Guest guest Posted October 18, 2008 Report Share Posted October 18, 2008 Greetings, I've been experimenting further with energy medicine techniques and practices and i've noted my finds for the duration a weeks time. Here they are: 1) After doing the Daily routine for a week Straight, every morning before work, and the one thing i'm noticing is i'm more alert and my vision is more focused. I believe that's one of the descriptions that Mrs. Eden speaks of when she describes the benefits of the exercises ( k27's i believe it is). I literally feel as if my vision it aimed forward and my peripheral vision gets becomes clearer. 2) Whenever i go about turning the radiant flows, my vision immediately get brighter. I should say the room i'm occupying appears to get brighter. To be clear. my vision hasn't become sharper, it's as if the room takes on a glow or radiance. 3) I find the five elements/rhythms section in the book to be very accurate, in terms of describing myself. I'm seem to be a combination of Water element, Metal, and a very slight influence of spring. She( Donna Eden) provides the reader with two explanations for the creation of the classification system(five elements). The one that i truly like is that we choose to come into this lifetime around a certain season and that establishes our main rhythm. I''ve been a bit of a winter person, jogging about in knee deep snow and all that. 4) After reading the chapter on the Five rhythms, i experimented by holding two points under the eyes, which i believe are the points to be held for grief. I believe they relate to the spring time rhythm. After a few moments of hold them, my vision did get brighter. 5) I find it easier to be out in large gatherings/crowds now that i've been doing the exercises. I can be out and about in large crowds, but I prefer to do so on my own terms and for limited amounts of time. Recently however, for reasons outside of my control, i found myself in the west end during peak hours, which can be a nightmare when your on the train and some one decides to....relax themselves in the midst of a packed train. I was especially calm on the train and actually enjoyed the ride, despite the fact that people were stomping on my shoes for the entire ride and some massive man had his elbow in my side. 6) My running has gotten more enjoyable for the most part. Sprinting is actually more enjoyable as well. 7)I find it easier to talk with people. I'm much more calm whereas usually every word seems to just spill out from my mouth all at once. Kind regards, Thomas Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 19, 2008 Report Share Posted October 19, 2008 Hi Thomas, A good run down on what you've done and how it's worked for you. Just a thought for you. When I spent all the time working on myself... ....nothing much happened as far as REAL WOWS go, until I started working on others also... ....and I started 'reading' them in context to THEIR energies. That's when I got REAL UNDERSTANDINGS of my own energies. John M. La Tourrette, PhD healingenergies- essentialskills , " greenstuff26 " <greenstuff26 wrote: > > Greetings, > > I've been experimenting further with energy medicine techniques and > practices and i've noted my finds for the duration a weeks time. Here > they are: > > 1) After doing the Daily routine for a week Straight, every morning > before work, and the one thing i'm noticing is i'm more alert and my > vision is more focused. I believe that's one of the descriptions that > Mrs. Eden speaks of when she describes the benefits of the exercises ( > k27's i believe it is). I literally feel as if my vision it aimed > forward and my peripheral vision gets becomes clearer. > > 2) Whenever i go about turning the radiant flows, my vision > immediately get brighter. I should say the room i'm occupying appears > to get brighter. To be clear. my vision hasn't become sharper, it's as > if the room takes on a glow or radiance. > > 3) I find the five elements/rhythms section in the book to be very > accurate, in terms of describing myself. I'm seem to be a combination > of Water element, Metal, and a very slight influence of spring. She ( > Donna Eden) provides the reader with two explanations for the creation > of the classification system(five elements). The one that i truly like > is that we choose to come into this lifetime around a certain season > and that establishes our main rhythm. I''ve been a bit of a winter > person, jogging about in knee deep snow and all that. > > > 4) After reading the chapter on the Five rhythms, i experimented by > holding two points under the eyes, which i believe are the points to > be held for grief. I believe they relate to the spring time rhythm. > After a few moments of hold them, my vision did get brighter. > > 5) I find it easier to be out in large gatherings/crowds now that i've > been doing the exercises. I can be out and about in large crowds, but > I prefer to do so on my own terms and for limited amounts of time. > Recently however, for reasons outside of my control, i found myself in > the west end during peak hours, which can be a nightmare when your on > the train and some one decides to....relax themselves in the midst of > a packed train. I was especially calm on the train and actually > enjoyed the ride, despite the fact that people were