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Geoffrey Keyte

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Peggy Jentoft <skygreen




I specifically do not recommend Malacti aka Ascepleus aka the hidden

Master, Aka Geoffrey Keyte's Correspondence course, not only have many

students reported disappointment as to value received he has on

occasion been known to be unreliable dealing with money issues .






I was on a crystal mail list run by Mr. Keyte, and he was a crook. I

ordered a book from him, and it turned out he had never written it. He

never sent me anything, not a book or my money back or anything. My

husband was furious, but I decided it was a $25 tuition payment to the

School of Hard Knocks. He also took donations and sold crystals with the

money supposedly going to an orphanage in Russia for children with Down's

syndrome, but as far as I know they never got any money. There was even a

mail list started by some of the people that got cheated, I think it was

called Asclepeusfraudtails or something like that. I don't know if he's

changed his ways. I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt, but

that doesn't mean I'm going to be sending him any money anytime soon. If

you do decided to risk it, save copies of everything he writes, just in

case he tries to cheat you. You might need it.








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ruthavertrees wrote:


> Peggy Jentoft <skygreen


> snip

> ~~~~

> I specifically do not recommend Malacti aka Ascepleus aka the hidden

> Master, Aka Geoffrey Keyte's Correspondence course, not only have many

> students reported disappointment as to value received he has on

> occasion been known to be unreliable dealing with money issues .

> Hi,


> I was on a crystal mail list run by Mr. Keyte, and he was a crook.

> Ruth


I was trying to be discrete because I had been chewed out for saying it

that bluntly before

sometimes apparently people do get what they order from Mr Keyte and

sometimes they don't I got crystals from him but not a book but the

girlfriend he had at the time sent me one of her books so I came out

even .He seems to move from country to country and at least four time he

has left women holding a lot of debts .

The late Jim Elson though, apparently managed to get a long with him for

several years and people who ordered though jim did get what they

ordered. I am more neutral perhaps than I should be because my 19th

year I lived with Michael Shard an artist and teacher of great

talent and spiritual gifts who was also a compulsive thief and liar so I

know that that is not an impossible combination.


I have not officialy taken that particular crystal correspondance course

but we will probably cover most of the layouts in that course when we

get to layouts here. I had a lot of that course material from Jim.

there are are only a couple of those layouts that I still use a lot .

and they tend to be those that GK " borrowed " from Uma Silbey


Peggy ~ Solarraven




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Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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