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is SEEKING THE HELP OF A MEDIUM being self-responsible?

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, " gogetmel "

<gogetmel wrote:


> Doc,


> Regarding item #3 about saging (never heard of white being specified

> as color of choice) Are you saying that it doesn't work?




Not what I said Melissa, but a great question anyway.


In fact your take on what you think I said is something I 'thought'

might pop up but I still did not address in advance.


1. Wearing strips causes the body to go homolaterol.


2. Wearing black causes the body to feel more protected.


3. Wearing a Kahuna Energy Disk grounds the body and energies the

first chakra in such a manner that the immune processes of the body

are enhanced.


And in all three of the above examples, none of them are inside the

body but outside the body affecting the energies inside the body.


So we learn to do energy drills and thinking drills and emotional

state change drills so that " WE " control our four powers and NOT so

that the strips, or the black or the Kahuna Energy Disk controls our



It is about learning self-reliance and self responsibility.


And all tools are GREAT as long as they are tools to learn to USE and

NOT to REPLACE or abdicate your own self-responsibilities.


And here is a google 'thing' on sage burning along with their



" The general belief held among practitioners of smudging is that when

sage is burnt, the smoke attaches itself to any negative energies

that might be present and as the smoke clears it takes these energies

with it, releasing them to regenerate into something more positive. "


" Whether you believe the spiritual explanation of this or not,

scientific tests have shown that the smoke of burning sage literally

changes the ionization polarity of the air and as investigators we

know that negative ions within the air of a room causes airborne

static electricity. This is usually witnessed as sparkles of light

and in the physical form of your hair standing on end. Sage therefore

should be considered an essential item of equipment to be carried

every investigators kit box. "


" Regular smudging with sage can be done to cleanse your equipment,

your living space and your physical body. The following steps

demonstrate the typical 'smudging' practice. "


" Begin by lighting the sage (you may hold the bunch in your hand or

burn it in a shell). "


" Once ignited, gently wave over the flame to extinguish it (do not

blow it out. "


" Gather the smoke with your hand (or feather) and draw it into the

perimeter of your body. "


" To direct the smoke you may either wave the shell containing the

burning sage or by directing the smoke by using your hand (a feather

is more traditional) "


" For the living environment, start at the doorway and work in a

clockwise direction. "


" Cleanse the door frame, the walls, and any window frames.

Pay particular attention to corners, the top of the walls and behind

the doors. "


" By allowing the purification and cleansing properties of sage to

clear your items of equipment, your body or your rooms, the space is

created for new awareness and new direction to begin to take its

place. "


" It is important to note that smudging with sage is not a permanent

solution to your spirit problems as it only disperses the energies.

For longer relief you should smudge with 'Sweetgrass' an hour or so

afterwards OR SEEK THE HEP OF A MEDIUM. (by caspiruk) "


Now who wants to take the above and explain it from the self-

responsibility and self trainings?


Especially the part about " ...OR SEEK THE HELP OF A MEDIUM... "


John La Tourrette, PhD



> Curiously,

> Melissa

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My take: it boils down to what your core desire is. In this case it

would appear the desire is to feel safe and protected. The core

desire provides the intention to explore TOOLS, i.e. wearing strips,

wearing black, wearing a Kahuna Energy Disc, burning sage, etc. The

tools don't replace self responsibility, rather, they enhance it.

The point is to keep them in perspective...not to give them more

power than you give yourself.


Tools are great when used appropriately. Using a fork and knife while

eating helps me satisfy my hunger more quickly and neatly than using

my hands, only...and people continue to invite me out to dine as a

result of this. But, if I ever found myself stranded on a desert

island without utensils, I would use whatever means necessary to feed

myself, thus, staying alive (Another big core desire of mine.)


Tools accelerate you to your core desire, when used

appropriately...with intention and attention. If not, they can hinder

your growth.


Now, on seeking the help of a medium. We don't know it all, so there

are times that seeking the assistance of someone who has more

specialized skills than we do is perfectly cool. We have the self-

responsibility of doing our Due Diligence on the expert in question,

by considering the source - whoever made the recommendation, AND

checking with your own guidance system. Also, we can treat the expert

as a tool. We can pick his/her brain and observe what they do so we

can become our own expert. We can take classes and read up on

whatever subject we like. We take part in these stimulating

discussions, discussions that encourage us to clarify our thought

processes quite effectively, and separate what works well from what

doesn't...an ever evolving process.


