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Do Not blame TW when you are living at 'effect'

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<judith.poole wrote:


> Just think about Triple Warmer. It's job is to keep us alive. But

it lacks

> the vision that spleen can contribute. From TW's point of view, if


> alive, don't change anything; it might prove dangerous. Therefore


> Warmer is not, on its own, receptive to anything unusual or

unfamiliar. It

> screens out and distort incoming information, takes things


> " forgets " , doesn't see nor hear.


Actually I believe it is not the hypothalamus, but the Reticular

Activating System (RAS) that wrongly distorts, deletes and

generalizes incoming data into a triple warmer response.


Because of that distortion, etc, the TW reacts.


And this TW response is easily and quickly normalized many different



Doing the 'choices' method of Pat Carrington...


Doing the Energy Psychology method of David Feinstein...


Holding the neurovasculars of Donna Eden...


Tapping the TW-3-4 points on the hand and you think of the emotion...


Blab, blab, blab...


And in Kelmie's example of self talk, that is easily changed using

auditory submodalities, certain physiology and certain internal



First, of course is the incorrect belief that you are your sickness,

which I talked about before.


Which is an identity issue coupled with a belief issue coupled with a

values issue.


And that can be changed on 5 different levels.


1. The level of envirnoment.


2. The level of behavior (which is where Energy Medicine is done)...


3. The level of beliefs.


4. The level of values.


5. And the actual level of identity.


When something is changed at level 5, everything below that level is



When something is changed at level 4, everything below that level is



When something is changed at level 3, everything below that level is



When something is changed at level 2, everything below that level is



Which means that any behavior change at level 2 (like Energy

Medicine) normally only changes level one and two...


....and unless the beliefs (level 3), the values (level 4) are also

changed, the change probably will not be more than temporary.


Which is why I use those levels even in my Energy Medicine and my

Energy Psychology.


For example I just gave an intensive on the Diamond Pattern...but I

did make damn sure that I cleared irroneous beliefs about living

at 'cause' versu living at 'effect' first.


Then I blew out and replaced any negative beliefs about 'deserving'.


Then throughout the entire 4 day event I made damn sure I installed

many 'values' that augmented the Diamond Structures.


I want it to last beyond a day or two.


John M. La Tourrette, PhD

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Doc writes : this TW response is easily and quickly normalized many

different ways... "


I agree, as I imagine all of us do who are already trained in and practicing

energy psychology, Eden energy medicine, and kindred practices.


The question had been asked as to why some folks seem to chose to remain in

pain, or even to die, rather than to venture into unfamiliar territory to even

try something new. I believe that, as practitioners, or even simply friends with

big caring hearts, knowing what more about the nature of the resistance we at

times encounter is valuable.


As doc says, working at the belief level may be necessary, and a valuable

starting place before introducing some of the drills. But that task cannot be

accomplished without a willing participant, and that is a choice that each

person gets to make for themselves.


What we can do is to seek an approach that works gently or directly with the

part that hangs back with skepticism, doubt, and uncertainty. This is the

principle of homolateral reprogramming. We start with the homolateral crawl,

because that is they way the body's energy is running.


Sometimes, in our enthusiasm, which has been culled from a collection of

positive experiences with these methods that are outside the box of the

consensus reality, we expect new clients to meet us where we are, forgetting

what it took to get to that point ourselves.


The ability to use kinesiology to test energy before and after a specific

correction helps the person expand their belief system to encompass a new and

unfamiliar and radically simple approach that otherwise goes against everything

they (imagine that they) know.


Even in our repeated mantra " do the drills " it helps to understand what the

internal argument might be that keeps any of us from doing that with

consistency. At this time in history, even the most enthusiastic of us is

weaving a path between paradigms, surrounded by the dominant, limiting,

fear-based ideas of our culture.



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, " Judith

Poole " <judith.poole wrote:


> The question had been asked as to why some folks seem to chose to

>remain in pain, or even to die, rather than to venture into

>unfamiliar territory to even try something new. I believe that, as

>practitioners, or even simply friends with big caring hearts,

>knowing what more about the nature of the resistance we at times

>encounter is valuable.


> As doc says, working at the belief level may be necessary,


Hi Judith,


I'm going to pretend to be Frank Farrelly when I answer

your 'thinking man's' post.


NOT 'may be' but " IS " necessary.


I do know that all successful practioners do that. Donna, David, etc.


They might do it with story telling, or aura reading, or 'what my

intuition' tells me about you...etc...but it IS done.


>and a valuable starting place before introducing some of the drills.

>But that task cannot be accomplished without a willing participant,

>and that is a choice that each person gets to make for themselves.


In my opinion, 'Bullshit'.


If they've came to you as a 'helping' person, then they've ALREADY

given permission for you to do the 'best you know how' with them.

They are already 'willing' enough to ask for assistance.


You always start from where they are at 'belief' wise.


They just don't know it because they virtually HAVE NO CLUES about

beliefs, values or identities.


You have to work around that and tie in your stories so they jive

with their unconscious opinions.


> What we can do is to seek an approach that works gently or directly

>with the part that hangs back with skepticism, doubt, and



I do not agree.


Being 'gentle' has different meanings for different folks.


When you pull someone's tooth, being 'gentle' has it's limits.


Being 'effectively gentle' would be a better term.


Try being 'gentle' on a lymphatic massage!


It don't get the job done.


I really do lean to the Frank Farrelly approach.




Because it works better than any other approach I've seen, even in

energy medicine.


>This is the principle of homolateral reprogramming. We start with

>the homolateral crawl, because that is they way the body's energy is



That is NOT being 'gentle' but is a way of pacing the way their

energies are already running. And making them 'do it' until they have

been 'repattened' might take 20 minutes of 'driving' them mercilessly

to 'do the damn drills' as you do it with them.


> Sometimes, in our enthusiasm, which has been culled from a

>collection of positive experiences with these methods that are

>outside the box of the consensus reality, we expect new clients to

>meet us where we are, forgetting what it took to get to that point



Not sure where you are going with that thought, Judith.


What I tell my clients when they start to whine is, " I'm in charge.

Do what I say and do it right now " . I then smile and nod

encouragingly as I do it with them.


I do not dumb down what they need to an idiot's level.


> The ability to use kinesiology to test energy before and after a

>specific correction helps the person expand their belief system to

>encompass a new and unfamiliar and radically simple approach that

>otherwise goes against everything they (imagine that they) know.




It's called a 'kinesthetic' convincer.


And it's always for them (as in your above example).


It teaches them how-to-calibrate their own inside energies better.


> Even in our repeated mantra " do the drills " it helps to understand

>what the internal argument might be that keeps any of us from doing

>that with consistency.


If it's NOT taken into account, nothing you do with them will help





NOT energy medicine...not energy psychology...not psychology...not

hypnosis...not NLP.


But you do NOT get involved in their PITY PARTY like the witch on

creative_energies attempted to get people to do.


You call them on their bullshit until they can face it.


How you 'call them' on it can be an art form.


Donna does it her way. Bandler does it his way. I do it my way. All

are effective ways BECAUSE they work.


>At this time in history, even the most enthusiastic of us is weaving

>a path between paradigms, surrounded by the dominant, limiting, fear-

>based ideas of our culture.


So what?


Why is that important?


How can we use that to help ourselves, to help our loved ones and to

assist those that come to us?


John M. La Tourrette, PhD


> Judith


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