stomping on my > shoes for the entire ride and some massive man had his elbow in my side. > > 6) My running has gotten more enjoyable for the most part. Sprinting > is actually more enjoyable as well. > > 7)I find it easier to talk with people. I'm much more calm whereas > usually every word seems to just spill out from my mouth all at once. > > > Kind regards, > > Thomas > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 19, 2008 Report Share Posted October 19, 2008 Good for you, Thomas. Thanks for sharing your experiences. I have found the long questionnaire at the back of " for Maximum Immunity for Maximum Immunity: Understanding the Five Elemental Types for Health and Well-Being " by Jason Elias & Katherine Ketcham to be very accurate (at least for me and seemingly for others I know who have taken the survey): 9802739 The results I got were confirmed by energy testing (testing for your element is taught in Donna's certification program) and intuitive feedback I have received as well. The positive I find with this survey versus some others I've seen is it includes questions about physical symptoms as that info can alleviate some self-reported distortions that many other surveys may not weed out. You mention vision quite a bit in your report. Is that a focus of yours? If so, Melanie Smith ( has a package " Energy Medicine for Eyes Chart & DVD " you might be interested in. Liver, Kidney, Stomach meridians are all very important for the eyes. The points you mention below the eyes were probably Stomach points (Earth element which is in between seasons not Spring/Wood/Liver & Gallbladder). You mention grief; Metal is related to reverance/grief whereas Earth element (Stomach/Spleen) is related to compassion/over-compassion. .... Wood is related to assertiveness/anger. Fire is related to joy/panic. Water is related to hope/fear. I assume you are doing work with your aura in your 5-minute routine which is helping you out in public. I had an energetic habit of collapsing my aura, so expanding and weaving it with figure eights thru using the Celtic Weave is wonderful: I like to do the exercises in this order: Expelling the Venom (getting out the gunk), Celtic Weave (expanding the aura - also helps the gunk get out of your field), Zip Up to seal the good changes in with a positive affirmation and then " locking it in " . Keep up the good work, Thomas! Many blessings, MichelleH Greetings, I've been experimenting further with energy medicine techniques and practices and i've noted my finds for the duration a weeks time. Here they are: 1) After doing the Daily routine for a week Straight, every morning before work, and the one thing i'm noticing is i'm more alert and my vision is more focused. I believe that's one of the descriptions that Mrs. Eden speaks of when she describes the benefits of the exercises ( k27's i believe it is). I literally feel as if my vision it aimed forward and my peripheral vision gets becomes clearer. 2) Whenever i go about turning the radiant flows, my vision immediately get brighter. I should say the room i'm occupying appears to get brighter. To be clear. my vision hasn't become sharper, it's as if the room takes on a glow or radiance. 3) I find the five elements/rhythms section in the book to be very accurate, in terms of describing myself. I'm seem to be a combination of Water element, Metal, and a very slight influence of spring. She( Donna Eden) provides the reader with two explanations for the creation of the classification system(five elements). The one that i truly like is that we choose to come into this lifetime around a certain season and that establishes our main rhythm. I''ve been a bit of a winter person, jogging about in knee deep snow and all that. 4) After reading the chapter on the Five rhythms, i experimented by holding two points under the eyes, which i believe are the points to be held for grief. I believe they relate to the spring time rhythm. After a few moments of hold them, my vision did get brighter. 5) I find it easier to be out in large gatherings/crowds now that i've been doing the exercises. I can be out and about in large crowds, but I prefer to do so on my own terms and for limited amounts of time. Recently however, for reasons outside of my control, i found myself in the west end during peak hours, which can be a nightmare when your on the train and some one decides to....relax themselves in the midst of a packed train. I was especially calm on the train and actually enjoyed the ride, despite the fact that people were stomping on my shoes for the entire ride and some massive man had his elbow in my side. 6) My running has gotten more enjoyable for the most part. Sprinting is actually more enjoyable as well. 7) I find it easier to talk with people. I'm much more calm whereas usually every word seems to just spill out from my mouth all at once. Kind regards, Thomas Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 23, 2008 Report Share Posted October 23, 2008 Hello Michelle, Thank you:) Yes, vision is a bit of a concern for me at the moment. I'm starting to notice that i can't make out small words and letters from a distance of 3 feet. My ability to focus in on things is quite terrible as well. I haven't done that particular exercise yet ( expelling the venom), but i will experiment with it