The above is my example of using the medium as a tool. However,

there are many people who jump from one psychic or medium, or various

expert to another, to find themselves, in many cases. This drains

your own power and knocks your self responsibility out of existence.

Nobody knows better what's best for us than we do. (Though there are

many instances when we haven't wanted to admit to ourselves what we

see.) (Also, it's oh-so-convenient to be able to place the blame on

the so-called expert when the results don't pan out to our

satisfaction.) And finally, good tools (people) can reflect ideas and

solutions that we were previously unconscious of.


Also, Doc, I wasn't implying that you made the statement that sage

wasn't effective, in your previous post. I was unclear, so I asked.


With ever-expanding awareness,








essentialskills , " docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001



> , " gogetmel "

> <gogetmel@> wrote:

> >

> > Doc,

> >

> > Regarding item #3 about saging (never heard of white being


> > as color of choice) Are you saying that it doesn't work?


> Nope.


> Not what I said Melissa, but a great question anyway.


> In fact your take on what you think I said is something I 'thought'

> might pop up but I still did not address in advance.


> 1. Wearing strips causes the body to go homolaterol.


> 2. Wearing black causes the body to feel more protected.


> 3. Wearing a Kahuna Energy Disk grounds the body and energies the

> first chakra in such a manner that the immune processes of the body

> are enhanced.


> And in all three of the above examples, none of them are inside the

> body but outside the body affecting the energies inside the body.


> So we learn to do energy drills and thinking drills and emotional

> state change drills so that " WE " control our four powers and NOT so

> that the strips, or the black or the Kahuna Energy Disk controls our

> powers.


> It is about learning self-reliance and self responsibility.


> And all tools are GREAT as long as they are tools to learn to USE


> NOT to REPLACE or abdicate your own self-responsibilities.


> And here is a google 'thing' on sage burning along with their

> reasonings:


> " The general belief held among practitioners of smudging is that


> sage is burnt, the smoke attaches itself to any negative energies

> that might be present and as the smoke clears it takes these


> with it, releasing them to regenerate into something more positive. "


> " Whether you believe the spiritual explanation of this or not,

> scientific tests have shown that the smoke of burning sage literally

> changes the ionization polarity of the air and as investigators we

> know that negative ions within the air of a room causes airborne

> static electricity. This is usually witnessed as sparkles of light

> and in the physical form of your hair standing on end. Sage


> should be considered an essential item of equipment to be carried

> every investigators kit box. "


> " Regular smudging with sage can be done to cleanse your equipment,

> your living space and your physical body. The following steps

> demonstrate the typical 'smudging' practice. "


> " Begin by lighting the sage (you may hold the bunch in your hand or

> burn it in a shell). "


> " Once ignited, gently wave over the flame to extinguish it (do not

> blow it out. "


> " Gather the smoke with your hand (or feather) and draw it into the

> perimeter of your body. "


> " To direct the smoke you may either wave the shell containing the

> burning sage or by directing the smoke by using your hand (a feather

> is more traditional) "


> " For the living environment, start at the doorway and work in a

> clockwise direction. "


> " Cleanse the door frame, the walls, and any window frames.

> Pay particular attention to corners, the top of the walls and behind

> the doors. "


> " By allowing the purification and cleansing properties of sage to

> clear your items of equipment, your body or your rooms, the space is

> created for new awareness and new direction to begin to take its

> place. "


> " It is important to note that smudging with sage is not a permanent

> solution to your spirit problems as it only disperses the energies.

> For longer relief you should smudge with 'Sweetgrass' an hour or so

> afterwards OR SEEK THE HEP OF A MEDIUM. (by caspiruk) "


> Now who wants to take the above and explain it from the self-

> responsibility and self trainings?


> Especially the part about " ...OR SEEK THE HELP OF A MEDIUM... "


> John La Tourrette, PhD



> > Curiously,

> > Melissa


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, " gogetmel "

<gogetmel wrote:


> My take: it boils down to what your core desire is. In this case it

> would appear the desire is to feel safe and protected.


I know a lady that " out of curosity " and because her sister wanted her

to go with her, went to a medium.


The medium instantly started intalling guilt and fear into both of them.


" I see in your aura...blab, blab, blab...and the entities...blab, blab,

blab...but for FIVE HUNDRED BUCKS I can intercede and cause them to go

away...but they might come back...if so and you FEEL BAD and

FEARFUL...I can redo it for only 1/2 the price...blab, blab, blab... "


And they paid her!


I sure love those mediums, don't you?


