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Hi Peggy

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Hi Peggy et al

As soon as I saw your mail I hotfooted over to join


I first met Peggy on other crystal lists several years

ago so to see her running a crystal workshop herself

was something not to be missed.

However I will be changing to my other email address

in order not to get these mails swamped by another

list!! I will be using anandareiki from now



A short intro for anyone here who doesn't know me -

Karen, in 5th decade of living, married, two 20

something sons, teacher of reiki now living in France

with a multitude of animal friends, crystalholic and

lover of all things mystical.

Living by the sea in Cornwall UK meant weekends spent

on the beaches with the kids searching for stones and

minerals. This led to buying a tumbler and making

jewellery. Now have quite a collection, favourites

being quartz, moldavite, selenite and fluorite to name

but a few. Have most of the books you mention but

there is always room for more Peggy :-)

Looking forward to starting the workshop






Reiki Blessings


Teacher of Usui, Tibetan, Karuna Ki

and Lightarian Reiki





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Karen Smith wrote:


> Hi Peggy et al

> As soon as I saw your mail I hotfooted over to join

> up.I first met Peggy on other crystal lists several years

> ago so to see her running a crystal workshop herself

> was something not to be missed.



I hope this workshop and list can meet your expectations. I Hope

people are not expecting perfection .The reason my Reiki Manuals and

classes are pretty complete is that they have been evolved through

teaching hundreds of Reiki classes and exchanging information and

feedback with a huge number of people .and while I have been working

with crystals as long or longer than I've worked with Reiki and have

taught a half day crystal empowerment workshop

(which has more emphasis on attunements and energy work with crystals)

to quite a few people This is the first full fledged internet workshop

set I have done and I'm a bit nervous ,I will appreicite your

understanding that some elements will require time to become polished

and that your input and sharing

are important to the progress and evolution of the list

Naturally while I thought I had much of the material all written out and

ready to just post at the appropriate moment I find that I'll be

revising and editing a lot as we go along too.

I also hope my internet connection holds up the cable server used to

be wonderful but since ATT took over it has become quite erratic

Peggy - Solarraven


> --


Heretic Sanctuary, workshops, Reiki manuals


Huna, Angels, Crystals,fairies, the aura, spirituality


Sparrows Fairyland, art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion: http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

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, Peggy Jentoft <skygreen@m...>


I Hope

> people are not expecting perfection .


Perfection - can't handle it Peggy:-) It shows up my all too many

imperfections!. I also like to travel hopefully rather than to

arrive and that is why I am going to enjoy exploring the exciting

world of crystal lore with you and other like minded folk here.


I'm a bit nervous ,I will appreicite your

> understanding that some elements will require time to become

polished and that your input and sharing

> are important to the progress and evolution of the list


Cast your mind back a couple of years and you will remember how

nervous I was when I started RO. I opened that with very little

preparation after hearing the voices urging me and it just

evolved...and we have thrived.

I continue to be very grateful for your support on my list.

Rest assured Peggy that you have mine here :-))




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