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Charging and amplifying stones

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How do you know when your crystal is energized?



~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~






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Charging Crystals


Many of the techniques for clearing crystals also charge and restore

them and no other attention is needed for this purpose .An overworked

stone will sometimes need to rest a while before being reused.

Sometimes even a cleared crystal will seem under energized or even

lifeless. It can be charged ,amplified or restored by using any of

several methods.


begin with a cleared stone


You can place your stones to be charged on a clear quartz cluster to be

charged using four singly terminated clear quartz crystals points

inward toward the cluster in a cross formation one in each compass

direction East , South , North and West will boost the effectiveness

of this method you can leave your crystals on the clusters long as you



You can charge the stones with universal life force and / or any

healing shakti you have access to by running the energy into the stone

while holding or touching it (if you are skilled at remote work you can

do this without touching the stones even from a distance).


You can imagine / visualize a beam of healing light ,White ,golden or

rainbow entering your crown and flowing down your arms into the crystals

you hold, vitalizing the stone . Light can also be beamed from the

heart .Other locations for beaming light from can be used but are

most often used in a programming charge for specific purposes rather

than general purpose work .



I usually hold the stone and intend that its natural energies be

restored and/or amplified using a scale of one to ten .(actually I

use a scale of one to thirty but that range is acquired gradually

through over a year of specialized training ) in accord with maximum

good and highest purpose.

There are attunements that can facilitate this and other energy work and

crystal work processes . I find that many people can access these

procedures quite well without formal attunements. It takes less than a

minute for most of these intention techniques to work and many will

run to completion by themselves even if you do not retain focus on the


Simply intend that the stone's energy be raised to its highest most

healthful level or

restored to its ideal state.


Intention when used this way means to focus your will clearly on what

you wish done

you do not need to sweat this it is not an intense forces of

concentration just a clearly formed focus of thought and will a mental

command or request .

Visualization is often used with intention but as used here this does

not mean that you actually need to see something in your mind just that

you find a clear way to communicate your intention. The most common

difficulty people have with intention processes id that they may work

too hard at it


You can also use intention to personalize a stone for your self or

others this will call in harmonious energies and turn off

inharmonious ones. You can also use intention to recover programming or

memories that have been cleared out previously if you need too.


In most cases if you have a piece of the same stone that is fully

energized you can

place the under charged stone next to or on it and ask intend that

the weak stone match it and restored to the full level of its



You can ask your Solar Angel and high self to charge and restore a stone

or bring in

the Guide or Deva most suitable. to do this.

You can of course request that the Deity/ies and or Spiritual beings

that you work with personaly, charge the stone Do this in accord with

those traditions and procedures you use in working with that source.


Sunlight, moonlight, wind and other Spiritual intervention will raise

the vibration and

restore wholeness to your stone's energy. If you run crystal shaktis

or stone spirit

energies you can charge your stone simply by running the stone shakti

of that stone into it .


Taking a stone into the presence of a great spiritual teacher or to a

sacred site

or in the presence of some sacred or blessed object .

is a time honoured way to charge them . Sometimes it is possible to

invoke healing energy into the stone from a site or spiritual teacher

without being in the actual presence.

Remember of course that not all famous Spiritual teachers are really

spiritually advanced

and you also might well find an enlightened master at the Laundromat

or scrubbing floors in an office building .

A sacred place may be some area of forest or a temple or the seashore

not just those officially so designated .


toning and playing sacred or beautiful music can charge a stone too

classical music drumming and Gamelion music are among the possibilities

for charging with sound

Try some of these methods out .

I am sure there are other ways you might find to charge your stones

please share your sugestions and experiences with us


Solarraven ~ Peggy Jentoft



Heretic Sanctuary, workshops, Reiki manuals


Huna, Angels, Crystals,fairies, the aura, spirituality


Sparrows Fairyland, art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion: http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

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> How do you know when your crystal is energized?



> ~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~

> «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»


Most people develop an intuition about this over time and the crystal

may seem brighter clearer lighter, shiny It may feel more pleasant.

people using energy methods of charging will usually have these stop

when the work is done and they may feel that energy shift happen .

People who get information or signals from their high self or angels or

from deva or guides may get some kind of prearranged signal when the

work is done or when they ask

such as seeing a light or having their nose or ear itch

If you do not get a sense about how long it takes allow three to

five minutes for intention directed methods and possibly 24 hours or

longer for resting on crystal clusters

The time will vary from item to item and person to person there is no

way I know to give you an absolute time frame Many people mentally

visualize a meter or gauge and imaging the needle or other indicator

giving you a read out as to the percentage of charge that is done .




Heretic Sanctuary, workshops, Reiki manuals


Huna, Angels, Crystals,fairies, the aura, spirituality


Sparrows Fairyland, art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion: http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

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