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Gimmy gimmy gimmy is NOT the road to success...

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--- , Aaron Kulkis <akulkis00 wrote:


> Dick wrote:

> > Wow.

> > Hi, I am new here, just been admitted, or permitted, which ever

the word

> > is I am hunting for here. Anyways, I read the stuff on the group


> > or front page and it blew my mind, so to meteorically speak that

is. All

> > these things it can do; amazing. Where would one start, on what


> > what to do and go for first. Wow. Any suggestions on that, and

then how

> > to go about it? Miracles, or perfuming them seem to be a good

place to

> > start me thinks, so how does one start going about that and


> > the power to do it. Then maybe a bit of astral travel; not sure

what it

> > is exactly but it sure sounds fun and exciting. Amazing. I am

not often

> > lost for words. So gimmy gimmy gimmy.

> >

> > Dick.



> Dick


> " Gimmy gimmy gimmy " is not the road to success, but the road to



> There is no " magic pill "


> 1. If you are expecting wisdom and other benefits to

> be just bestowed upon you via the internet, you will

> be sadly mistaken. Wisdom comes from within --

> from experience. Experience comes from doing

> things. Doing things is a result of getting your

> lazy ass out of the house and conquering whatever

> fears you have to actually put into practice what

> ever you read here or elsewhere.


> 2. Nobody here will give you anything, because NOBODY CAN.


> 3. ONLY YOU can *seek* *out* your opportunities to practice

> and perfect your technique, and ONLY YOU can MAKE THE

> MOST of those opportunities.


> Thus, the attitude to have is not the passive and childish

> " gimmy gimmy gimmy " but the active adult attitude of

> " seek out and make "


> 4. Be prepared to completely change your life as needed.


> If you are not willing to do that, then don't bother.


> The reason that the United States went from 3rd-rate

> swamp-land and forests, to undisputed world power in

> 150 years, even after a devastating Civil War, is

> partially because, as a land of immigrants, nearly

> everyone had, or was the offspring of someone who

> LITERALLY identified a life-changing opportunity for

> self-improvement, and FULLY committed themselves to

> the pursuit of that opportunity -- to the extent of

> making a very dangerous trans-oceanic voyage -- most

> across the very harsh North Atlantic.


> 5. Lastly, don't allow yourself to become captive to

> someone else's fantasies. Learn to distinguish the

> difference between that which you are not yet skilled

> enough to accomplish, and fairy tales. The ability

> to make these distinctions will come only from

> experience. (See #1 above).


Hi Aaron and Mary,


" Dick " is no longer with us.


He's offended that to learn our skills he needed to take some courses

from those 'expert' in the skills of that field.


He wanted only free stuff and believes that those that have a product

must be inferior bastards.


Well this 'inferior bastard' started this group to assist people in

learning certain skills that are actually very difficult to learn on

your own, by just reading a report or a post.


And to successfully acquire the skills that we talk about here some

very important attributes are really necessary.


1. You need to be adept at self-suggestion or self-hypnosis so you

can consciously go to alpha/theta brain wave and keep the mind

bridges open.


2. You need to have some workable knowledge and experience of NLP so

you know how to talk properly with your own unconscious mind and the

unconscious minds of others.


With those two skills, most of what we do here can be at least



Without them, nothing we do here is comprehendable no matter how

smart you think you are. You lack the necessary paradigms and filters

to live in our world.


So I suggest VERY STRONGLY that those who actually want to LEARN get

the RVing, RIing CD course and practice it for 30 days as we tell

them in the intro letter to this forum.


They can get it at www.mentaltrainingsecrets.com for $110 bucks right

now. The updated course will be around $500 bucks.


With the $110 course comes a free $100 bonus to those that order

within the next 5 days, or until all copies remaining (22) are gone.




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