Everyone Else is Taken. "

Oscar Wilde


" Animals are individuals who have a value independent of their

usefulness to others "

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As long as you feel the solution is something outside yourself, you're



A couple of your own statements may uncover some truth for you:


> I must have been in treatment with about 50 healers over

> the past 10 years.




> I'm not looking for healing.


What has been your payoff for visiting healers while not looking for

healing? What would it mean about you if you were in good physical

and emotional health?


What has been your payoff for being bedridden and in declining health?

Is there a kind of power or influence you associate with your

bedridden condition? What other emotions do you associate with being

bedridden (like feeling nurtured or cared for)?


What is the perceived payoff for things staying the same versus the

perceived lower payoff for regaining health? If regaining your

physical and emotional health was perceived by you to be more

desirable (valuable) than having things stay the same, what choice

would you make?


Some might think it strange to reply to your request with a bunch of

questions, but...


You pretty much say you are opinion shopping and that you already know

what's up, since you know what's true or not true that you've already

been told...


> There was one that kind of made sense. And I'm hoping to hear

> from other clairvoyants who might see the same thing.


= Opinion shopping.


> If they do, I'd be fairly certain that the information is factual.


= You already know what's going on and you can sense the truth.


What if you could use that same ability to sense truth to determine

for yourself what's going on for you?


And what if you stopped cursing yourself to poor health by what you

say to and about yourself and your state of health, physical and

emotional? What difference do you think making positive statements

about having improving health would make?


What would be different about things if you started by determining

what OUTCOME YOU WANT and focusing on that?


Everything you need, including your primary source of guidance, is

within you. Once you let yourself see that, the rest will begin to

fall into place.


So, how 'bout we point you to yourself as the answer-holder? How

would that feel?

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Hi Dawn


I am a total newbie to this group, but I have to reply to you, and I hope thats ok.


First I have to say you are incredibly brave to reach out in this way, and you seem to sound as if you have turned a corner in your thinking, and how you are to deal with your issues.


I am training to be a clinical hypnotherapist at the moment, and as part of my training have been practicing regular (should be daily but ..oh dear I'm human) self hypnosis which has been utterly enlightening for me. I have met and can now communicate with my guides, and have begun to just notice the voice of my intuition. ( & so much more!!)


My immediate response to your opening was to say that the fastest and most direct road to your subconscious is a hypnotic trance either self induced or even better by an experienced hypnotist. (Hypnotherapist if your go further to get therapy)


I read a reply from another member which rang these bells, as every problem was once a solution to something else, and every action has a pay-off. I think this is pretty much the basis for any type of psychotherapy.


I will share whatever information I have with you (and anyone), if you think you will find it useful. Just ask.


Please be assured though that we always do what our subconcious tells us to, regardless of any common sense or logical rational reasoning. The subconscious ALWAYS wins. So if you change that... you can achieve anything.


Brightest blessings to you, I won't send healing but I offer you any strength that my knowledge can afford.


Helen (Wolfgreenmoon )




dawnvalley <dawnvalley Sent: Friday, 22 August, 2008 9:34:32 PM Medical/Spiritual Reading


Hello group,I know this is probably not the correct group for my question. But this group and two others are the closest I could get from sorting through all the .So please bear with me if I'm in the wrong group.** Short background:I'm 32, and I've been bedridden for 12 years now, due to severe emotional and physical ailments.I must have been in treatment with about 50 healers over the past 10 years. I've tried pretty much every self-help (like EFT etc) thing that I've come across (which I've been able to do myself).Nothing has worked so far and much of it has made it worse. I'm starting to think that I'm cursed or something. Something seems to be sabotaging/blocking my progress. There's just too much that will work on other people (including own family members) that absolutely will not work on me in order for it to be coincidence. I have tried so much in the

past 11 years - and nothing has work. Its just not normal when I think about it.So, I've figured that I need some real insight. Insight to what is causing my symptoms and ailments - and most of all WHY they they are happening. Understanding why could help me to find a way to deal with all this. If not that, at least it'll give me some better understanding about myself, which is always good and can't hurt.Also, being bedridden for 12 years (literally have not been out of the house for 11 years), you can imagine that my body is deteriorating more and more. I'm suffering ailments as a result of so many years of inactivity.I feel the clock is ticking, and my body is about to give up. I need to get out of this situation soon, as I worry that my body cannot go on like this anymore like this for much longer. (its not just the inactivity, but also the severe stress the body is submitted to

on a daily basis, due to my emotional problems.)** My question:I'm looking for a person with some clairvoyant abilities, I guess.Someone who can have a look at me/my being, possibly from a spiritual point of view. Someone who can look things from 'high up' if you know what I mean.Forgive me, but I really don't know the proper terms to use. Maybe a medical intuitive or intuitive in general. Some call is psychic readings. Some might confer with angels and then relay this message to me . Some might see something in a past life of mine that is causing what I'm going through right now. Am I making sense? I hope you understand what I mean.I'm not looking for healing.Basically, I just need to know what is going on, and, if possible, know what I can do to improve my situation and life in general. I don't care if people use tea leafs to do divination, go into astral travel or talk to

spirits - if the information is correct, I can really do something with it. Doesn't matter how I got it.Could anyone point me to such a person that would be able to do such a thing?And please, only if you have personal experience with him/her.I've wasted quiet a bit of money on clairvoyants that turned out to be absolutely, flat-out wrong about their readings. (I know because thing just didn't fit with facts in the real world). There was one that kind of made sense. And I'm hoping to hear from other clairvoyants who might see the same thing. If they do, I'd be fairly certain that the information is factual.That would really help me a lot.So, if you could point me to a skilled person like that, I'd be really grateful.Thank you.Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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I'd go along with the advice to check on your own energies.  There is lots of help out there, but if you have

had so many problems finding someone who can help, you have to see what measures you can take to

be better prepared for the work.  We will also get to know you better over time.  I can't "read" you-- you

feel like you have a block.  But, then, I'm WAY down the list of talent in this group!

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