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re: Barbara101's questions/ newbie

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I recieved a message from Barbara101 about the small amount of infromation I

sent as my application. In the past and even that day I tried to send more info

but since the field only allows 200 characters it is very liniting. I had to

delete a couple sentences before it finally took. I am glad to share more and

look forward to the learning experience here.


I do have  viosion difficulties so forgive the message errors at times.

I was at the lowest point in my life when I decided to go to a local rcok shop

as I had loved stones as a kid.  Some of the details I honestly dont remember

due to health realted brain fog, but that and some attempts at using healing

touch to reduce my own pain levels gave me a sense of power back I had

completely lost.

I had seen an improvement after I was diagnosed with severe vitamin D deficiency

and was able to hold a parttime job. On July 3 I was admited to the hospital

from a doctors appointment when the doctor said she thought I was having a

myasthenia gravis crisis. I could hardly talk my breathing was so bad and

walking was worse than normal. This came on after my shower that day.

I have wondered if the universe is telling me I need to do something diffetent

with my life. If there is unattended business. I am an incest survivor..the

abusers being both my maternal grandparents. I have had the gift of an

extraordinary therapist that helped me wade thought alot of this but maybe there

is more to do. I was never able to fully go into what my grandmother did to me.

This week I had a pulomonary stress test (on bicycle) and for some reason I had

a major body memory that nite that woke me. I had stopped having these. But now

they are back.


I am dealing with trememdous sadness at not being strong enough to even go see

much less babysit my grandbabies. They are the lite of my life.

I am experiencing a great deal of fear...which is so very hard to admit since it

makes me feel as vulnerable as when I was a kid. Since 7-3 incidnet I have lost

so much body strength that I have to have my groceries delivered and when I go

to tests or appointments have to ask for a wheel chair. Being in a wheel chair

really hits me in the 'helpless gonna abused again' place.

I have considered that the usual work world is not a place for me and I need to

look at pursuing my healing gifts to share and or get more into my art in a form

that could help support me. I have even wondered about combining the two. Over

time maybe that could help me heal...even go into remission.


I need to make some decision soon in that the university hospital I went to did

most of the test for myasthenia gravis and they came back negative. But the

medication mestinon corrects my breathing and does help my body strength. They

wont give me the expensive treatments tho like IVIG based on this tho. And that

could get me back to at least seeing my grandbabies more normally.....they miss

me alot.

I have an appointment at Mayo clinic for more testing for MG on 12-16 but it

will be a huge hardship for my girls who are working moms to take me.  I have

inlisted a local lung doc who seems great and appalled that I am this bad and

not clearly diagnosed and under treatment. He is the one who oreded these new

tests. He said this stress test was really, really bad. I get the full results

when I see him 10-22. He had suggested a muscle biopsy.

I am so chemically sensitive that I dont even know if I could tolerate IVIG and

docs and staff really tend to look at me like I am crazy when I warn them about

this. I need cataract surgery and I am getting the same response....another

reason I need to feel better sooner...so I can tolerate the cataract surgery.

Now my arms are too weak to do all the eye drops it demands...and that assumes

the surgery and drugs dont weaken me more.

Ok need to sign off here.....this is turning into a novel. I so want to well so

I dont have to talk about all this stuff anymore.



sorry if this comes over as large and dark text...I need it so I can see.






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Hi Kathy,


Do you have Donna Eden's Energy Medicine book and/or Energy Medicine Kit?

You mentioned in your previous email that you are using EM (energy medicine)

to reduce pain - was that Healing Touch? (you mention that and stones in

this email).


I highly recommend that you get Donna Eden's book and kit -- so you can

start creating and doing a " 5-minute " energetic routine. You can start

today by learning what you can by checking out the video excerpts that Donna

has generously allowed to be on YouTube. Start doing these exercises:

http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%22Donna+Eden%22 & search_type= & aq


But do get the EM book and the kit!! www.innersource.net


Also look into Energy Psychology like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique

www.emofree.com - free manual available for download) - check YouTube for

some intro videos...


I hope that you are now taking a Vit. D3 supplement since you found out you

are Vit. D deficient (most people are and should get it checked and/or just

start supplementing at least 1,000mg/daily - you can always energy-test to

see what dose your body desires)....


