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Hello group,


A few months ago I was up late at my folks house and my mother walked

into the living room, saying she couldn't sleep. She couldn't get

comfortable because she just couldn't keep her legs still.


I wasn't doing much at the time, and it occurred to me that this

could be a great opportunity to practice energy techniques I'd been

learning. (and ya, because she's my mom, too).


It was just the legs, so I figured it was energy that was

building up in the legs, or not getting enough to the legs. Either

way, it seemed a disconnect between the upper and lower body.


So I did a few energy drills with her and showed her how to trace

her belt line flow, 3 times on each side. She felt better, and slept



Last month I was visiting a friend at her parents' house, and found

that her mother had fully-diagnosed " restless leg syndrome. " She'd

been taking pills for it almost every night for years, because she

just couldn't sleep at all if she didn't.


She wasn't acquainted with energy techniques, so I just showed her

the one drill. Trace the belt line flow, 3 times on each side.


I knew it worked that night I showed her, but I recently received

this unexpected message:



>My mother told me last night that she does whatever you taught her

>every night and she has not had to take one pill for her restless

>legs. she said to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU and IT WORKS!!!





I find it really encouraging when I get messages like this, where

people actually follow through to make and keep their lives better.


Anthony Sgambellone

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Hello- I am a newbie- had a spiritual healing experience ,many years

ago and it changed my life dramatically (for the best of the best of

course!) I have come to feel that this is my path but am in the

infancy stage, or newborn you could say! Ha!


What is tracing the beltline? Most Appreciated!



, " nekoshodan "

<Nekoshodan wrote:


> Hello group,


> A few months ago I was up late at my folks house and my mother


> into the living room, saying she couldn't sleep. She couldn't get

> comfortable because she just couldn't keep her legs still.


> I wasn't doing much at the time, and it occurred to me that this

> could be a great opportunity to practice energy techniques I'd been

> learning. (and ya, because she's my mom, too).


> It was just the legs, so I figured it was energy that was

> building up in the legs, or not getting enough to the legs. Either

> way, it seemed a disconnect between the upper and lower body.


> So I did a few energy drills with her and showed her how to trace

> her belt line flow, 3 times on each side. She felt better, and


> well.


> Last month I was visiting a friend at her parents' house, and found

> that her mother had fully-diagnosed " restless leg syndrome. " She'd

> been taking pills for it almost every night for years, because she

> just couldn't sleep at all if she didn't.


> She wasn't acquainted with energy techniques, so I just showed her

> the one drill. Trace the belt line flow, 3 times on each side.


> I knew it worked that night I showed her, but I recently received

> this unexpected message:


> >

> >My mother told me last night that she does whatever you taught her

> >every night and she has not had to take one pill for her restless

> >legs. she said to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU and IT WORKS!!!

> >:D

> >~K

> >


> I find it really encouraging when I get messages like this, where

> people actually follow through to make and keep their lives better.


> Anthony Sgambellone


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, " kraft.lin "

<kraft.lin wrote:


> Hello- I am a newbie- had a spiritual healing experience ,many years

> ago and it changed my life dramatically (for the best of the best of

> course!) I have come to feel that this is my path but am in the

> infancy stage, or newborn you could say! Ha!


> What is tracing the beltline? Most Appreciated!

> Lin


It's already posted so you can do a search.


Or you can get Donna Eden's book Energy Medicine.



Barbara Ann

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Barbara Ann,


Has belt flow info been added to the new 10th anniversary edition of " Energy

Medicine " ? Otherwise, I don't think it's in there.


But, each radiant circuits is mentioned and described in " The Promise of

Energy Psychology " and also in the " Wired for Joy " article (listed as

" Secrets of the Radiant Circuits " ) in this group's files:



Many blessings,




> What is tracing the beltline? Most Appreciated!

> Lin


It's already posted so you can do a search.


Or you can get Donna Eden's book Energy Medicine.



Barbara Ann

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