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Lynne McTaggart this morning and what is not wanted

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This morning at 9 a.m. PDT there is going to be a mass Peace Intention

Experiment started by Lynne McTaggart.


What has me a bit concerned is that they plan to show scenes of great

suffering at the beginning and want the participants to really take that

suffering into our hearts. It feels like that will be sufficient to put

many or most of us in a " what I don't want " mode of focusing on lots of

suffering rather than focusing on what is wanted, e.g. sufficient food,

housing, safety, etc.


From their description it really is not necessary to add to the

suffering of the place they have chosen to focus on. I would wish that

they show some hopeful scenes afterwards to shift the mind into going

towards what is wanted. Once I know what place they chose, I might not

watch the scenes so I CAN focus on what is wanted.


Mary Nelson


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