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Why the energy flow of the girdle is vastly important

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The other thing is that if the belt flow if cut off - I think you are

more likely to develop a lot of weight in the stomach/abdominal area.

You can get fat here real easy. And this is a big problem for those

of us on the usual American diet. I have this problem which is why I

should do fix the belt flow 2 X a day.


For peak performance athletes, I mean those who are into martial

arts, or heavy throwing - if you don't do the belt flow drill then

you are not going to have even half as much power as you could have.


It's a good drill. I got it when I showed up for the Kahuna Mind

Bridge seminar you gave. I really got it when I bought the Joy Circuit seminar

DVDs you produced about 5 years ago on special sale. I watched that part a few

times and then

practiced it.


This isn't even 7% of what that drill can do for you, for your

chakras, for your polarity, for your ability to access different

levels of consciousness, and more.





On Sep 5, 2008, at 3:15 PM, docspeed2001 wrote:


> Here are some of my musings on the belt flow for performance issues.


> When the belt flow is cut off your legs don't move as good as they

> are capable.


> You cannot 'center' physically as an athlete.


> Your 'ground' is only partial.


> Your propioceptives are a bit off. Your ability to judge distances is

> off. Your balance is slightly off.


> And you are probably homolateral and bumping into things.


> (Please notice I'm leaving all the neat things about meridians,

> chakras, 8's, etc out of this post because of two reasons: 1) it's

> not pertinent to where I'm going, and 2) it would take a book.)


> None of the above is any good for peak performance of athletes...or

> for hiking in the hills or climbing a ladder.


> But doing the belt flow is just the start of where someone into

> physical peak performance, or hiking in the hills, or climbing a

> ladder wants to go.


> For maximum centeredness, grounding, and performance certain physical

> positions, knee flex, foot balance points, body parts alignment,

> single points of angles, and much else also needs to be added to the

> energy mix.


> If you are into a sport that uses the legs, even if you do the belt

> flow, by standing incorrectly the belt flow will almost instantly go

> out.


> On the other hand if the belt flow is out, but you know how to

> properly physically center than the belt flow is connected instantly

> with the change in physical stance.


> Energy Testing is a mandatory skill to have so that those that have

> lousy (underdeveloped) calibrations skills can notice the difference

> between being belt hooked up, and belt not hooked up.


> Beginners can't notice and 'talk' will never convince or motivate

> them to do the damn drills.


> But the validation and verification of an energy test will help

> tremendous if you then give them the benefits of doing drills X, Y

> and Z.


> John M. La Tourrette, PhD

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Will you please detail the ABCs of the BeltFlow ? This is a brand new term and concept to me and I'd appreciate hearing it the way you'd explain to a three-year old. Thank you!

peace, Tom (older than three, but somedays need some chicken soup)J. Thomas Acklin MD 571-278-4326 "Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." -Arundhati Roy--- On Tue, 9/9/08, phornepax <phornepax wrote:

phornepax <phornepax Why the energy flow of the girdle is vastly important , "Mind Mastery List" <mindmastery-essentialskills >, speedhitting-essentialskills Date: Tuesday, September 9, 2008, 2:30 AM



The other thing is that if the belt flow if cut off - I think you are more likely to develop a lot of weight in the stomach/abdominal area. You can get fat here real easy. And this is a big problem for those of us on the usual American diet. I have this problem which is why I should do fix the belt flow 2 X a day.For peak performance athletes, I mean those who are into martial arts, or heavy throwing - if you don't do the belt flow drill then you are not going to have even half as much power as you could have.It's a good drill. I got it when I showed up for the Kahuna Mind Bridge seminar you gave. I really got it when I bought the Joy Circuit seminar DVDs you produced about 5 years ago on special sale. I watched that part a few times and then practiced it.This isn't even 7% of what that drill can do for you, for your chakras, for your polarity, for your ability to access different

levels of consciousness, and more.VanWagnerwww.astralatlas. comOn Sep 5, 2008, at 3:15 PM, docspeed2001 wrote:> Here are some of my musings on the belt flow for performance issues.>> When the belt flow is cut off your legs don't move as good as they> are capable.>> You cannot 'center' physically as an athlete.>> Your 'ground' is only partial.>> Your propioceptives are a bit off. Your ability to judge distances is> off. Your balance is slightly off.>> And you are probably homolateral and bumping into things.>> (Please notice I'm leaving all the neat things about meridians,> chakras, 8's, etc out of this post because of two reasons: 1) it's> not pertinent to where I'm going, and 2) it would take a book.)>> None of the above is any good for peak performance of athletes...or> for hiking in

the hills or climbing a ladder.>> But doing the belt flow is just the start of where someone into> physical peak performance, or hiking in the hills, or climbing a> ladder wants to go.>> For maximum centeredness, grounding, and performance certain physical> positions, knee flex, foot balance points, body parts alignment,> single points of angles, and much else also needs to be added to the> energy mix.>> If you are into a sport that uses the legs, even if you do the belt> flow, by standing incorrectly the belt flow will almost instantly go> out.>> On the other hand if the belt flow is out, but you know how to> properly physically center than the belt flow is connected instantly> with the change in physical stance.>> Energy Testing is a mandatory skill to have so that those that have> lousy (underdeveloped)

calibrations skills can notice the difference> between being belt hooked up, and belt not hooked up.>> Beginners can't notice and 'talk' will never convince or motivate> them to do the damn drills.>> But the validation and verification of an energy test will help> tremendous if you then give them the benefits of doing drills X, Y> and Z.>> John M. La Tourrette, PhD

