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the power of a negative propulsion system

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<wells@> wrote:


> > In my article, I argued that negative thoughts don't have as much

> >power as many people believe they do and that negative feelings


> >not necessarily negative, it is avoidance of negative feelings


> >can create more of a problem. Acceptance can be a powerful tool


> >change...

> > That article has had a lot of response with people writing very

> >insightful comments. If anyone is interested to read the full

> >article, it can be found at: <http://www.eftdownunder.com/blog/?


> > http://www.eftdownunder.com/blog/?p=8


> Hi Steve,

> I've enjoyed your posts and used that information and approach with

>my own clients for years.

> I did like the follow-up article to the above article. Article

> #9. " More Controversial Views on Peak Performance and Success "

> John La Tourrette



Just a note here, I think that what we are talking about is the

difference in propulsion systems.


A propulsion system is much more action orientated than anything in

the LOA or in the 'Secret'. It is very away-from emotional driven.


Michael Jordan's propulsion system was his high school failure to

make the varsity team became the stimulus to his success.


The original Provocative Therapy by Frank Farrelly was based upon

propulsion systems.


(I still remember being chastised by a trainer, 1980, because I'd

used one of Farrelly's methods, with tremendous success. That

particular trainer considered that type of intervention 'evil'. She

was Metal/Earth and I was Wood/Metal. We had different paradigms on

how to get results.)


Warren Buffet's propulsion system is " Don't lose money! "


Anything that gets us off our butts to do something important always

seems to be a stick and NEVER a carrot.


Donna Eden's primary propulsion system for getting the book " Energy

Medicine " done was, " I don't want to die and have everything I know,

lost forever " . That's when David and Donna set out on their voyage

of 'action'...and I'm glad they did.


David Feinstein's propulsion system for learning EP was being asked

at a 5 day DE energy medicine intensive, " What do you think of energy

psychology since you are a psychologist? " And David did not have an

answer to that question. David feels he needs to know. So he

massively went after all the existent work in EP (starting with Fred

Gallo) until he'd researched, learned, experienced and became an

authority in that field.


When Richard Bandler works with a client he finds their propulsion

system first, what they don't want...and then finds what they do want.


So we got them.


The down side is those negative propulsion systems seem to have a

negative effect on our bodies after 20 yrs or so of being motivated

that way. Triple Warmer, flight, freeze or fight responses will cause

body imbalances. Most people that are propelled that way don't care.


Methods of getting grounded and balanced are important.


John La Tourrette, PhD

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> Methods of getting grounded and balanced are important.


So, Doc., where to begin?

The negative DEMANDS first attention because the organism must survive

threats to homeostasis before it can indulge in the pleasures of life.

Trying to improve the perfect is Man's greatest arrogance in thinking he can

fix God's design.

Acceptance of what " Is " , is the only way.

Grounding and Balance?

Ground with YANG. Your Mast and your Keel are constants in the storm while

your Sails and your Rudder[yins] adjust to the changing field.

What is steady in your life?

Where is the center of your Cyclone?

Anchor there and then enjoy the ride.

David and Donna's most powerful propulsion is the enthusiasm and

acceptance of their students.

We don't need no stinking propulsion systems when we're life surfing. The

propulsion comes from the field.


If you're balanced it's an exhilarating ride.

If not...











" docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001


Wednesday, October 08, 2008 5:53 PM

the power of a negative

propulsion system



> <wells@> wrote:


>> > In my article, I argued that negative thoughts don't have as much

>> >power as many people believe they do and that negative feelings

> are

>> >not necessarily negative, it is avoidance of negative feelings

> that

>> >can create more of a problem. Acceptance can be a powerful tool

> for

>> >change...

>> > That article has had a lot of response with people writing very

>> >insightful comments. If anyone is interested to read the full

>> >article, it can be found at: <http://www.eftdownunder.com/blog/?

> p=8>

>> > http://www.eftdownunder.com/blog/?p=8


>> Hi Steve,

>> I've enjoyed your posts and used that information and approach with

>>my own clients for years.

>> I did like the follow-up article to the above article. Article

>> #9. " More Controversial Views on Peak Performance and Success "

>> John La Tourrette



> Just a note here, I think that what we are talking about is the

> difference in propulsion systems.


> A propulsion system is much more action orientated than anything in

> the LOA or in the 'Secret'. It is very away-from emotional driven.


> Michael Jordan's propulsion system was his high school failure to

> make the varsity team became the stimulus to his success.


> The original Provocative Therapy by Frank Farrelly was based upon

> propulsion systems.


> (I still remember being chastised by a trainer, 1980, because I'd

> used one of Farrelly's methods, with tremendous success. That

> particular trainer considered that type of intervention 'evil'. She

> was Metal/Earth and I was Wood/Metal. We had different paradigms on

> how to get results.)


> Warren Buffet's propulsion system is " Don't lose money! "


> Anything that gets us off our butts to do something important always

> seems to be a stick and NEVER a carrot.


> Donna Eden's primary propulsion system for getting the book " Energy

> Medicine " done was, " I don't want to die and have everything I know,

> lost forever " . That's when David and Donna set out on their voyage

> of 'action'...and I'm glad they did.


> David Feinstein's propulsion system for learning EP was being asked

> at a 5 day DE energy medicine intensive, " What do you think of energy

> psychology since you are a psychologist? " And David did not have an

> answer to that question. David feels he needs to know. So he

> massively went after all the existent work in EP (starting with Fred

> Gallo) until he'd researched, learned, experienced and became an

> authority in that field.


> When Richard Bandler works with a client he finds their propulsion

> system first, what they don't want...and then finds what they do want.


> So we got them.


> The down side is those negative propulsion systems seem to have a

> negative effect on our bodies after 20 yrs or so of being motivated

> that way. Triple Warmer, flight, freeze or fight responses will cause

> body imbalances. Most people that are propelled that way don't care.


> Methods of getting grounded and balanced are important.


> John La Tourrette, PhD

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There's a scene in the movie Invicible -- a true story of a walk-on pro

football player...


Just before running out to the field for his first pro debut, he stops

at his locker and reads a hand written note...


" You'll never amount to anything. You're a big loser. "


It was written by his dad.


The dude was motivated.





> When Richard Bandler works with a client he finds their propulsion

> system first, what they don't want...and then finds what they do want.


> So we got them.


> The down side is those negative propulsion systems seem to have a

> negative effect on our bodies after 20 yrs or so of being motivated

> that way. Triple Warmer, flight, freeze or fight responses will cause

> body imbalances. Most people that are propelled that way don't care.


> Methods of getting grounded and balanced are important.


> John La Tourrette, PhD


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