and a few more of the exercises this weekend, in a addtion to the five minute routine 'm now doing daily. I am doing the exercises described in the chapter for the aura exercises and I have noticed that i do feel a bit more solid, or "all there". I feel better as well, in terms of emotions. I find it a tad easier to be in a large bunch, but it's something that i'm working on everyday. Whenever i can, i deliberatly place myself in these sorts of enviroments so i can desensitise myself in a way. Thank you for the product recommendation. I have the kit, which i plan to watch this weekend. The flashcards are a big help when i need to recall something from the book. Quite brilliant. Another interesting aside: When i perform the zip up exercise, i also feel more focused, more ready, and i get a strange sensation in the middle of my forehead, which i believe is the thrid eye chakra. I reminds me of the feeling i get when i meditate. It feels like everything is being gathered into that one spot. Thank you again for the product recommendation. Cheers, Thomas --- On Sun, 19/10/08, lunarmm <lunarmm wrote: lunarmm <lunarmmRE: More Findings in Terms of Energy Medicine Date: Sunday, 19 October, 2008, 9:47 PM Good for you, Thomas. Thanks for sharing your experiences.I have found the long questionnaire at the back of " forMaximum Immunity for Maximum Immunity: Understanding theFive Elemental Types for Health and Well-Being" by Jason Elias & KatherineKetcham to be very accurate (at least for me and seemingly for others Iknow who have taken the survey): com/Chinese- Medicine- Maximum-Immunity -Understanding/ dp/0609802739The results I got were confirmed by energy testing (testing for your elementis taught in Donna's certification program) and intuitive feedback I havereceived as well. The positive I find with this survey versus some othersI've seen is it includes questions about physical symptoms as that info canalleviate some self-reported distortions that many other surveys may notweed out. You mention vision quite a bit in your report. Is that a focus of yours?If so, Melanie Smith (www.wellwithin. net) has a package "Energy Medicine forEyes Chart & DVD" you might be interested in. Liver, Kidney, Stomachmeridians are all very important for the eyes. The points you mention belowthe eyes were probably Stomach points (Earth element which is in betweenseasons not Spring/Wood/ Liver & Gallbladde r). You mention grief; Metal isrelated to reverance/grief whereas Earth element (Stomach/Spleen) is relatedto compassion/over- compassion. .... Wood is related to assertiveness/ anger.Fire is related to joy/panic. Water is related to hope/fear.I assume you are doing work with your aura in your 5-minute routine which ishelping you out in public. I had an energetic habit of collapsing my aura,so expanding and weaving it with figure eights thru using the Celtic Weaveis wonderful:I like to do the exercises in this order: Expelling the Venom (getting outthe gunk), Celtic Weave (expanding the aura - also helps the gunk get out ofyour field), Zip Up to seal the good changes in with a positive affirmationand then "locking it in".Keep up the good work, Thomas!Many blessings,MichelleHGreetings,I've been experimenting further with energy medicine techniques andpractices and i've noted my finds for the duration a weeks time. Here theyare:1) After doing the Daily routine for a week Straight, every morning beforework, and the one thing i'm noticing is i'm more alert and my vision is morefocused. I believe that's one of the descriptions that Mrs. Eden speaks ofwhen she describes the benefits of the exercises ( k27's i believe it is).I literally feel as if my vision it aimed forward and my peripheral visiongets becomes clearer.2) Whenever i go about turning the radiant flows, my vision immediately getbrighter. I should say the room i'm occupying appears to get brighter. To beclear. my vision hasn't become sharper, it's as if the room takes on a glowor radiance.3) I find the five elements/rhythms section in the book to be very accurate,in terms of describing myself. I'm seem to be a combination of Waterelement, Metal, and a very slight influence of spring. She( Donna Eden)provides the reader with two explanations for the creation of theclassification system(five elements). The one that i truly like is that wechoose to come into this lifetime around a certain season and thatestablishes our main rhythm. I''ve been a bit of a winter person, joggingabout in knee deep snow and all that.4) After reading the chapter on the Five rhythms, i experimented by holdingtwo points under the eyes, which i believe are the points to be held forgrief. I believe they relate to the spring time rhythm. After a few momentsof hold them, my vision did get brighter.5) I find it easier to be out in large gatherings/crowds now that i've beendoing the exercises. I can be out and about in large crowds, but I prefer todo so on my own terms and for limited amounts of time. Recently however,for reasons outside of my control, i found myself in the west end duringpeak hours, which can be a nightmare when your on the train and some onedecides to....relax themselves in the midst of a packed train. I wasespecially calm on the train and actually enjoyed the ride, despite the factthat people were stomping on my shoes for the entire ride and some massiveman had his elbow in my side.6) My running has gotten more enjoyable for the most part. Sprinting isactually more enjoyable as well.7) I find it easier to talk with people. I'm much more calm whereas usuallyevery word seems to just spill out from my mouth all at once.Kind regards,Thomas Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 23, 2008 Report Share Posted October 23, 2008 Hello Dr. La Tourrette,  I think I see what you're saying. I might learn even more about my self and the flows of my own system if i can work on other people using the energy medicine techniques?  