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MM,this is a great place to get stones Stephanie can

find you a stone, if you are having a hard time

finding it.Tell her Luna sent you.BB..Luna



Happy Saturday,


It's back to school time at the local malls. Kids

following parents

around with this stunned look on their faces that

says, " I can't believe

it's over already " .


Lots of fun stuff in your newsletter today. The

featured stone is

Rutile, a gorgeous inclusion in Quartz and more.

You'll find a few poetic

thoughts on intelligence, and there's a chance for you

to win a Red

Rutilated Quartz pendant.


New Quartz, Amethyst, Appophylite and Phrenite

clusters have been added

to the Cluster sale, there's a link in the newsletter

to the sale page.

Remember these great cluster prices absolutely end on



Please enjoy!



A biweekly publication of Ozark Rock Exchange

Vol. 2 Issue 21; August 11, 2001


ORE'S FEATURED GEMSTONE: Rutilated Gemstones

by Stephanie Pflumm


Have you spent much time wondering what those gorgeous

golden needles

in Rutilated Quartz were? Or why some Sapphires have

dancing stars

across their surface and others do not? I've been

insatiably curious about

Rutile, ever since I started researching gems and

crystals. So this week

I caved into my curiosity and found out just what a

Rutile is.


It is a Titanium Dioxide crystal. Not only is it found

as inclusions in

other stones, but also as an independent gemstone with

its own story.


Rutile crystals range in colors from smoky browns

(caused by radiation)

to reds, to bright golden yellows. The golden needles

have been

nicknamed Angel Hair, Venus Hair and Cupid's Arrows.

The crystal has a bright

luster, outshining Diamonds. Rutile that has been cut

into gemstones

for settings have been mistaken for black Diamonds at

first glance.

However, Rutile stones of this quality are pretty



Titanium is a favorite metal for high tech

applications. Its extremely

light, but very strong and resists corrosion for long

wear. The

crystal loves to twin itself, often growing in a

circular fashion. It's not

unusual to find crystals that have grown up to eight

twins in a cyclic

formation. Rutile terminations vary greatly, including

eight sided

prisms, four sided pyramids and twinning.


Rutilus is the Latin root for Rutile, it means red.

Tourmaline, Barite

and Hematite are often found along with Rutile. It is

not uncommon to

find Quartz that has been included with both

Tourmaline and Rutile. The

crystal is available almost anywhere Quartz is;

including Brazil, North

America, Switzerland, Africa, Madagascar and Russia.


When it comes to gems and crystals for jewelry, the

norm is " no

inclusions wanted " . Rutile inclusions, on the other

hand, are highly sought

after " imperfections " . Star Sapphires are the result

of a Rutile that has

twinned itself in a six ray formation. Asterisms also

occur in Garnet,

Ruby, Rose Quartz and Amethyst. Other Rutile

inclusions can cause cat's

eye effects in a variety of silicate gemstones.


Rutilated Quartz is probably the most well known and

one of the most

powerful Rutilated stones. One legend describes the

bright inclusions as

captured rays of Sun, frozen in Quartz during the Ice

Age. Early

alchemists believed that Quartz was Water that had

frozen under the intense

cold caused by encroaching glaciers. It has an ancient

history as a tool

for enhancing a ritual's power. Healers used this type

of Quartz to

discover the source of physical ailments. The Early

Healers knew that not

all illness came from the body. Meditations with

Rutilated Quartz

helped reveal the true source of a problem and the

best treatment for both

body and soul.


Rutile inclusions in any gemstone or crystal

essentially electrifies

its energies, significantly improving the magical

performance of the

stone. You will find this mineral brings more focus to

your work with that

stone. Insights into how to use those energies are

illuminated and

suddenly easier to understand. Solutions that have

eluded you are revealed

in a new light.


For each of these articles, I carry, sleep and

meditate with the stone

I am researching. I've been carrying a Rutilated

Quartz for this



Thursday night, the program I use to upload changes to

my web site went

bonkers. Freezing and crashing. I spent numerous hours


various fixes from increasing memory allotments to

spring cleaning folders.

Nothing helped. As I fell into a frustrated, fitful

sleep, a flashing

billboard was wishing me good night " The Answer Is On

The Internet " .

Well, Friday morning, as soon as tech support was

open, I called to explain

my problem. Turns out, I missed a critical upgrade

download. Which,

after visiting their site on the internet, I got the

download and within

an hour, everything was perfect again.


A Rutilated gemstone will bring longevity to your

efforts, allowing

whatever you may be manifesting to survive against all

odds. It imparts a

powerful force that can slice through obstacles,

helping you keep your

eye on the goal and off momentary distractions. The

crystal can also

establish a defense that can prevent these obstacles

from interfering

with your goals. Deflecting their potential influence

on your path.


Golden Rutiles open your connection with the Universal

All, improves

astral travel and brings an understanding of where and

why you have been.

Red and brown Rutiles make effective tools for

healers, by aiding you

in bringing the spiritual and physical into balance

for total health.


Couples can use Rutilated gemstones to help smooth the

bumps that every

relationship encounters. Everyone can benefit from the


clarifying affect on thought patterns and nurturing

nature that stimulates your

personal growth.


