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Moon in Libra - Tuesday PM thru Thrusday AM

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~~~~~~~Libra Moon Meditation at bottom of email ~~~~~~~~



The Moon enters Libra around 4:08 PM PDT on Tuesday, July 24.


The moon will remain in Libra until 8:10 AM PDT on Thursday, July 26.




MOON IN LIBRA: Cooperation and harmony with others in every sphere of life

are the trends during this period. Personal relationships should be highly

satisfactory, and friendship could flourish into a deep bond, strengthened by

discussions of mutual aims and ambitions. If marriage is contemplated, this

could be an ideal time to march down the aisle, and the union should bring

lifelong happiness for both. If in love, the romance could become firmly

established on the basis of common interests and shared hopes. The family

circle may be filled with loving cooperation, and no hint of anger or

impatience should appear. Personal wishes may be set aside if they clash with

the vote of the majority. Participation in group activities may appeal

particularly now, and all concerned should work in harmony, sharing the good

and bad together without resentment. Art or theater may be especially

attractive, and this could be a good time to join a new group connected with

the arts. In the business world, cooperation should again be the keynote, and

anew partnership may be founded in an atmosphere of complete harmony and hope

for the future. Life should flow very smoothly, with no discordant notes to

disturb the harmonious atmosphere. Instinct and intuition may seem to dictate

what path should be followed, and all activities should follow one another in

a well-organized manner, without any rush or waste of time.


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WED JULY 25 The pull of society is powerful under Libra Moon. Gather with

friends, discuss business ventures with colleagues, enjoy meetings, and

heart-felt sharings. All the arts and cultural happenings draw you like a



THU JULY 26 Accomplish as much as you can early while the Moon in Libra

aligns with Venus (7:30AM PDT) and Uranus (8:10AM PDT). This creates a

temporary grand triangle in the air signs (Moon in Libra; Uranus in Aquarius;

Venus in Gemini). It's a great morning for the free-flow of information,

ingenious ideas, artistic innovations.


The Great Bear Astrological Center





Jul 25, Wednesday. Moon entered Libra yesterday bringing to greater awareness

the mysteries of conscious equal partnership where we have an opportunity to

learn more about who we are through intimate interaction with a partner.






WEDNESDAYJULY 25. With Moon in Libra we cancreate a dance for two with the

harsh energies of the times. This is harmonizing day. Make those challenging

connections, express yourself,negotiate for what you want. We have from 7

a.m. until 9 p.m. to smooth out difficult relationships. Two essentials are

listening to others—walk in their shoes—and honesty with yourself.


DaykeeperJournal: Maya del Mar's Daily Astrological Calender




Libra: I accept the wonderful opportunities that are coming my way, allowing

them to aid in my progress and growth. I know that life is improving.

Jeri Noble




Moon in Libra:  Increases self-awareness, favors self-examination and

interaction with others, but discourages spontaneous initiative.

Moon Zodiac



Moon in Libra highlights the magic of the dance to

inter-relatedness-friendly, romantic, and searching for a way to connect.

Libra asks us to treat those around us as equals and make sure our politics

and art, our lovemaking and our networks integrate. Then to the beauty of the

garden, cultivate, but don't plant.  The Moon in Libra woman came here to

feel the beauty in cooperation She may need to learn to heed her own voice

under conflict.  She offers us bone deep kindness, mediation and justice.



It is a moist and somewhat productive time It is a very good time for

planting ornamental flowers and other plants of beauty.


Other Sources:

Celestial Guide 2000 Jim Maynard

The Witches Almanac 2000




Libra Moon Meditation:


Write or say the following affirmations:


I release my sorrow over past relationships.

I let go of the need to find the ideal man or woman.

I am complete and need no other to make me whole.

I am living, lovable, and loved.

I give and receive unconditional love.


Healing Meditation:


Put yourself in a bubble of pink light, and let the light fill your brain and

your whole body.  Visualize in front of you, in a similar bubble of pink

light, someone you've loved and lost, or someone you are estranged from.

Imagine that there is a kind of rope or cord from your heart to this

person's, and that this person represents all the difficulties or pain that

has happened between you.  Let a bright pink flame emerge from your heart

area and begin to burn away all those difficult emotions, actions, and unmet

needs.  Keep the flame burning bright by saying again and again in your

mind: Release with love; heal with love; cleanse with love, when the rope has

burned down to the end, let the pink light warm and fill

your heart, then send the person on to his or her own path with a prayer for



Close with the affirmation:


I release my sorrow over past relationships.


Making the most of Libra:  Imagine a tightly closed pink flower in the heart

area.  Using your hands, go around the outside of the flower and open each

petal one by one, saying several of these affirmations or others you makeup.

When you get to the center, see a warm pink light pulsating outward from

the center.


Moon Signs

Donna Cunningham





morning dew






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