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Another perspective of TM

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And here's yet another perspective.

I learned TM in the 70s, and I really liked it for around the first six

months. Around that time, I was sitting there doing my mantra and

sort of blissing out, when it occurred to me (seemingly out of the blue)

that I was wasting that deep state of mind by only doing the

mantra. It seemed I should be " doing something. "

Voila--the book " The Power of Alpha Thinking " by Jess Stearn

appeared in the book stores, and I started realizing the possibilities

for usng that state constructively. To this day, I prefer using my

mantra to get to " level " over all the other methods, three to

one, 50 to one, three fingers, any of it. I only need to say my

mantra a few times, and I'm " there. "

Doc, I wonder if the TM folks might have done more good by giving

students something to do beyond blissing out, once they've learned to

reach that state. Bliss is nice, as far as it goes, but it doesn't

exactly get things done. I know that some people believe that our

purpose in life is to reach that state of bliss and stay there, but (and

of course, this is my personal opinion on the matter) for me, it always

seemed that we came to earth in these bodies to learn to " do

earth, " not to be all floaty and airy and let's face it,

un-grounded. (I think that is also what attracted me to the Silva

techniques--so practical, so useful, and at the time, I'd seen nothing

like them.)

I still use TM, but only to get to Level. It's a darned good way to

get there for me.


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To this day, I prefer using my mantra to get to "level" over all the other methods, three to one, 50 to one, three fingers, any of it. I only need to say my mantra a few times, and I'm "there."


This, IMO, Jeanne, is the quintessential, positive intent anchoring.

First: Find the STATE. Whatever method gets you there works.

[TM is but one method that was designed to introduce meditation to the masses. Lowest common denominator travels fastest, furthest so I don't knock it.]

However, like most on this list it was not my preferred pathway*.


But the fundamentals are sound.

So after we find the state,

Then ANCHOR the State.

Finally: Go there as often as we can for as long as we can.

Prologue: When it becomes the beaten Path, FORGET IT.**




* My personal dicipline is TaiChi/QiGong.

**Further to "Forget it" I thank Matt Watts for this treasure.











Jeanne Garner

Tuesday, March 31, 2009 5:49 AM

Re: Another perspective of TM

And here's yet another perspective.I learned TM in the 70s, and I really liked it for around the first six months. Around that time, I was sitting there doing my mantra and sort of blissing out, when it occurred to me (seemingly out of the blue) that I was wasting that deep state of mind by only doing the mantra. It seemed I should be "doing something." Voila--the book "The Power of Alpha Thinking" by Jess Stearn appeared in the book stores, and I started realizing the possibilities for usng that state constructively. To this day, I prefer using my mantra to get to "level" over all the other methods, three to one, 50 to one, three fingers, any of it. I only need to say my mantra a few times, and I'm "there."Doc, I wonder if the TM folks might have done more good by giving students something to do beyond blissing out, once they've learned to reach that state. Bliss is nice, as far as it goes, but it doesn't exactly get things done. I know that some people believe that our purpose in life is to reach that state of bliss and stay there, but (and of course, this is my personal opinion on the matter) for me, it always seemed that we came to earth in these bodies to learn to "do earth," not to be all floaty and airy and let's face it, un-grounded. (I think that is also what attracted me to the Silva techniques--so practical, so useful, and at the time, I'd seen nothing like them.)I still use TM, but only to get to Level. It's a darned good way to get there for me. Jeanne

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, Jeanne Garner

<jeanneg wrote:


> the mantra. It seemed I should be " doing something. " Voila--the

> book " The Power of Alpha Thinking " by Jess Stearn appeared in the

> book stores, and I started realizing the possibilities for usng that

> state constructively.


Yes Jeanne,


That book is one of the 'better' books on the Silva Mind Control method even

though Jess gave NO credit to Jose in that book or after he knew, and gave all

credit to Everett, the man who ripped off Jose.


Jose was pissed off about that to the day he died.


He said he'd talked to Jess about it but Jess didn't seem to care who did what.


Jose did successfully sue Everett, which I've talked about before.


Another guy, Wally Minto also took the SMC method and revamped it to avoid

paying royalties. Jose attempted to sue him but met legal roadblocks because of

something really smaaaaart that Wally did.


> To this day, I prefer using my mantra to get to " level " over all

> the other methods, three to one, 50 to one, three

> fingers, any of it. I only need to say my mantra a few times, and >I'm

" there. "


You may 'believe' that but my experiences have shown a massive difference

between a mantra and proper conditioning cycles.


Being there has many different levels and TM does NOT (as you've already

stated), teach 'how else to use that deep state.


And, Herbert Benson in his 'The Relaxation Response' went over how the exact

same benefits of saying the secret mantra of TM could be achieved by saying the

word 'mother' or any other word that evoked good responses in the subject. Even

" I like myself " will do the trick.


> Doc, I wonder if the TM folks might have done more good by giving

> students something to do beyond blissing out, once they've learned to > reach

that state.


They actually did. Williams did talk about that a bit. It just was NOT something

I had any interest in, 'bouncing on a table pretending you are levitating'.


> always seemed that we came to earth in these bodies to learn to " do

> earth, " not to be all floaty and airy and let's face it,

> un-grounded. (I think that is also what attracted me to the Silva

> techniques--so practical, so useful, and at the time, I'd seen

> nothing like them.)




Jose did a great job.


And I guess majaraji also did a great job according to his 'intentions'.


One was after a peaceful world.


The other was after making this world a better place through the development of

ESP skills.


John La Tourrette, PhD


> Jeanne


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At 07:49 PM 4/1/2009, you wrote:



>You may 'believe' that but my experiences have shown a massive

>difference between a mantra and proper conditioning cycles.


Actually, I took a live seminar last October. I did everything

exactly as I was taught--and I reached the exact same " level " as I

had been doing with my mantra. Of course, it might be different for others.

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