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Group? How can this be applied to healing?

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--- eljwc <eljwc wrote:


> At 12:36 PM 16/08/2008, you wrote:

> >This is awful -_- No one has responded =/ It's been a year...

> >

> >--- " swo69ers " <swo69ers@> wrote:

> > >

> > > I can feel how to slide objects and will it to happen, but I


> > > actually make them slide; Can anyone give me some tips on

sliding and

> > > rolling?


> What have you been doing for the past year? What kinds of things

> have you been doing to make progress?


> Have you ever tried an Energy Wheel? These are easy to make with a

> piece of cardboard, long pin and drinking straw. Give it a go.


> http://www.abcinfo.com/engwhlx.htm


> Elroy


Nice link Elroy.


I've been using and teaching technologies out of that book since it

came out years ago.


Here's a few more ideas that might help the 'awful' guy.


In " Secret Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain " a lady in there was

able to do what he wants to do. To do it she accessed strong gamma

brain wave, and her heart beats went very very high. It really took

the life force out of her because she used her own energy instead of

being a conduit for 'other' energy.


Ingo Swann when tested also used high beta and gamma. Research done

with Targ and Putoff.


Richard Bartlett ( " Matrix Energetics " ) goes from beta to theta to

delta back to theta then to beta and then to gamma for his healings,

some which seem to be fantastic.


All energy healing of others is a form of TK and has been studied

extensively at Menninger institute by Dr. Elmer Green. See his

research on healer's and the Copper Room Experiments.


At Assisi in Italy (See " Human Energy Systems " ) there are the rooms

of the " flying frair " (Joseph of Cupertino). There are pictures there

showing Saint Joseph levitating. Because he did such strange things

at strange times the church authorities attempted to hide him.


Then there is that Englishman (Daniel Homes)that went into estascy

and floated out one window and into another window in front of

hundreds of reliable witnesses.


Of course there are others like Padre Pio, blab, blab, blab.


Most of the above were NOT the normal person.


Some of those that have been checked out scientifically have more

developed portions of the brain than the average human does. For

example Swann's visual centers are much thicker than normal.


What I'm curious about is " why is this information important to him " ?


Curiosity? An ego trip? Making money rolling dice?


John M. La Tourrette, PhD

PS according to the research it seems it is NEVER done with 'will

power' but with strong intention from a trained coherent mind that

has been developed in a certain manner. Studing then applying the

concepts from Lynn McTaggert's book, " The Power of Intention " might

be a fun thing to do.

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