John La Tourrette, PhD

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A medium is also what they use to grow bacteria.


Maybe bad or at least useless bugs in both cases, huh?


Although not all psychics try to rip you off. Nor are they always

correct in their readings even if their intentions are good. So you

might as well save your money for something you find useful.


Mary Nelson



docspeed2001 wrote:



> <%40>, " gogetmel "

> <gogetmel wrote:

> >

> > My take: it boils down to what your core desire is. In this case it> > would

appear the desire is to feel safe and protected.


> I know a lady that " out of curosity " and because her sister wanted her to go

with her, went to a medium.


> The medium instantly started intalling guilt and fear into both of them.


> " I see in your aura...blab, blab, blab...and the entities...blab, blab,

blab...but for FIVE HUNDRED BUCKS I can intercede and cause them to go

away...but they might come back...if so and you FEEL BAD and FEARFUL...I can

redo it for only 1/2 the price...blab, blab, blab... "


> And they paid her!


> I sure love those mediums, don't you?


> John La Tourrette, PhD

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I don't feel that all psychics try to rip people off.


The study of Quantum physics speculates that infinite futures are

possible. The psychic in question could tap into any one of

these scenarios. It doesn't make them " wrong " , but ineffective for

the clients purpose. So, it is better to spend your money elsewhere.


My belief is that the best way to predict the future is to CREATE

it...I don't remember who quoted this originally.




, M J Nelson

< wrote:


> A medium is also what they use to grow bacteria.


> Maybe bad or at least useless bugs in both cases, huh?


> Although not all psychics try to rip you off. Nor are they always

> correct in their readings even if their intentions are good. So you

> might as well save your money for something you find useful.


> Mary Nelson

> www.eft4everyone.com

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Didn't realize that mediumship school included NLP training these days.


In this day and age, there are alot of crackpots coming through the

woodwork, in addition to those that actually have something to teach.

Discernment is key here. Too bad that lady didn't know how to check

with her internal guidance system. Seems she paid this person and

came out worse on the other side, while the medium comes out ahead.

So many people have based their businesses on other people's fear of

someone/thing and will always have groves of people flocking to them.





> I know a lady that " out of curosity " and because her sister wanted

her to go with her, went to a medium.


> The medium instantly started installing guilt and fear into both of



> " I see in your aura...blab, blab, blab...and the entities...blab,

blab, blab...but for FIVE HUNDRED BUCKS I can intercede and cause them to go

away...but they might come back...if so and you FEEL BAD and FEARFUL...I can

redo it for only 1/2 the price...blab, blab,

blab... "


> And they paid her!


> I sure love those mediums, don't you?


> John La Tourrette, PhD

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Your last sentence sounds like something Doc might have said himself.


Mary Nelson



gogetmel wrote:


> I don't feel that all psychics try to rip people off.



> My belief is that the best way to predict the future is to CREATE

> it...I don't remember who quoted this originally.


> Melissa



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, " gogetmel "

<gogetmel wrote:


> Yeeeeesh!


> Didn't realize that mediumship school included NLP training these



You should see how many preachers are now studying NLP and covert



Cool hunnn?



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I'll bet many politicians are also studying these techniques, too.


docspeed2001 wrote:





<gogetmel wrote:


> Yeeeeesh!


> Didn't realize that mediumship school included NLP training these



You should see how many preachers are now studying NLP and covert



Cool hunnn?



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It's the language of God, isn't it Doc?






essentialskills , " docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001



> , " gogetmel "

> <gogetmel@> wrote:

> >

> > Yeeeeesh!

> >

> > Didn't realize that mediumship school included NLP training these

> days.


> You should see how many preachers are now studying NLP and covert

> hypnosis.


> Cool hunnn?


> Doc


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Even Sarah Palin :)Looks like she's done a lot of trance work at her church. Helen  On Jan 9, 2009, at 8:05 AM, M J Nelson wrote: I'll bet many politicians are also studying these techniques, too. docspeed2001 wrote: , "gogetmel" <gogetmel wrote: > > Yeeeeesh! > > Didn't realize that mediumship school included NLP training these days. You should see how many preachers are now studying NLP and covert hypnosis. Cool hunnn? Doc

