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treated crystals

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I have had experience with two treated crystals - one is a blue howlite and

the other an Aurora Borealis cluster which I have uploaded to the photo file

for you to see. If you enlarge it you can see the colours.

Before I realised that it was dyed, I bought some blue howlite and as a

consequence worked with it for a while before I realised that it was in fact

white that had been 'painted'. I used it for throat chakra work and found

that it worked wonderfully on tired and overworked throats. I also included

it in my set of chakra crystals . When I realised that it had been treated I

was worried that I would unconsciously reject it, but no, it still works

beautifully for me. My belief in it continues, but others, I know, have not

had good responses at all from the stone.

I found the Rainbow Aurora Borealis cluster on an auction site and was drawn

to it immediately. I realised it had been treated with titanium to give it

the beautiful lustre but just kept coming back again and again to look at it.

It definitely seemed to be calling. I thought maybe it was it's rarity

value that might be making me want it - these stones are apparently only

treated in one or two labs - but I really felt a pull each time I gazed at it

so I gave in and bought it. Since then it has brought not only pleasure but

is working really well with, strangly enough - moldavite! where the Aurora

is acting as a generator at present in a healing grid for a seriously injured

friend. I 'talk' to the grid sometimes through my amethyst dowser, and this

little cluster sends out an energy that is powerful but warm and comforting.

Holding my hand over it feels like the gentle heat when you hover about 3 ''

above a candle flame as opposed to the moldavite which 'bites' :-))

So I do think there are exceptions and that some treated crystals can become

valued friends too.


crystaline blessings








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Karen and all,

I have in the past received some study group materials from Sylvia Browne, a

psychic here in the US. She does trance work with her guide Francine who has

recommended leaded crystals, in particular round, or octagon shaped. She

also states that " a crystal generates power from it's owner, especially lead

crystals (as small as you might want to obtain or as large). Crystals should

be worn, however, if you are not particularly entranced with crystals, you

could even wear a crystal close to your skin inside your clothing or even

wear it for a few days or a few nights during the week. " 'The one nice thing

about crystals is that it only absorbs electrical current to itself, is very

benign and carries no negativity. You do not have to worry about a crystal

becoming psychometrized by negative energy. It is probably the only known

type of object (one of the greatest) that any psychometrist could probably

read an aura generation from, but not much about the negaivity of the person.

That is why crystal reading, in psychometry classes, really does not give

you the right picture. A crystal worn on a person helps you transmit energy.

It actually becomes almost like a generator. Tha amazing thing about a

crystal, it also has the power to pull all energy and yet not drain a person

because it recycles energy; probably the only neutralizer of energy. In

essence, it actually can absorb negative energy such as illness from the

body, neutralizes, and actually send it back in, in a pure form. The more it

is worn by you personally, almost a personl baptism by you, the more it

begins to generate the warmth. It is almost as if a crystal is loved. It

seems to accept that energy.' Then the passage goes on to explain that

round shapes are beneficial because it traps any negative energy and keeps it

going in a circle so it never gets out, and that this was why in pagan times,

that the wedding ring was actually a symbol of, trapping the negative energy

and keeping it going in a circle so it never gets out. She also recommends

gold greater than 10k as a conductor of energy.

What does everyone think of the above statements? I can agree with most of

it, but it seems contradictory to state that a crystal doesn't carry

negativity and then say that the round shape is good because it traps

negative energy so it doesn't get out. As I read back over the passage it

does state that it neutralizes the negative and sends it back in a pure form.

Reiki hugs friends,

Linda F.





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Lily9735 wrote:


> Karen and all,

> I have in the past received some study group materials from Sylvia

> Browne, a psychic here in the US. She does trance work with her guide

> Francine who has recommended leaded crystals, in particular round, or

> octagon shaped. She also states that " a crystal generates power from

> it's owner, especially lead

> crystals (as small as you might want to obtain or as large).


Thank You for sharing this ,

I'll have to work to get neutral and study and meditate on this I have

my Prejudices

and one of them is a strong aversion to a lot of the messages from

Silvia Brown.(especialy more recent ones) My experience and the

information I receive usually differ . Her readings often set my

personal energy alarms off ( Danger, Will Robinson) . This does not mean

her stuff might not be valid for you .It just does not seem to

harmonize well with my own sense of " inner knowing " at this time .

Each of us does best to evaluate all info from anyone with our own

inner senses and Each of us may have a different truth in a particular


I agree that there are uses for lead crystals but in my view more in

the fung shue and possibly some magical uses .Perhaps some of the

Magical specialists here could comment . I can charge lead crystals but

natural works better for me . Lead crystals might " generate power

from it's owner " the natural crystals connect with frequencies of the

universal energy rather than drawing on the owners / holders energy .

Lead crystals do not " run " well as a shakti for me


Also Thank You Karen, for sharing your experience with the dyed Howlite

and the Aroura Boriallis treated crystals

Howlite also works for me whether dyed or not and checking with Melody I

do see that her information on Natual Howlite does have being used for

communication and what I think of as throat chakra issues and she lists

it for a lot of reasoning ,calming awareness and patience issues as well


I was discussing Howlite with a Native American crystal practicioner the

other day

who was speaking of Howlite as its used with sacred tools in combination

with tourqouise and coral .


On reflection I do Think that some of the Enhanced stones like Your

Aurora crystal and Aqua Aura are just as likely to have a positive use

and be happy in some cases and for specific people and purposes .

The last time I actually owned one of these was an aqua Aura I had a

long time ago before I was actively working with crystals and I really

loved it it did dissapear after a while .

The unhappy ones I have encountered all belonged to other people . I

have not had one call me to work with it. and it does not " run " well for

me at this time So I lack experience. I will make a note of that in the




> Solarraven-



Heretic Sanctuary, workshops, Reiki manuals


Huna, Angels, Crystals,fairies, the aura, spirituality


Sparrows Fairyland, art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion: http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

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Since I have a store that sells crystals and stones, I often get asked

questions about natural vs. synthetic, etc. While I prefer natural,

unpolished stones for myself and don't carry many things that are synthetic,

my personal belief is that if an item resonates with the owner, it really

does not matter. When you think about it, everything on the planet came

from the earth at some point - even plastic originiated from fossil fuels,

so everything has to have some kind of vibration. In grade school, we are

taught that all things are made up of matter and that matter is made up of

atoms (protons, neutrons and electrons) that are constantly moving. So it

seems logical to me that all things should have some sort of vibration. I

think this is why children sometimes become very attached to a particular

toy, dress, etc. The item has a soothing, calming effect on them and they

feel comfortable around it and upset when it is taken away - why? Maybe

they are attuned to the vibration of the object. This is not channelled

information, nor do I claim to be psychic...just my corporate-trained left

brain trying to rationalize right-brain stuff. Thanks again to Peggy for

making this list happen.





Web site: http://www.stonekeepers.com

Auctions: http://auctions./booth/ramona_stonekeepers

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