Many blessings,


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Yes I have Donna's book but not the kit. Money is very low as I lost my

job with the hospitalization/myasthenic crisis so I am glad there is

some offerings on youtube.


What I have found the most success with for pain are stones. When I

first went to the store I noticed some stones caused a response in

me..physically. I bought them and did research. It turns out they are

generally calming stones and/or good for pain or the nervous system.

Laboradorite, dumoterite and angelite are the strongest for me. I used

alot of agate at first because it was so cheap.


I have alot to learn when it comes to terminology so I am not sure how

to define what I do with my hands. Given the trouble with reading and

memory I am having I have tried to trust my instincts. I do have more

time to read now so learning tho slow will be possible. Visual learning

is always best for me. I do have the short DVD of Donna and enjoyed that



Question: My daughter who has started to dabble is pregnant for the

second time and has asked me why her hands are so intensely hot. She has

used them to reduce pain at nite when she is in bed. She was pleased it

worked. She said her feet are unusually hot too but hands the worse.

She has experienced knowing what is gonna happen before it happens and I

got her hooked up with some amazing body work people in the past 3 years

so she has slowly become more open.







, " lunarmm "

<lunarmm wrote:


> Hi Kathy,


> Do you have Donna Eden's Energy Medicine book and/or Energy Medicine


> You mentioned in your previous email that you are using EM (energy


> to reduce pain - was that Healing Touch? (you mention that and stones


> this email).


> I highly recommend that you get Donna Eden's book and kit -- so you


> start creating and doing a " 5-minute " energetic routine. You can start

> today by learning what you can by checking out the video excerpts that


> has generously allowed to be on YouTube. Start doing these exercises:


http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%22Donna+Eden%22 & search_type\

= & aq

> =f

> But do get the EM book and the kit!! www.innersource.net


> Also look into Energy Psychology like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique

> www.emofree.com - free manual available for download) - check YouTube


> some intro videos...


> I hope that you are now taking a Vit. D3 supplement since you found

out you

> are Vit. D deficient (most people are and should get it checked and/or


> start supplementing at least 1,000mg/daily - you can always

energy-test to

> see what dose your body desires)....


> Many blessings,

> MichelleH


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So what's the question? Why her hands are so hot? It's energy building up

in her extremities. If it hurts, have her massage them especially in

between the webbing of hands and feet (also known as " massaging the gaits " )

and/or spin a cut glass crystal over the finger and toe endings (the

beginnings and endings of many meridians) as energy can get clogged / stuck



Many blessings,




Question: My daughter who has started to dabble is pregnant for the second

time and has asked me why her hands are so intensely hot. She has used them

to reduce pain at nite when she is in bed. She was pleased it worked. She

said her feet are unusually hot too but hands the worse. She has experienced

knowing what is gonna happen before it happens and I got her hooked up with

some amazing body work people in the past 3 years so she has slowly become

more open.



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The question is what is wrong or is something changing..what is this?

She has never had this before. And they are literally uncomfortably

hot. She runs water on them to cool them off. Certainly her body is

going thru alot...she is 6 months pregnant with 2nd child and 37.

This has been a very differnt pregnancy from the first one. She has

been thru an enormous amount in the last 2 years..her husband nearly

died 2 years ago august. I had wished both of them would have sought

counseling but not yet. She buried alot to get thru since she turned

sole bread winner and parent at the time.



, " lunarmm "

<lunarmm wrote:


> So what's the question? Why her hands are so hot? It's energy

building up

> in her extremities. If it hurts, have her massage them especially


> between the webbing of hands and feet (also known as " massaging the

gaits " )

> and/or spin a cut glass crystal over the finger and toe endings (the

> beginnings and endings of many meridians) as energy can get

clogged / stuck

> there.


> Many blessings,

> MichelleH



> Question: My daughter who has started to dabble is pregnant for the


> time and has asked me why her hands are so intensely hot. She has

used them

> to reduce pain at nite when she is in bed. She was pleased it

worked. She

> said her feet are unusually hot too but hands the worse. She has


> knowing what is gonna happen before it happens and I got her hooked

up with

> some amazing body work people in the past 3 years so she has slowly


> more open.


> kitten44


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