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Here are the basic energy systems:http://www.energymed.org/hbank/handouts/principles_ener_med.htmBelt flow is one of the radiant circuits. Donna and David's article on belt flow is here:http://www.energymed.org/hbank/handouts/belt_flow_equator.htm Helen DriscollOn Sep 9, 2008, at 3:25 AM, Thomas Acklin wrote:Will you please detail the ABCs of the BeltFlow ?  This is a brand new term and concept to me and I'd appreciate hearing it the way you'd explain to a three-year old.  Thank you!peace,  Tom   (older than three, but somedays need some chicken soup)J. Thomas Acklin MD 571-278-4326 "Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." -Arundhati Roy

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Check out Donna Eden's Energy Medicine book. You might be able to get it

at your local library before deciding you might want to purchase it. The

belt flow and so many other techniques is explained well in the book. It

is worth spending the time and effort to check it out.


Also good is the Energy Medicine Kit which contains a DVD of Donna doing

several exercises, a CD with the oral instructions for the exercises,

some " cue cards " with written instructions and pictures/drawings of what

is being discussed and a brief Guidebook plus a glass crystal. It can

take less time for an introduction than reading the book and was my own

way of starting. The Kit does not include info on the Belt Flow. It has

other very useful energy exercises and seeing them being done was very

useful to me.


Mary Nelson




Thomas Acklin wrote:


> Will you please detail the ABCs of the BeltFlow ? This is a brand new

> term and concept to me and I'd appreciate hearing it the way you'd

> explain to a three-year old. Thank you!

> peace, Tom (older than three, but somedays need some chicken soup)


> J. Thomas Acklin MD

> 571-278-4326


> " Another world is not only possible, she is on her way.

> On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing. "

> -Arundhati Roy


> --- On *Tue, 9/9/08, phornepax /<phornepax/* wrote:


> phornepax <phornepax

> Why the energy flow of

> the girdle is vastly important

> , " Mind Mastery

> List " <mindmastery-essentialskills >,

> speedhitting-essentialskills

> Tuesday, September 9, 2008, 2:30 AM


> The other thing is that if the belt flow if cut off - I think you are

> more likely to develop a lot of weight in the stomach/abdominal area.

> You can get fat here real easy. And this is a big problem for those

> of us on the usual American diet. I have this problem which is why I

> should do fix the belt flow 2 X a day.


> For peak performance athletes, I mean those who are into martial

> arts, or heavy throwing - if you don't do the belt flow drill then

> you are not going to have even half as much power as you could have.


> It's a good drill. I got it when I showed up for the Kahuna Mind

> Bridge seminar you gave. I really got it when I bought the Joy

> Circuit seminar

> DVDs you produced about 5 years ago on special sale. I watched

> that part a few times and then

> practiced it.


> This isn't even 7% of what that drill can do for you, for your

> chakras, for your polarity, for your ability to access different

> levels of consciousness, and more.


> VanWagner

> www.astralatlas. com


> On Sep 5, 2008, at 3:15 PM, docspeed2001 wrote:


> > Here are some of my musings on the belt flow for performance issues.

> >

> > When the belt flow is cut off your legs don't move as good as they

> > are capable.

> >

> > You cannot 'center' physically as an athlete.

> >

> > Your 'ground' is only partial.

> >

> > Your propioceptives are a bit off. Your ability to judge

> distances is

> > off. Your balance is slightly off.

> >

> > And you are probably homolateral and bumping into things.

> >

> > (Please notice I'm leaving all the neat things about meridians,

> > chakras, 8's, etc out of this post because of two reasons: 1) it's

> > not pertinent to where I'm going, and 2) it would take a book.)

> >

> > None of the above is any good for peak performance of athletes...or

> > for hiking in the hills or climbing a ladder.

> >

> > But doing the belt flow is just the start of where someone into

> > physical peak performance, or hiking in the hills, or climbing a

> > ladder wants to go.

> >

> > For maximum centeredness, grounding, and performance certain

> physical

> > positions, knee flex, foot balance points, body parts alignment,

> > single points of angles, and much else also needs to be added to the

> > energy mix.

> >

> > If you are into a sport that uses the legs, even if you do the belt

> > flow, by standing incorrectly the belt flow will almost instantly go

> > out.

> >

> > On the other hand if the belt flow is out, but you know how to

> > properly physically center than the belt flow is connected instantly

> > with the change in physical stance.

> >

> > Energy Testing is a mandatory skill to have so that those that have

> > lousy (underdeveloped) calibrations skills can notice the difference

> > between being belt hooked up, and belt not hooked up.

> >

> > Beginners can't notice and 'talk' will never convince or motivate

> > them to do the damn drills.

> >

> > But the validation and verification of an energy test will help

> > tremendous if you then give them the benefits of doing drills X, Y

> > and Z.

> >

> > John M. La Tourrette, PhD



> _

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