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Welcome new member/Peggy J.

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" What you believe,

you become " . --- native american proverb ---



Hello Peggy,


Namaste & Salaam.

The 'new' members here have extremely grown quick.

I think its almost not possible to write to each of them.

That is what you get, when you want to share information

about " Chrystal Healing " like you do, Peggy, because its so

beautifel done with 'good information' and even understandable

for someone whose mothertongue is not english. My compliments!



There is " one " question about books, some are not available

here, in the small town where I live in Holland. So I was

thinking that book of Diane Stein, is that good for a starter.

Because her books are available in dutch.


There are some books available in dutch but don't know if

they're good... I mean good information. What should I do???


Besides I enjoy it so much and I'am delighted to be part of

this group. Pls. continue like this, sharing from the heart

with us and walk in beauty...


Wassalam &

Peace, love & light

be with you & yours



, Peggy Jentoft <skygreen@m...>



> Welcome, New members

> The list has gone from 56 to 84 members in two days so I'm not

going to

> even try to greet everyone individually .but you are all welcome I


> you will enjoy the discussion and workshop

> The files can be found in the files section at


> they are in numerical order so begin with 0 and proceed at your


> pace please feel free to discuss any questions or thoughts you


> about anything in or related to the workshop files and any crystal


> related questions

> The workshop material is being written as we continue and

> new files are posted to the list and added to the files section at


> once or twice a week

> The list is only around two weeks old so we still have a lot of

> ground to cover

> Please introduce yourself to the group and share your crystal

> experiences

> There is a place to add your contact information in the database

if you

> wish to do so

> and there is a survey in the polls section asking if you feel


> that you still have time to participate in it. The Poll closes

> tomorrow .

> There are some photos of crystals and other information in the


> section too.

> There are some really great people on this list with tons of


> and wisdom to share and I everyone has fun here


> Solarraven ~ Peggy Jentoft



> --


> Heretic Sanctuary, workshops, Reiki manuals

> http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

> Huna, Angels, Crystals,fairies, the aura, spirituality

> http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

> Sparrows Fairyland, art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

> Spirited emotion: http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

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In a message dated 7/30/01 2:30:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

skygreen writes:



> If you use a pendulum or sense energy testing books for quality -value

> can be a good way to strengthen your intuitive skills .




Bear with me but I don't understand



~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~






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" Nama saya..... Costavina " wrote:


> " There is " one " question about books, some are not available

> here, in the small town where I live in Holland. So I was

> thinking that book of Diane Stein, is that good for a starter.

> Because her books are available in dutch.


> There are some books available in dutch but don't know if

> they're good... I mean good information. What should I do???


You really do not have to get any books for this workshop. I hope to

actually post enough information in the files that having the books

won't be needed though having books is great

and if you do get some that we don't have available in English I hope

who will share

anything you find particularly interesting .

The Diane Stein book on Gemstones is Ok It was one of the first ones

I bought but I really do not consult it often.

There is no one perfect crystal book in any language Her book on

gemstones is not controversial like her book on Reiki is

Her listing of gemstone properties seems to be almost entirely focussed

on spiritual functions so it may be a lot easier to find a stone to use

for astral travel or karmic healing in her book than for a sprained

ankle or a manifestation prosperity procedure


If you use a pendulum or sense energy testing books for quality -value

can be a good way to strengthen your intuitive skills .






Heretic Sanctuary, workshops, Reiki manuals


Huna, Angels, Crystals,fairies, the aura, spirituality


Sparrows Fairyland, art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion: http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

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> > If you use a pendulum or sense energy testing books for quality

> -value

> > can be a good way to strengthen your intuitive skills .

> >

> > Bear with me but I don't understand

> ~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~


We will go into some detail about using pendulums and about sensing

energy and scanning later in the workshop .the suggestion above was

that if the person was already working on intuitive sensing with methods

like using a pendulum (dowsing) they might try to see if they could

pickup " vibes " from the books under consideration that might form part

of the information from which they could make a decision. I do not

recommend anyone become over dependent on such tools but dowsing,

muscle testing, various divination methods and learning to use intuitive

reception can make some parts of life easier

Pendulums are often made of crystals or metals which puts them in the

tools category

Scanning and other techniques which involve sensing energy are of great

value in healing work.

New lessons are posted on the list before being added to the files

previous lessons are in the files in numerical order there will also

be files that start with a z-file indicator for information that is not

strictly speaking part of the outlined course but which may

have answers to peripheral questions .






> --



Heretic Sanctuary, workshops, Reiki manuals


Huna, Angels, Crystals,fairies, the aura, spirituality


Sparrows Fairyland, art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion: http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

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In a message dated 7/30/01 7:47:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

skygreen writes:



> New lessons are posted on the list before being added to the files

> previous lessons are in the files in numerical order there will also

> be files that start with a z-file indicator for information that is not

> strictly speaking part of the outlined course but which may

> have answers to peripheral questions .





Thanks. :o)

I went there last night and started reading. I'll be coping

it today to make a little book for myself.



~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~






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