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I Love this Post by Kelmie. Here's Why!

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<kelmie wrote:


I really love this post.


I'll go throughout the post and tell 'why I love it'.


> Dear Jeannine-


A very respectful salutation.


> Yesterday I told you that " ....What I see happening is you asking

>people for advice, and then dismissing whatever suggestions are

>offered, without exploring them. Maybe sit with one for a day or

>so... "


Kelmie gave a clear example of behavior she does not appreciate...


....and more importantly she tells 'why she doesn't appreciate it'...


....then she tells the person 'what she thinks that she should do



The above is a very important 3 step process for teaching others.


> You don't seem to have taken in what I suggested at all. For one

>thing, you responded right away...


Kelmie points out in a very polite way, what the other person

is 'still doing'...


....it's a polite way because Kelmie used a verbal 'softener', " you

don't seem to have... "


Then Kelmie gave a clear example of what the other person did with

her 'reactions' instead of following instructions.


> I told you the best way to learn Donna's work is to do it on

>yourself. You tell me again about teaching it to your clients.


AGAIN Kelmie repeats how to learn Donna's materials the best way,

attempting to help 'the person'.


AGAIN 'the person' ignores what Kelmie has said and blithers on

about 'another' way she'd rather do it, and chooses NOT to do what

Kelmie is continually attempting to help her with.


>You can't teach it to your clients if you don't do it on

> yourself.


Now Kelmie is giving a reason to do it her way. A reason that Kelmie,

through years of training and working on others has found to be true

for herself and true for others that want to learn Eden Energy



Kelmie again, clearly explains her reasoning for the advice she gave.


>If you want to prove to yourself that it works - do it on yourself.


Kelmie is now addressing a convincer strategy that works well for her

and the people she works with.


" It's simple. Do the damn drills on yourself and notice what happens! "


>My massage clients are interested in Energy Medicine when I tell

>them what it has done for me.


Kelmie is AGAIN explaining the secret of WIIFM. " What's In It For Me "

when someone learns Energy Medicine.


Unfortunately when you explain that type of reasoning to one who

searches for the 'problems' and the 'reasons why it can't work', they

cannot even hear you.


They will just continue to blither on about 'the world is flat



And they will continue to show their ego mindedness by sprewing forth

what they are involved in that they MISTAKENLY 'believe' we do not do

or know about.


> I told you neurovaculars are amazing. You tell me they are over

>the head of your clients....


This is a common fault of those that continually mismatch as a filter

that all new information goes through.


If you tell them, " It's a great day outside " , they'll reply, " No it

isn't. I'll bet it going to _______________(fill in the blank with

anything that you want). "


> Well first of all, I meant hold them on yourself, & second, there

>is nothing that feels better, and is easier to incorporate into a

>massage than neurovasculars.


Again, Kelmie is bending over backwards attempting to get though

to 'this person'.


> If you want to understand Wood, read the chapter on rhythms.


Kelmie is now searching very wide for other examples to get though

to 'this person'.


The bad news is Kelmie, 'they' just don't want to hear it, so

they'll 'delete' it totally, or reframe in through their own learned

filters of pessimism.


Or even worse, if someone seems to be an expert, they'll hate the

expert because of jelousy and ego centric filters, and then mismatch

it because common sense based upon false beliefs will stop them cold.


>Gall Bladder & Liver are Wood element meridians. If you are always

>needing to sedate them - your Wood could use balancing. The

>exercise for this is Expelling the Venom.


Your heart of Gold Kelmie, is now starting to wear thin. But because

you do have a heart of gold, you are keeping on, keeping on.


I tremendously admire your persistence and your intention.


You are so tired of 'this person' continually mismatching all posts

from everyone.


But you are trying very hard, as moderator, to appease her, and even

more importantly TO HELP HER.


And you've done this 'helping hand' TIME AND TIME AGAIN with 'this

person'. And she has replied 'yes, but...' time and time again.


Good luck, but DON'T hold your breath:-)


I will NOT take the time to filter the rest of Kelmie's outstanding

and very helpful post.


It's the same-o, same-o with different examples of 'the person' NOT

doing as suggested but MIS-MATCHING purposefully all the good

instructions given her.


We all get it.


And I do appreciate how and what you did, Kelmie.


Thank you.


John M. La Tourrette, PhD

PS. For all the time you've spent attempting to educate 'this person'

you could have written 3 good books or training manuals on " Self-

Healing Secrets To Do At Home in Five Minutes or Less! " If you need

help getting a product or two out, let me know Kelmie.

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