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What heals them & what just covers the pain!

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I just read an interesting discussion on the " physicians " group, a

group to which I do NOT belong because my PhD is in Sports Psychology

and I'm not a medical doctor. I'm a Peak Performance Coach and that

group is for medical doctors. I do not match their given criteria.


But I do go on and read their posts because I want to know and learn

from them.


And the interesting part was NOT about the lady with the " issues " but

was about the solid paradigms that are being expressed.


The group is now open to the public, but the reasons it's open to the

public is so the public can read 'the doctor's' post and NOT to talk

with the doctors about what they are doing energitically with the

client. So it's a one-sided conversation.


Which is cool. Especially if that was stated at the beginning.


It reminds me of when I started studying with Donna 11 years ago, and

me being very educated (Wood humor coming through) and good at what I

was ALREADY DOING that I just 'cherry-picked' Donna's materials to

add to what I already knew.


So I totally ignored much stuff that did NOT fit into the world

of " John " .


Well, it's taken me 11 years to finally NOTICE that Donna has a

complete package, and that 'package' should be learned in totality

BEFORE, and EXPERIENCED in a clinical session many times BEFORE being

allowed to 'cherry-pick'.


What I'm seeing happening on that group is 'just more cherry-picking'

and I do NOT see an integration of EEM with the medical

sciences...which again is okay with me.


I'm just curious to " WHY NOT? " , especially since EM is very easy to



But it takes MORE TIME, much more time.


I've 19 MD's that train with me. I've taught a few of them some of

the EM tactics. One fellow loves it but cannot use it because it does

not fit into the 2-3 minutes of time that he gets with each client.


So to use any EM he would need to allocate at least 1 hr (or 1 1/2

hrs) per session and he cannot survive business wise doing that...and

he would have trouble explaining it to the insurance people who

really pay all the fees.


For example it only takes a minute to inject 80 mgs of Depo-Medrol

for spinal pain or sciatica, but it takes 2 hrs of on the table with



The question is, " What heals them? " and " What just covers the pain? "


What do you people think?


John M. La Tourrette, PhD

The developer of the 3 Year Kahuna Healing Intensive,

For more FREE TIPS go to http://mentaltrainingsecrets.com

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Doc -


Maybe EM could be integrated into a holistic medical practice by

dividing up the work, so to speak.


Maybe a holistic medical team would devote an EM practitioner to

treatment on the table, just not by a doctor. Prescribed, like rehab

is prescribed.


This thread is really interesting -- because I'm seeing it in

practice this week.


My older sister came to visit and landed in a local hospital with

acute kidney failure -- again.


I went to see her at the Emergency Ward before they admitted her to

the ICU. She has profound medical problems -- but an astonishing

spirit and strength. (and unbelievably stubborn!!)


I worked on her for the 3 -4 hours (on and off) waiting to admit her

into the hospital.


Forget testing -- too stressful. She was in too much pain. (I did

check the monitors to see what brought her pulse down)


Plus, she' s an above the knee amputee -- so I have to really

concentrate on connecting to specific meridian points and flow.


Renal failure floods the blood with potassium -- which means muscle

cells can't contract. Cross crawls quickly became a bad idea!!


I simply couldn't connect to energy in her lower body. So I worked

with her radiant circuits - which she really like. Triple warmer/

hookup/ holding neurovasculars. Regulator flow, pulling energy down

her body. Clearing chakras.


KI and sedating kidney. (Which I could not feel a connection to!!)


Today, I finally felt contact with KI -- but only after doing that

female vortex swirl off the bottom of her body, like Donna did in the

Energy Medicine for Women CD I have.


This level of EM is much more like rehab work .... most of the work

was in teasing out the energy channels so I could connect! (they way

rehab technicians work to get the muscle/joints to engage in that

first new motion)


Deep healing is so superior to chemically masking the symptoms, but

requires COMMITMENT to healing....





On Oct 1, 2008, at 3:07 PM, docspeed2001 wrote:



> But it takes MORE TIME, much more time.


> I've 19 MD's that train with me. I've taught a few of them some of

> the EM tactics. One fellow loves it but cannot use it because it does

> not fit into the 2-3 minutes of time that he gets with each client.


> So to use any EM he would need to allocate at least 1 hr (or 1 1/2

> hrs) per session and he cannot survive business wise doing that...and

> he would have trouble explaining it to the insurance people who

> really pay all the fees.


> For example it only takes a minute to inject 80 mgs of Depo-Medrol

> for spinal pain or sciatica, but it takes 2 hrs of on the table with

> EM.


> The question is, " What heals them? " and " What just covers the pain? "


> What do you people think?


> John M. La Tourrette, PhD

> The developer of the 3 Year Kahuna Healing Intensive,

> For more FREE TIPS go to http://mentaltrainingsecrets.com




> ---



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At 11:17 PM 10/1/2008, you wrote:

Doc -

Maybe EM could be integrated into a holistic medical practice by

dividing up the work, so to speak.

Hi, Helen and all--my small-town doctor already does this for many

things--physical therapy for instance, but so far not for EM, although my

doctor IS becoming curious. Who knows, she might start including

some of that in her treatment plans. I really think this is the way

to go for integrating EM into regular practice.

What's made her so curious is that my HCV viral count continues to drop,

and this is primarily due to what I've learned from Donna Eden's books

and dvds. Then I used Silva when a largish lump was discovered in

my breast---and by the time my appointment for the mammogram rolled

around, it had totally vanished. They took another one, then an

ultrasound, still no lump. So she's very curious about what I use,

and always asks me about what I'm doing, etc. She's even written

down the titles of some of the books--not sure if she bought them, but

I'm betting she did.

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Teach " them " how to catch fish.


Stop giving them fish.





> For example it only takes a minute to inject 80 mgs of Depo-Medrol

> for spinal pain or sciatica, but it takes 2 hrs of on the table


> EM.


> The question is, " What heals them? " and " What just covers the pain? "


> What do you people think?


> John M. La Tourrette, PhD

> The developer of the 3 Year Kahuna Healing Intensive,

> For more FREE TIPS go to http://mentaltrainingsecrets.com


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Jeanne -That is just so great! I've seen MD's get curious when they see a vibrancy in someone. So, it's not just the test results (which is great confirmation) -- but when they observe radiance and vibrancy. (most people that are in the waiting rooms are just so amazing dull and listless!)Maybe turning on our radiant circuits before we see our doc's helps convince them :) Helen Driscoll On Oct 2, 2008, at 5:10 AM, Jeanne Garner wrote: At 11:17 PM 10/1/2008, you wrote: Doc - Maybe EM could be integrated into a holistic medical practice by dividing up the work, so to speak. Hi, Helen and all--my small-town doctor already does this for many things--physical therapy for instance, but so far not for EM, although my doctor IS becoming curious.  Who knows, she might start including some of that in her treatment plans.  I really think this is the way to go for integrating EM into regular practice. What's made her so curious is that my HCV viral count continues to drop, and this is primarily due to what I've learned from Donna Eden's books and dvds.  Then I used Silva when a largish lump was discovered in my breast---and by the time my appointment for the mammogram rolled around, it had totally vanished.  They took another one, then an ultrasound, still no lump.  So she's very curious about what I use, and always asks me about what I'm doing, etc.  She's even written down the titles of some of the books--not sure if she bought them, but I'm betting she did.

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