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You Too Can Be Pure!

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Hi Doc,


It's funny how you can read something, and like in this, case I don't even know

the context of the original statements, but you come across something, and it

triggers all sorts of ideas and thoughts that are important to you...


I do like your comments on having a thought doesn't mean you'll take action.


I remember that first time I went to one of your seminars back in 2000.


It's funny how I always remember that event for some reason.


I wanted to go to that seminar and KNEW I " HAD " to go to it.


It's difficult to explain, other than sometimes you just KNOW when you have to

do something. There's a picture, a location, and even though I was used to

telling myself all the reasons why something couldn't work, the picture location

and the feelings said " You HAVE to find a way to make it happen! "


So once we got to that seminar, one of the things you talked about was

" Thoughts, Words, and Actions! "


You also talked about " Segment Intending, " and in fact, the training exercises

for that seminar were ENTIRELY about " segment intending. "


And Law of Allowing (haha I'm still learning that one!), Law of Attraction

(still learning that one) and healing (still learning that one too).


You went over reasons why people's unpure thoughts get in the way of them

getting anything done.


And how to fix it.


Well, recently I needed some answers.


So I went to level to get answers.


This time I went there to get answers instead of what I used to do, which was

" Please, God help me know what I'm supposed to do! Please God provide answer X

for me! "


What's funny is how it works exactly the way you said it does: I got MORE

answers than I have time to take action on right away.


So I went over the steps you have given before on what you do when there's more

good answers to take action on than you have physical time to actually do.


And answers started to come to mind in multiple ways:


1) The answers at level on what things to do right now.


2) The answers that came in the form of emails or other things that " happened "

which normally wouldn't have been significant (in fact, one of them could almost

be considered " junk " by most people), but BECAUSE OF my mental programming and

the ACTION I was already taking, those things triggered more ideas which either

led to:


a) new ways I could do things better than I was doing them before, and

b) interest in specific types of research which led to more ideas and which

led to specific answers about what it is I want to know and do.


I Remote Viewed one of the possibilities for taking action, using the formula

you taught me to know if an answer is good for you or not, and I even wrote to

you and asked you about the answer I got, which didn't make any sense to me.


And now after taking some action on that answer, I see what the answer meant for



One of the answers I got while doing ADDITIONAL MENTAL PROGRAMMING for answers

was " Go back over Doc's notes from that seminar! "


I thought that was strange because I had recently gone over those notes in the

last few weeks anyway, and I was pretty sure I just wanted to go to sleep.


So I got my butt up out of bed and got the notebook (which is falling apart) and

went over the pages.


I won't say here the specific answers I got while doing that, other than it was

interesting to note how much time you spent on Segment Intending and PURITY OF

THOUGHT (you didn't say it in those words, because most of us didn't go there to

learn how to be " pure " ) is necessary to get what you want, and how unpure

thoughts get in the way of manifesting what it is you want.


And I looked back on the recent Programming I've done AND the answers I've

gotten: It was because of a specific and pure segment intending.


" Purity of thought is to WILL ONE THING! "


Which presupposes proper segment intending. It also presupposes something more

than just " thinking about it " .


When I started this email, I didn't think it was going to be this long, but

there's some good stuff here for those who take the time to read it. Maybe

you'll want to go over it again and again.


Thanks Doc!



who is learning to be pure by doing what I want


P.S. And just by DOING something here, I now have my next 3 or 4 articles and a

couple of video clips I can post online. WOW!


P.S.S. Damn! I just now got even MORE ideas from this that I don't have time

to do, so now I go back again to that process you taught us on how to know which

ones to actually DO.



>docspeed2001 <docspeed2001

>Oct 10, 2008 12:59 PM


> Crap! You can have it all-if you

believe like " I " do!



>essentialskills , " magicalthoght " wrote:


>> You are responsible for your choice of conversation and your

>>thought, hence your actions.




>They don't go together in that way.


>Just because you have a thought does NOT mean you'll take that action.


>If so, you just might be in spirit form right now because some one

>would have erased your body from planet earth.


>And many people NEVER talk about (conversation) about what they

>really think.


>If they did they'd have no friends.


>Junko logic.


>Actually 'stupid' logic.


>> Your practice of belief, your realization and connection to the

>> divine, the purity of your being is limited by immature and

>> self-serving demonstrations.


>Get over it.


>Again you are confusing all you are talking about.


>A belief is a opinion that you've accepted.


>You obviously have accepted some weird stuff.


>Do NOT attempt to spread your BS here.


>The BS about 'purity of being' is pure judgemental and non-valid.


>Grow up!


>We are all humans and are limited. We are all divine and limited. So

>knock off the crap.


>Of course those limits are WAAAAY beyond where we are now...and

>beyond our current comprehension.


>>It is easy to go alone with the flow and

>> not to make waves - to be safe. Being extraordinary means taking the

>> risk of leadership that come with it.


>More platitudes of crap.


>And I'm being nice.


>I deleted the rest of michel's posts and flushed it.


>Too early in the morning to read that 'crap propaganda' on a list

>that is about healing energy and is NOT about her Bull-Shit.


>Huggy Feely

>John M. La Tourrette, PhD






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