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I agree ,People give up there power to another when they need to listen to inner self we always know that gut instinct .I have very much enjoyed the opinions of everyone about aura clearing and charging and keeping clean It was perfect timing as my other group (ormus) was discussing this as well I am very thankful for finding Huna with this group (present from Doc):) as it is a missing key to my mana re -search and a wow to me lol thank you as always ,mebs--- On Thu, 1/8/09, gogetmel <gogetmel wrote:

gogetmel <gogetmel Re: is SEEKING THE HELP OF A MEDIUM being self-responsible? Date: Thursday, January 8, 2009, 5:08 PM



Yeeeeesh! Didn't realize that mediumship school included NLP training these days.In this day and age, there are alot of crackpots coming through the woodwork, in addition to those that actually have something to teach.Discernment is key here. Too bad that lady didn't know how to check with her internal guidance system. Seems she paid this person and came out worse on the other side, while the medium comes out ahead. So many people have based their businesses on other people's fear of someone/thing and will always have groves of people flocking to them.Shame.Melissa> I know a lady that "out of curosity" and because her sister wanted her to go with her, went to a medium.> The medium instantly started installing guilt and fear into both of them.> "I see in your aura...blab, blab, blab...and the entities...blab, blab, blab...but for FIVE HUNDRED BUCKS I can

intercede and cause them to go away...but they might come back...if so and you FEEL BAD and FEARFUL...I can redo it for only 1/2 the price...blab, blab, blab..."> And they paid her!> I sure love those mediums, don't you?> John La Tourrette, PhD

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Hi Mary,


Then I am terrific company...from what I've experienced thus far, Doc

embodies that belief with every breath he takes.


Plus, the comment was originally placed into existence by Abraham

Lincoln, himself.


All my best,



In , M J Nelson

< wrote:


> Melissa,


> Your last sentence sounds like something Doc might have said



> Mary Nelson

> www.eft4everyone.com


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Yes, quite interesting, indeed.


Many have commented that Obama and Clinton are rather expert with

this skill.


Preachers in on the act, too, huh? With so much emphasis placed on

recruiting converts into various religions, NLP and hypnosis

education is a shrewd move on their part. Again, Caveat Emptor.


Now-a-days we have to learn these systems ourselves. Applied

knowledge is power. Aside from becoming more affective/effective in

our own lives, we learn to catch on when someone is using the method

for their benefit and our possible detriment. I recall reading in

advertisements how some can really abuse the teachings of NLP and use

certain key phrases to destroy a person outright and suck the life

right out them. Spooky stuff.


Thanks, Doc, for making me think, as usual.


All my best,



PS Am really enjoying, " The Games Slim and Fit People Play " . It takes

you step-by-step. There's no way you can't succeed if you follow it.

Just seeing previous attitudes I held in writing and explained is

helpful. He teaches how NOT to begin: NOT to overwhelm ourselves,

NOT to doubt, NOT to make excuses, and NOT to blame. It's quite an

education when you discover that the enemy within is nothing more

than poor mental habits and patterns that can be shifted with the

correct process(es). After using the relaxation method I learned at

Doc's last seminar one morning, I all of a sudden realized that I was

using other people's frame of reference, in many cases, when I was

being unreasonably hard on myself. That was soooo liberating! When

you place yourself at cause for all the effects in your life and quit

blaming, YOU are in total control. No one else. This is the best

news yet.




essentialskills , " docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001



> , " gogetmel "

> <gogetmel@> wrote:

> >

> > Yeeeeesh!

> >

> > Didn't realize that mediumship school included NLP training these

> days.


> You should see how many preachers are now studying NLP and covert

> hypnosis.


> Cool hunnn?


> Doc


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  • 4 weeks later...

As a professional psychic & medium, I'd like to say that if

anyone tells you that they can do something (remove a curse, stop a

negative action) for a fee, WALK AWAY.

If they repeatedly ask for money, WALK AWAY.

If they ask you to buy candles, oils, etc. for some good for


If a psychic asks YOU questions, WALK AWAY.

The people who do this are NOT in it for YOUR best interest.

Having said that, ALL mediums and psychics do not do this. I am

concerned this thread is giving that impression. It's fine to not

believe in metaphysical things, but please don't disparage a group

for their beliefs, especially based on the action of a few frauds

POSING as legitimate psychics & mediums.

EVERY profession, throughout history, has had crooks, frauds and

swindlers; it does not make every profession or professional bad or a


I teach classes to help people re-connect to their own intuition

and inner guidance. I believe strongly that if we all used a

combination of education and intuition, wisdom and intelligence, we

would all be more balanced and better off. If we all did listen to

our inner feelings, we wouldn't need to give our power away, which

diminishes the probability of falling prey to con artists.

