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I thought that some list members might possiblybe unfamilliar with


so I'm posting a little bit about it which I will add to the z-files

section at the bottom of the files page which is for information that

might be of use or interest but is not directly part of the ongoing



Smudging is using smoke, usually from Sage or other fragrant herbs, with


historic sacred associations to clear objects, people, houses, crystals,


room, circles etc. Open doors or windows if possible when doing a

house cleansing

to allow the smoke to carry negative energies away.


The most common way this is done lately is based on Native American

tradition. The dried herbal smudge bundle or loose herb is placed in a


proof container, often an abalone shell (to represent the water element)


lit, the smoke is fanned to spread it through the room, often using a


feather or feather fan, starting in the East and moving sun wise through


area in a complete circle is the way I was taught, but have seen it done


many ways.

(I've Been told that Some Native American Traditions Consider using an

abalone shell disrespectful , I was taught smudging by a member of a

California Costanoan Tribe Her tradition does use abalone shells )


When smudging yourself you might waft the smoke around your face saying

something like " May I see only the truth, hear only the truth, speak



truth. " Smudge your heart and say, " May all my acts be of love. "


downward to the feet and say, " May I always walk the good path. " One


makes a vow or wish for the purpose of the ceremony like, " May what we


here be in and of the highest good. " or, " May we be brothers in spirit


dissolve conflicts " , and passes the smudge bowl and feather to the next

person. Sometimes a single person will smudge all the others rather


passing the bowl around..


One method of clearing crystals is to smudge them either holding them

in the smoke or fanning the smoke over and around them .

You might also like to smudge yourself and/ or the room before

conducting a crystal healing treatment



Incense, and even burning epsom salts is in the smudge category. Some

cultures throw the herbs into boiling water for steam or directly onto a


fire. Some form of incensing or smudging is an almost universal energy

purification method, and in fact many of the traditionally used herbs


antibiotic or other healing properties. Sage, sweet grass, lavender,

thyme, sandalwood ,

and rosemary are some of the herbs most often used.




Peggy J







Heretic Sanctuary, workshops, Reiki manuals


Huna, Angels, Crystals,fairies, the aura, spirituality


Sparrows Fairyland, art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion: http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

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Thank you so much for the smudging piece. That was so clear and so excellent.

I will use this during my workshop as a handout with you credited, of course -

and with your permission.






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Sherry Harvey wrote:


> Peggy!

> Thank you so much for the smudging piece. That was so clear and so

> excellent. I will use this during my workshop as a handout with you

> credited, of course - and with your permission.

> Sherry



Yes of course you have my permission and thank you for the lovely

sampler of aromas and potpourri which arrived today I do work a little

bit with some EO and grow quite a few

herbs in my front yard The dog squashed my fairy garden in then back so

its in the front

If you have a good list of eo and crystal correspondances or personal

favorits for chakra work please feel free to share with the list






Heretic Sanctuary, workshops, Reiki manuals


Huna, Angels, Crystals,fairies, the aura, spirituality


Sparrows Fairyland, art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion: http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

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  • 6 years later...

Thank you Group for your information on Smudging..It was very

interesting to read all the notes on it. I will continue to use the

White Sage for smudging,and use other herbs for experimenting with.

Iam a very sensitive person, and wish I could control this better. My

emotions are so over powering some times and would like to know what

other folks do about this..I sense other peoples moods and this

changes my moods instantly,I need to stay away from crowds because of

this..Any help in this area would be very much appreciated...Barbara

from Ontario, Canada..

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Hi Barbara... I too am sensitive to others and generally fall in line with their

emotions. Years ago I had a hard time leaving my house and being around people.

I found that when I put a protective bubble around myself and carry a black

gemstone in my pocket I can 'view' their feelings without attaching them to

mine. When I walk into my house I take off the bubble before I come in to leave

all the attachments outside. It helpe me immensely! Have you tried any chakra

work? I was told long ago that if your chakras are too wide open you can pick

up other emotions easily. I hope that helps!





Barbara <bardell wrote:

Thank you Group for your information on Smudging..It was very

interesting to read all the notes on it. I will continue to use the

White Sage for smudging,and use other herbs for experimenting with.

Iam a very sensitive person, and wish I could control this better. My

emotions are so over powering some times and would like to know what

other folks do about this..I sense other peoples moods and this

changes my moods instantly,I need to stay away from crowds because of

this..Any help in this area would be very much appreciated...Barbara

from Ontario, Canada..








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