Quartz with Rutile inclusions is perfect for

strengthening your psychic

abilities, increasing clairvoyance and clearing

channels for projecting

your thoughts. Star Sapphire and Ruby make great

stones for manifesting

abundance. The Rutile enhances Sapphire's ability to

help you achieve

material wealth and Ruby's power to show you the most




A word of warning if you are just beginning to work

with stones. The

Rutile inclusions, especially in Quartz can be very

chaotic. Sometimes,

this chaos shows up in the stone's energy field, and

it takes some skill

to focus its powers. So, if you pick up a Rutilated

Quartz and suddenly

feel confused or spacey, it's not you, it's those

crazy Rutiles.

Setting the stone in Gold or Copper helps to calm and

control unruly



For healing, Rutilated Quartz is a must have for

gemstone therapies.

Healthy properties in Quartz like, strong immune

system, respiratory

relief, cell regeneration and circulation are

significantly increased by

Rutile. It removes blockages in the physical and

emotional body and

relieves depression.


By itself, Rutile may help regulate a new mother's

milk, provide relief

from asthma or bronchitis and strengthen blood

vessels. The crystal can

enhance sexual performance by easing anxious emotions

that impair

physical action.


The crystal may also help in overcoming from the

effects of radiation.

A Rutilated Quartz is an excellent talisman for a

friend facing a fight

with cancer.






Receive a FREE small gemstone of your choice with any

purchase from

Ozark Rock Exchange. You can shop on line at

http://www.ozarkrockexchange.com/catalog.shtml You

can also place your

order by email ( stephanie ), or

send your

telephone number for a phone appointment. Discount

will be taken at the time

of purchase. You must be a r as of August 11,

2001 to be

eligible for the Subscriber's Special; the Subscriber

Special is not valid

with other offers (unless otherwise stated). Only one

special per

r, please. The Subscriber's Special will

expire August 25, 2001.

Remember shipping is always FREE at Ozark Rock



Contest: Win A Red Rutilated Quartz Pendant!


You may have noticed that Ozark Rock Exchange has

opened up a jewelry

department in our Gift Shoppe;


then click the

Jewelry Department link.

To celebrate, you have a chance to win a red Rutilated

Quartz Pendant!

And it's so simple, I call it Picks And Wishes!


1. Visit the Jewelry department, (use the link above

and click Jewelry

Department) and tell us your favorite new jewelry


2. Tell us what you would like to see added to the

Jewelry Department?


Send your Picks and Wishes to

stephanie@ozarkrockexchange, and you are

in the drawing for a red Rutilated Quartz pendant. All

entries must be

received by 11:59 pm (CDST), Thursday August 23rd. The

winner will be

announced in the next issue of ORE FEATURES, which

will be out a day

early (August 24) because of the Spirit Mind Body Expo

in Tulsa that







Perseid Meteor Shower, August 10 - 13 (the showers

will peak early

Sunday morning) Here is a link to a NASA story on the

showers, if you'd

like more information:


Fourth Quarter Moon, Sunday August 12, 2:53 am (ET)

New Moon, Saturday August 18, 9:55 pm (ET)





by Stephanie Pflumm


When did it start?

That first spark

of intelligence.

Who was the one

to say,

" Shouldn't this make some kind of sense? "


Did someone question why

did it have to be so hard.


what would they say

if they could hear

our lament today?


Unloading our groceries

from cars

that took us anywhere

we needed to be.

Lighting our homes

just flipping a switch

by the door.

When it is cold, we are warm.

When it is hot, we are cool.

We travel the globe

with a press of our thumbs.


Do you think

they would shake their head

when they hear us cry

" Why

does it have to be so hard? "


When did we loss that spark

of intelligence,

that allows us

to make some kind of sense?




SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR: Alternative Mediciney!


" Connecting Natural Medicine Worldwide "

Over 60 Alternative Treatments * Worldwide

Practitioner Listings *

Family Natural Health

FREE Ezines, Health articles and links to natural

medicine sites!


Free ezine: webmaster with

title " Free

Newsletter "

Learn about dangers of microwave ovens, aspartame,

sugar, the myths of


perfect diet, nutrition, naturopathy, human



boosting memory and much more.





Save on gorgeous Quartz, Amethyst and Citrine clusters

through Monday

August 13. New clusters were added last night, so

check out the savings

at http://www.ozarkrockexchange.com/sale.html






August 25 & 26 Tulsa Metaphysical Expo

Tulsa, OK


September 1, 2 & 3 ORE's First Annual YARD SALE

Oldfield, MO


September 22 Pagan Pride Day

Fassnight Park, Springfield, MO


September 27 - 30 Stepping Into Your Spiritual Power

Crestone, CO


*~*^*~^**~ Watch for our next PARTY announcement!





STONE POWER Volume 1 Now Available

Discover the geological origins, magical history and

healing traditions

for the original 24 gemstones and crystals featured in


including pictures of each stone. You'll also find

articles on

choosing, cleansing, charging and meditating with your

stones, plus links to

the US Geological Society, universities and more.

Receive one of the two dozen gems or crystals in Stone

Power FREE with

your purchase.

Visit http://www.ozarkrockexchange.com/stonepower.html

for more





If you have a special announcement for the next issue


please send it to stephanie for





©Copyright 2001, Stephanie Pflumm,

Worldwide. No

portion of this newsletter may be reproduced without

the written

permission of the editor/founder, Stephanie Pflumm.

Please feel free to share

with a friend.




Back issues are available at



4 Blessings (East, South, West, North)

Stephanie Pflumm




Visit Ozark Rock Exchange at






" Respect the elements, treat them with care.

To not " snuff " a candle, a witch would not dare. "

~ Barbara Morris 2001



For all the expecting mothers out there this is a great site

(www.homepagez.com/dsoc), ask for Tonya




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