Far from charging exorbitant fees, I have lowered my fees so I

am accessible without having those who seek my services choose

between a reading and " putting food on the table " . I charge $38 per

hour, but have always had a sliding scale. $38 is cheap compared to

other personal businesses (massage, hair salons, consultations,

etc.). PG & E, food prices, gas prices & rent are still the same for

psychics & mediums as they are for everyone else, so we must charge

to be able to live.

Indeed, there are many frauds, cheats, thieves and heinous

people who prey on others - all of whom should be dealt with; but

please don't confuse my profession with the criminals who hide behind

the title.

Thank you.



, " gogetmel "

<gogetmel wrote:


> Yeeeeesh!


> Didn't realize that mediumship school included NLP training these



> In this day and age, there are alot of crackpots coming through the

> woodwork, in addition to those that actually have something to


> Discernment is key here. Too bad that lady didn't know how to check

> with her internal guidance system. Seems she paid this person and

> came out worse on the other side, while the medium comes out ahead.

> So many people have based their businesses on other people's fear of

> someone/thing and will always have groves of people flocking to


> Shame.


> Melissa


> > I know a lady that " out of curosity " and because her sister wanted

> her to go with her, went to a medium.


> > The medium instantly started installing guilt and fear into both


> them.


> > " I see in your aura...blab, blab, blab...and the entities...blab,

> blab, blab...but for FIVE HUNDRED BUCKS I can intercede and cause

them to go away...but they might come back...if so and you FEEL BAD

and FEARFUL...I can redo it for only 1/2 the price...blab, blab,

> blab... "


> > And they paid her!


> > I sure love those mediums, don't you?


> > John La Tourrette, PhD


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, " Kimberly

Kristiansson " <kimkristiansson wrote:


> As a professional psychic & medium, I'd like to say that if

> anyone tells you that they can do something (remove a curse, stop a

> negative action) for a fee, WALK AWAY.

> If they repeatedly ask for money, WALK AWAY.

> If they ask you to buy candles, oils, etc. for some good for

> you, WALK AWAY.

> If a psychic asks YOU questions, WALK AWAY.

> The people who do this are NOT in it for YOUR best interest.




I am surprise you believe you've been personally attacked.


That did NOT happen except in YOUR mind.


And please do NOT think that my reply is an attack of any kind.


Up to this point, except for that paranoid part, we are on the same





So when someone goes to another, it's hopefully so they CAN LEARN,

and NOT have it done for them.


> Having said that, ALL mediums and psychics do not do this. I am

> concerned this thread is giving that impression. It's fine to not

> believe in metaphysical things,


Sorry Kimberly but the above 2 concepts do NOT go together.


Mediums do have a bad rep. It just is. And they did earn it. Very

easy to research.


That does NOT mean that meta-physics has a bad rep.


In fact I personally believe over 95% of the members of this group do

have a VERY POSITIVE MENTAL/EMOTIONAL SLANT towards things meta-



As do I.


> but please don't disparage a group for their beliefs, especially

>based on the action of a few frauds POSING as legitimate psychics &



I think that you are making a mountain out of a mole-hill.


I do not think that was done here.


Why not?


Because I've trained thousands of people in how-to-develop their own

psychic abilities and to take self-responsibility for that

development and the usuage of those innate skills of the human mind.


And I do think it's well and good to defend yourself against

unwarrented attacks...but in this case NON-EXISTED.


You, with your vast psychic skills HALLUCINATED such a non-existent





In fact you and I seem to believe in the same things. See your own

starting dis-claimer.


> and inner guidance. I believe strongly that if we all used a

> combination of education and intuition, wisdom and intelligence, we

> would all be more balanced and better off. If we all did listen to

> our inner feelings, we wouldn't need to give our power away, which

> diminishes the probability of falling prey to con artists.


I disagree.


Here's why.


Most people do have 'feelings' that are positive and negative.


And those memories of feelings can be triggered by anything that is

associated to those feelings.


So if Zorba the Greek was playing while you had a fantastic moment,

all you'd need to do to get back that pleasant moment is 'hear' the

music from Zorba the Greet.


My point is that an accidentally triggered feeling for most people is

a TOTALLY UNCONSCIOUS PROCESS that they have no awareness of.


They think that it is God talking to them rather than an auditorily

revivified trigger of a past response.


(defense of what you charge omitted)


> please don't confuse my profession with the criminals who hide

behind the title.



believing that there EVER WAS any type of attack on you.


There was NOT.