Do i need any special training to attend a intensive with Mrs. Eden?  I am a bit familiar with how energies of another person feel and their impact on me. I have to admit, these things that she is teaching are different from many of the things i've read or tried over the years. I've recently bought a book on Quantum Touch and i thought that was easy to understand..  She's very clear, yet she seems to insert a part of herself into her writing.  My only experience with sesning the energies of another person is limited to times when i'm by myself. If someone approaches me from behind, i can feel them as if they are right on the back of my neck, even if they happen to be some feet away. Also, whenever i find myself at home relaxed and visitors come, i can usually tell who it is by the feeling i get in my body. If i get a agitated feeling, like anxiousness or discomfort, it's always my sister, whose a workoholic.However, if her husband comes by to visit, i can tell it him because i relax more, even before i see him. It's rather strange really.  I looked up what you meant by deleting information, and i think i now understand what you were saying. You provided me an answer and i moved back to my original question as if you hadn't provided an answer.  Maybe sometime in the near future, when i can find a way to convince my mother of the benefits, then i can help her as well.   Cheers,  Thomas --- On Sun, 19/10/08, docspeed2001 <docspeed2001 wrote: docspeed2001 <docspeed2001 Re: More Findings in Terms of Energy Medicine Sunday, 19 October, 2008, 9:28 PM Hi Thomas, A good run down on what you've done and how it's worked for you. Just a thought for you. When I spent all the time working on myself... .....nothing much happened as far as REAL WOWS go, until I started working on others also... .....and I started 'reading' them in context to THEIR energies. That's when I got REAL UNDERSTANDINGS of my own energies. John M. La Tourrette, PhD healingenergies- essentialskills, " greenstuff26 " <greenstuff26@ ...> wrote: > > Greetings, > > I've been experimenting further with energy medicine techniques and > practices and i've noted my finds for the duration a weeks time. Here > they are: > > 1) After doing the Daily routine for a week Straight, every morning > before work, and the one thing i'm noticing is i'm more alert and my > vision is more focused. I believe that's one of the descriptions that > Mrs. Eden speaks of when she describes the benefits of the exercises ( > k27's i believe it is). I literally feel as if my vision it aimed > forward and my peripheral vision gets becomes clearer. > > 2) Whenever i go about turning the radiant flows, my vision > immediately get brighter. I should say the room i'm occupying appears > to get brighter. To be clear. my vision hasn't become sharper, it's as > if the room takes on a glow or radiance. > > 3) I find the five elements/rhythms section in the book to be very > accurate, in terms of describing myself. I'm seem to be a combination > of Water element, Metal, and a very slight influence of spring. She ( > Donna Eden) provides the reader with two explanations for the creation > of the classification system(five elements). The one that i truly like > is that we choose to come into this lifetime around a certain season > and that establishes our main rhythm. I''ve been a bit of a winter > person, jogging about in knee deep snow and all that. > > > 4) After reading the chapter on the Five rhythms, i experimented by > holding two points under the eyes, which i believe are the points to > be held for grief. I believe they relate to the spring time rhythm. > After a few moments of hold them, my vision did get brighter. > > 5) I find it easier to be out in large gatherings/crowds now that i've > been doing the exercises. I can be out and about in large crowds, but > I prefer to do so on my own terms and for limited amounts of time. > Recently however, for reasons outside of my control, i found myself in > the west end during peak hours, which can be a nightmare when your on > the train and some one decides to....relax themselves in the midst of > a packed train. I was especially calm on the train and actually > enjoyed the ride, despite the fact that people were stomping on my > shoes for the entire ride and some massive man had his elbow in my side. > > 6) My running has gotten more enjoyable for the most part. Sprinting > is actually more enjoyable as well. > > 7)I find it easier to talk with people. I'm much more calm whereas > usually every word seems to just spill out from my mouth all at once. > > > Kind regards, > > Thomas > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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