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Throat chakra crystal

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Sodalite, Lapis, Turquoise, beryl, blue lace agate.


*~~*~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~*~~*

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At 01:06 PM 8/5/2001, you wrote:

>I am looking for a crystal to use for throat chakra work, but I don't

>really seem drawn to any blue stones that I've seen. Would people mind

>what telling me what they are using for a throat chakra crystal, if



Being a singer, the throat chakra is one I work with/on a lot! <G> I've

used Chrysocolla, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Sodalite, and most recently

started working with Blue Lace Agate. I believe Azurite is also good, but

I don't have any yet...Oh yes, and Aquamarine would be good too, I

think. HTH!!



Aderyn ~*~

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Greetings! I have been lurking for about a week now, and I saw this as a good

opportunity to introduce myself :) First... I was recently given a beautiful

piece of aquamarine. I don't have much experience with chakras and stones - am

only beginning to learn more about this - but my 3 y/o daughter kept putting it

to my throat. So, I put it to my throat and felt the most amazing sensations.

Sure enough, I later learned that aquamarine was used for the throat chakra :)


About me... I have recently been drawn to working with crystals again, after

many years of not working with them and forgetting much of what I had learned.

I am Reiki 2, and I'm finding that combining crystals and Reiki is quite

powerful. My spiritual path led me back to the stones, and Reiki is giving me

that additional push :) So, I have been doing various " experiments " of late and

really enjoying myself. I am also pursuing a home-study Doctor of Naturopathy

program, and I see these healing modalities as being an important part of the

work that I will do. So, I am here to learn - and I can see that this is a

wonderful opportunity for that, thank you so! - and to share what I can.

Looking forward to learning and growing with you all.




Susan S. Bosco

I am looking for a crystal to use for throat chakra work, but I don't

really seem drawn to any blue stones that I've seen. Would people mind

what telling me what they are using for a throat chakra crystal, if







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Kyanite is by far the best throat chakra crystal I have ever had the pleasure of

working with. It is self-clearing which means that it does not hold energy of a

lower vibration within itself like most crystals normally do. Instead, the way

it clears is by channeling energy in a laser-straight line out of both ends, the

energy which of course will be modulated by the hands and intention of the



Susan S. Bosco

Sunday, August 05, 2001 1:06 PM

[CrystalHW] Throat chakra crystal



I am looking for a crystal to use for throat chakra work, but I don't

really seem drawn to any blue stones that I've seen. Would people mind

what telling me what they are using for a throat chakra crystal, if






Susan : )))))))))))))))




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Hi Susan,


I use blue lace agate or any blue agate.


Off the top of my head there is also:


Quartz with blue rutile or blue tourmaline inclusions.


Blue fluorite can help with speech and communication. I really like this

stone. It was a pocket stone for me for months. I just love it.


Jahnsite is good for decreasing stress and nervousness that might

interfere with the throat chakra and clear speech related to anxiety.


Blue obsidian, blue opal, blue tourmaline for stimulating and enhancing

the throat chakra.


For some reason I feel like mentioning Jasper. It is such a nurturing

stone that if you are working on someone being stuck it might work

well..... What the heck. :-)



Heather B.


Susan S. Bosco wrote:


> I am looking for a crystal to use for throat chakra work, but I don't

> really seem drawn to any blue stones that I've seen. Would people mind

> what telling me what they are using for a throat chakra crystal, if

> anything?


> Thanks.


> Love,

> Susan : )))))))))))))))

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Hi Susan,

I recently made, for myself, a choker of lapis and rose quartz. The lapis is in

the center so it sits right at the throat chakra and the rest of it is rose

quartz. In the center of the lapis I put a small round " charm " with a spiral on

it. For me, the spiral draws in the energy of the lapis and the rose quartz

brings in loving energy so that I may speak my truth with love.

Are you looking for the stone for work on yourself or for work with others? The

reason I ask is that if the work is for yourself and you are not feeling drawn

to any of the blue stones you see, well that could be something to take a closer

look at. Just something that popped into my head right now.




Love and Light








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In a message dated 8/5/01 6:07:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

h.blome writes:



> Blue fluorite can help with speech and communication. I really like this

> stone. It was a pocket stone for me for months. I just love it.




What stones do you like to carry with you?

Do you all change them from day to day or carry the same ones?

What ones do you keep in your car?


*~~*~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~*~~*

The grass isn't greener on the other side...It's greener where you water it!



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In a message dated 05/08/01 19:06:46 Paris, Madrid (heure d'été),

sbosco writes:



> I am looking for a crystal to use for throat chakra work, but I don't

> really seem drawn to any blue stones that I've seen. Would people mind

> what telling me what they are using for a throat chakra crystal, if

> anything?



Susan - I have been using a blue (dyed) howlite for a while on the

throat It is of course white in it's natural state so wonder if

that might help?.

I have also successfully relieved a sore throat with a citrine point - just

drawn to use it to cut through the pain.


crystal blessings





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Hi Susan,

How fun to see you here. I am especially fond of Amazonite & of course,

aquamarine. I like apatite too, for some people. Angelite works beautifully

to open the throat chakra when it's shut tight. Singers and actors use this

one to great effect.

I haven't tried blue chalcedony yet, but it's calling my name.

Tell us what you use.






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I forgot Kyanite! I like it so much that I'm taking it for granted I

guess. I have the wands, for energy work. I use it to clear all the

chakras. I also have the polished faceted stones for jewelry. They are






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mimi wrote:


> if the work is for yourself and you are not feeling drawn to any of

> the blue stones you see, well that could be something to take a closer

> look at.


What an excellent point, Mimi. I wasn't sure just what I needed the

throat chakra crystal for, but I knew I wanted one for self treatment.

I've been looking at blue stones for weeks and weeks now, and none of

them jumped out at me - until last night.


I was shopping the 'Net for a blue kyanite that I thought I might try

for this application, when I happened to scroll through a page on

celestite. Well! That was it!! That is the stone I need to use. I'm

not saying I won't also get a kyanite sometime, or many others, but

right now I am absolutely certain I neeeeed the celestite. Funny how

you just know, isn't it?


I read about celestite's metaphysical uses, and it mentioned

communication with angels. Wasn't it just last week I posted about

communicating with my Companion Angel, and was told " hear me " ?


Guess I have my work cut out for me.



Susan : ))))))))))))))))))







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Hi Susan,

Isn't it lovely when things just come together and fall into place!? I am close

to giving up on the thought that I know which stone I need more than a stone

knows that it is the one that I need. I hope that makes sense! I have learned

to pay attention when I feel consistently drawn to a particular type of stone as

well as when I am repelled by a particular stone. It's like, " OK this isn't

about the stone...lets look within.. " The funny thing is when I don't want to

look within I usually find that stone working its way into my jewelry so

conscious or not, I end up working with that stone! I am rambling...back to

you. So yes, your work is cut out for you but it too will fall divinely into

place. Have a great day!





Love and Light








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