Just like this post is NOT a personal attack on you.


It is a call to clarity


John La Tourrette,

PhD in Sports Psychology

MsD in Meta-Physics

Co-developer of Silva UltraMind ESP Remote Viewing/Remote Influencing

Huna Kumu

Huna Ordained Minister

and other blab, blab, blab...

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First, I read this post, then discovered this quote in my

mailbox....gotta love it!


From what may anyone be saved? Only from themselves! That is, their

individual hell; they dig it with their own desires!


Edgar Cayce Reading 262-40



All my best,




essentialskills , " docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001



> , " Kimberly

> Kristiansson " <kimkristiansson@> wrote:

> >

> > As a professional psychic & medium, I'd like to say that if

> > anyone tells you that they can do something (remove a curse, stop


> > negative action) for a fee, WALK AWAY.

> > If they repeatedly ask for money, WALK AWAY.

> > If they ask you to buy candles, oils, etc. for some good for

> > you, WALK AWAY.

> > If a psychic asks YOU questions, WALK AWAY.

> > The people who do this are NOT in it for YOUR best interest.


> Well,


> I am surprise you believe you've been personally attacked.


> That did NOT happen except in YOUR mind.


> And please do NOT think that my reply is an attack of any kind.


> Up to this point, except for that paranoid part, we are on the same

> page.




> So when someone goes to another, it's hopefully so they CAN LEARN,

> and NOT have it done for them.


> > Having said that, ALL mediums and psychics do not do this. I am

> > concerned this thread is giving that impression. It's fine to not

> > believe in metaphysical things,


> Sorry Kimberly but the above 2 concepts do NOT go together.


> Mediums do have a bad rep. It just is. And they did earn it. Very

> easy to research.


> That does NOT mean that meta-physics has a bad rep.


> In fact I personally believe over 95% of the members of this group


> have a VERY POSITIVE MENTAL/EMOTIONAL SLANT towards things meta-

> physical.


> As do I.


> > but please don't disparage a group for their beliefs, especially

> >based on the action of a few frauds POSING as legitimate psychics


> >mediums.


> I think that you are making a mountain out of a mole-hill.


> I do not think that was done here.


> Why not?


> Because I've trained thousands of people in how-to-develop their


> psychic abilities and to take self-responsibility for that

> development and the usuage of those innate skills of the human mind.


> And I do think it's well and good to defend yourself against

> unwarrented attacks...but in this case NON-EXISTED.


> You, with your vast psychic skills HALLUCINATED such a non-existent

> attack.


> Sorry.


> In fact you and I seem to believe in the same things. See your own

> starting dis-claimer.


> > and inner guidance. I believe strongly that if we all used a

> > combination of education and intuition, wisdom and intelligence,


> > would all be more balanced and better off. If we all did listen


> > our inner feelings, we wouldn't need to give our power away, which

> > diminishes the probability of falling prey to con artists.


> I disagree.


> Here's why.


> Most people do have 'feelings' that are positive and negative.


> And those memories of feelings can be triggered by anything that is

> associated to those feelings.


> So if Zorba the Greek was playing while you had a fantastic moment,

> all you'd need to do to get back that pleasant moment is 'hear' the

> music from Zorba the Greet.


> My point is that an accidentally triggered feeling for most people


> a TOTALLY UNCONSCIOUS PROCESS that they have no awareness of.


> They think that it is God talking to them rather than an auditorily

> revivified trigger of a past response.


> (defense of what you charge omitted)


> > please don't confuse my profession with the criminals who hide

> behind the title.



> believing that there EVER WAS any type of attack on you.


> There was NOT.


> Just like this post is NOT a personal attack on you.


> It is a call to clarity


> John La Tourrette,

> PhD in Sports Psychology

> MsD in Meta-Physics

> Co-developer of Silva UltraMind ESP Remote Viewing/Remote


> Huna Kumu

> Huna Ordained Minister

> and other blab, blab, blab...


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Thank you for taking the time for your reply and for the alternate




essentialskills , " docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001



> , " Kimberly

> Kristiansson " <kimkristiansson@> wrote:

> >

> > As a professional psychic & medium, I'd like to say that if

> > anyone tells you that they can do something (remove a curse, stop


> > negative action) for a fee, WALK AWAY.

> > If they repeatedly ask for money, WALK AWAY.

> > If they ask you to buy candles, oils, etc. for some good for

> > you, WALK AWAY.

> > If a psychic asks YOU questions, WALK AWAY.

