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A BIG portion of any healing are trance & relaxation!

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<eljwc wrote:


> Perhaps you ought to do some more progressive relaxation. :-)


Hi Elroy,


I'll throw in a few comments here.


Progressive Relaxation is one of the behind the scenes mental tactics

that Jose Silva followed when he did his mind control studies, which

were called 'hypnosis' back then, the 40's and 50's. Jose gave PR



Jose also gave much credit to Johannes Schultz and Wolfgang Luthe.


In the 20's(some researchs say '1918')Schultz and Luthe developed a

method of relaxation off of yoga and meditation, that emphasized

using the power of suggestion, termed autogenic training.


This autogenic training method involves repeating certain mental

directives and concentrating on them until the body responds. You

repeat a phrase such as: my legs are heavy and warm and then focus on

the sensation of the feeling heavy and warm in your legs.


This is a precursor to Progressive Relaxation.


> Or perhaps you ought to read a group's archive more closely before

> insulting one of its most knowledgeable and respected members, Dr

> John La Tourrette.


Thank you Elroy.


> I admit to being 'uneducated', to use your loosely brandished

> implication. I had never heard of Schroeppel until someone came to

> the list trying to spam for the coursework.


Me neither, which can mean many things. I have order Brad Steiger's

book for $9 bucks because in that book Brad does cover what

Schroeppel has to say.


I have looked at the offered commercial, and it is a well written

commercial. But I am very curious since I've not heard of him before.


So after I read his book and do his techniques I'll get back to you.


> >The first is rooted in Edmund Jacobson, MD, PhD's progressive

> >relaxation exercises...but applied specifically to release

> >associated mental noise from tensions held in the muscles.


Sorry, Edmund was NOT the first...


....NOT even close to being first.


That is NOT to take away from him because he did do good work.


Historically we can go way back.


Relaxation and hypnotism (under different names since Braid coined

that term in the middle 1800's)as a tool for health seems to have

originated with the Hindus of ancient India who often took their sick

to sleep temples to be cured by hypnotic suggestion as also found to

be the case in ancient Egypt and Greece. Hypnotic-like inductions and

relaxation were used to place the individual in a sleep-like state.


But lets start with Avicenna (980-1037), a Persian psychologist and

physician. He was the earliest known person to make a distinction

between sleep and hypnosis. In The Book of Healing, which he

published in 1027, he referred to hypnosis in Arabic as al-Wahm al-

Amil, stating that one could create conditions in another person so

that he/she accepts the reality of hypnosis.


In 1882, Thomas J. Hudson wrote 'The Law of Psychic Phenomena', a

working hypothesis for the systematic study of hypnotism, spiritism,

mental therapeutics, Mesmerism, Relaxation, etc.


Hudson's book (there are 5 of them) is the BEST I've studied over the

past 50 years on that topic.


There are other books that have real secrets to offer that do take

hypnosis and psychic abilities into account. One book is " The Mahatma

Letters " to A. P. Sinnett (written to him during 1880-1884 and

published in the 1900's).


In that book is actually given a 'tool' for psychic development.

That 'tool' was used by Annie Besant and by C. W. Leadbeater who

became authors on valid ESP development.


In the 1990's Dr. Elmer Green built that 'tool' and lab tested it

with already famous and proven healers and psychics.


The results he got are mind blowing (a different topic if anyone is



> > > mindlist , eljwc <eljwc@> wrote:


> > > > or are other factors involved?


> > > Hi Elroy,


> > > Other factors are involved.


> > > And one of the primary factors was addressed by the Photo-

Reading guy Paul Shealy, who also used to be a Mind Dynamics trainer,

when it still was still teaching the copyrighted Jose Silva Method of

ESP Development.


> > > In his course Paul give various ways of accessing unconscious

> > > information from the unconscious mind with conscious mind



> > > Also Win gives many almost immediately workable examples of

other processes that get similar results for free on his website.


> > > None of those processes can be 'wished' into existence.


> > > But all of them can be learned and used by those that can follow

> > > instructions, are persistent, and that do not mismatch the



> > > If anyone wishes some source materials that are NOT from the

lunatic fringe...

> > >

> > > John M. La Tourrette, PhD


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