> > The people who do this are NOT in it for YOUR best interest.


> Well,


> I am surprise you believe you've been personally attacked.


> That did NOT happen except in YOUR mind.


> And please do NOT think that my reply is an attack of any kind.


> Up to this point, except for that paranoid part, we are on the same

> page.




> So when someone goes to another, it's hopefully so they CAN LEARN,

> and NOT have it done for them.


> > Having said that, ALL mediums and psychics do not do this. I am

> > concerned this thread is giving that impression. It's fine to not

> > believe in metaphysical things,


> Sorry Kimberly but the above 2 concepts do NOT go together.


> Mediums do have a bad rep. It just is. And they did earn it. Very

> easy to research.


> That does NOT mean that meta-physics has a bad rep.


> In fact I personally believe over 95% of the members of this group


> have a VERY POSITIVE MENTAL/EMOTIONAL SLANT towards things meta-

> physical.


> As do I.


> > but please don't disparage a group for their beliefs, especially

> >based on the action of a few frauds POSING as legitimate psychics


> >mediums.


> I think that you are making a mountain out of a mole-hill.


> I do not think that was done here.


> Why not?


> Because I've trained thousands of people in how-to-develop their


> psychic abilities and to take self-responsibility for that

> development and the usuage of those innate skills of the human mind.


> And I do think it's well and good to defend yourself against

> unwarrented attacks...but in this case NON-EXISTED.


> You, with your vast psychic skills HALLUCINATED such a non-existent

> attack.


> Sorry.


> In fact you and I seem to believe in the same things. See your own

> starting dis-claimer.


> > and inner guidance. I believe strongly that if we all used a

> > combination of education and intuition, wisdom and intelligence,


> > would all be more balanced and better off. If we all did listen


> > our inner feelings, we wouldn't need to give our power away, which

> > diminishes the probability of falling prey to con artists.


> I disagree.


> Here's why.


> Most people do have 'feelings' that are positive and negative.


> And those memories of feelings can be triggered by anything that is

> associated to those feelings.


> So if Zorba the Greek was playing while you had a fantastic moment,

> all you'd need to do to get back that pleasant moment is 'hear' the

> music from Zorba the Greet.


> My point is that an accidentally triggered feeling for most people


> a TOTALLY UNCONSCIOUS PROCESS that they have no awareness of.


> They think that it is God talking to them rather than an auditorily

> revivified trigger of a past response.


> (defense of what you charge omitted)


> > please don't confuse my profession with the criminals who hide

> behind the title.



> believing that there EVER WAS any type of attack on you.


> There was NOT.


> Just like this post is NOT a personal attack on you.


> It is a call to clarity


> John La Tourrette,

> PhD in Sports Psychology

> MsD in Meta-Physics

> Co-developer of Silva UltraMind ESP Remote Viewing/Remote


> Huna Kumu

> Huna Ordained Minister

> and other blab, blab, blab...


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essentialskills , " docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001



> , " Kimberly

> Kristiansson " <kimkristiansson@> wrote:

> >

> > As a professional psychic & medium, I'd like to say that if

> > anyone tells you that they can do something (remove a curse, stop


> > negative action) for a fee, WALK AWAY.

> > If they repeatedly ask for money, WALK AWAY.

> > If they ask you to buy candles, oils, etc. for some good for

> > you, WALK AWAY.

> > If a psychic asks YOU questions, WALK AWAY.

> > The people who do this are NOT in it for YOUR best interest.


> Well,


> I am surprise you believe you've been personally attacked.


> That did NOT happen except in YOUR mind.


> And please do NOT think that my reply is an attack of any kind.


> Up to this point, except for that paranoid part, we are on the same

> page.




> So when someone goes to another, it's hopefully so they CAN LEARN,

> and NOT have it done for them.


> > Having said that, ALL mediums and psychics do not do this. I am

> > concerned this thread is giving that impression. It's fine to not

> > believe in metaphysical things,


> Sorry Kimberly but the above 2 concepts do NOT go together.


> Mediums do have a bad rep. It just is. And they did earn it. Very

> easy to research.


Some one just attempted to post the following " medium-spam " ,

where 'they'll' do it all for you.


Here's their sales pitch:


" Through tarot card readings of the past, present and future, I can

uncover the obstacles that you must overcome for your personal or

business success. With spells and spellwork, I can influence the

people in your life to help in your acceptance and prosperity. From

ritual and magic, I can provide the means to solve the most difficult

of your problems. "


Notice their liberal use of the word " I " .


Notice the " fear-based " information.


Notice " they will do the spells for you " .


Notice " they will influence YOUR circumstances " .


As far as I'm concerned these types have earned all the bad press

that is stacked miles deep all around them.


On the other hand, I did visit a " specialist " that " read " an

emotional problem VERY WELL, and then taught us what to do

energitically to heal the emotional problems that caused the physical



Now, group...


....what are the differences between those two classes of people?


John La Tourrette, PhD

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Responsibility - the responsibility should always remain with the person, not

the healer/professional / counselor. We are the catalysts to assist others in

creating their own lives. To claim responsibility for another creates the

opportunity for blame and victimhood.


Love, Mj




" docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001


Wed, 11 Feb 2009 01:29:50



being self-responsible?




essentialskills , " docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001



> , " Kimberly

> Kristiansson " <kimkristiansson@> wrote:

> >

> > As a professional psychic & medium, I'd like to say that if

> > anyone tells you that they can do something (remove a curse, stop


> > negative action) for a fee, WALK AWAY.

> > If they repeatedly ask for money, WALK AWAY.

> > If they ask you to buy candles, oils, etc. for some good for

> > you, WALK AWAY.

> > If a psychic asks YOU questions, WALK AWAY.

> > The people who do this are NOT in it for YOUR best interest.


> Well,


> I am surprise you believe you've been personally attacked.


> That did NOT happen except in YOUR mind.


> And please do NOT think that my reply is an attack of any kind.


> Up to this point, except for that paranoid part, we are on the same

> page.




> So when someone goes to another, it's hopefully so they CAN LEARN,

> and NOT have it done for them.


> > Having said that, ALL mediums and psychics do not do this. I am

> > concerned this thread is giving that impression. It's fine to not

> > believe in metaphysical things,


> Sorry Kimberly but the above 2 concepts do NOT go together.


> Mediums do have a bad rep. It just is. And they did earn it. Very

> easy to research.


Some one just attempted to post the following " medium-spam " ,

where 'they'll' do it all for you.


Here's their sales pitch:


" Through tarot card readings of the past, present and future, I can

uncover the obstacles that you must overcome for your personal or

business success. With spells and spellwork, I can influence the

people in your life to help in your acceptance and prosperity. From

ritual and magic, I can provide the means to solve the most difficult

of your problems. "


Notice their liberal use of the word " I " .


Notice the " fear-based " information.


Notice " they will do the spells for you " .


Notice " they will influence YOUR circumstances " .


As far as I'm concerned these types have earned all the bad press

that is stacked miles deep all around them.


On the other hand, I did visit a " specialist " that " read " an

emotional problem VERY WELL, and then taught us what to do

energitically to heal the emotional problems that caused the physical



Now, group...


....what are the differences between those two classes of people?


John La Tourrette, PhD

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The first example will appeal to the lazy/fearful/unconfident.


AKA: How to Create A Cash Cow.


Their pitch will appeal to those people who haven't yet accepted the

responsibilities of adults.


" Don't worry, it will all be okay...I'm here to shoulder the burdens of your

life for you, fear not, little one. "


And what a way to guarantee return business...their customers never run of

problems, and won't learn to flex their own responsibility muscles.


In the second scenario, your specialist gave you data regarding the

problem and then gave YOU the shovel to DIG YOURSELF out of it.


That method is your style.


You also make the information available, and it's up to us to apply it in our

own lives.


And when we have questions, you're always quick to point us in the right

direction...but it's still up to us to walk that path.


Looking forward to seeing y'all next weekend!


(Is there any chance that Richard C. will be well enough to attend?)


All my best,



> Here's their sales pitch:


> " Through tarot card readings of the past, present and future, I can

> uncover the obstacles that you must overcome for your personal or

> business success. With spells and spellwork, I can influence the

> people in your life to help in your acceptance and prosperity. From

> ritual and magic, I can provide the means to solve the most


> of your problems. "


> Notice their liberal use of the word " I " .


> Notice the " fear-based " information.


> Notice " they will do the spells for you " .


> Notice " they will influence YOUR circumstances " .


> As far as I'm concerned these types have earned all the bad press

> that is stacked miles deep all around them.


> On the other hand, I did visit a " specialist " that " read " an

> emotional problem VERY WELL, and then taught us what to do

> energitically to heal the emotional problems that caused the


> result.


> Now, group...


> ...what are the differences between those two classes of people?


> John La Tourrette, PhD


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