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I was starting to assemble the future section about specialized

formations of quartz crystal

and was going over some crystal properties when I had one of those

Whoa! moments .

Yes those formations work and the properties listed in books will

often be just right

I do not think it is important to deliberately try to get a crystal of

every form, if you need a channeler or a transmitter or a record

keeper or a tabby has a transmission for you then you will find that

stone or you may already have it .It may be hiding in your collection

until the right time or it may connect with you by attracting you at a

store . Hey a bird may drop it at your feet! I have a raven gifted

pebble .

The wonderful experiences I've had with messages from a record keeper

and a tabby were with stone that I bought before I knew anything about

crystals at all and other great teacher crystals were received in

unsorted packages ordered by weight


There are a lot of different specialized formations of quartz highly

advocated for particular purposes and there are huge lists and volumes

about what each kind of stone is used for or can do . This information

can be a valuable resource and many times the information you find in

these books will be just what you need to know , Other times you might

be better off throwing out all the books and just grabbing for the

nearest rock .

Sometimes crystal that has the effect you want will also have one you

don't want. For example people often work with amethyst for dream work

and to open higher self connection , but some people who are also

dealing with depression or nervousness may find that it makes those

conditions worse


When we have a specific need or purpose in mind and do not know what

stone to use

It is quite common to start searching for the right stone by pulling

out a bunch of crystal books or gemstone properties lists or doing a web

search to find a stone that is traditionally used for what we want to


Often however the best stone for you won't be on that list or it won't

really be the right stone for you . Everyone is different and even

though one stone may come highly recommended for particular work it may

not be the one that will help you .Learn to develop a connection with

spirit and trust both your intuition and inner guidance.

If I know that I need a stone for a purpose and i am not having one of

the ones I have call out to me I sometimes use the crystal books like

a divination tool letting the book open wherever it wants and using a

coin or pin or finger to pinpoint the line in the book to read

It will often point you to just what you need .

Some people use a pendulum held over the stones they have to help

select the right stones.

If you have an assortment of crystals That you can put in front of you

and you can look at them and meditate asking to know what to use for

your purpose and choose the ones that seem to attract or call you.

When you have a clear and focused idea and intention for what effect you

need You will attract the means of achieving that effect into your life

be it a stone or energy or something else Last time I was looking for a

stone to ease my aching feet I attracted a foot massage.


You can also go into meditation and ask your high self , Solar angel,

Spirit guides and or the actual stone deva to connect you with the

stones and or energies that you need for the purpose.


Peggy ~ Solarraven







Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

spirituality} http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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Thank you Peggy. Great article.

I will find colors will attract me on some days and sparkles will the next.


*~~*~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~*~~*

The grass isn't greener on the other side...It's greener where you water it!




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Hello Heather,

What a wonderful experience for your first rock shopping expedition. I

find howlite, malachite, rhodonite & chrysocolla work well for arthritis too.


What occurred to you is what I see so often as I sell my jewelry to

people. I believe we are always attracted to what we need. When a person

comes to me, opens themselves up to the stones, they choose what they want.

Then they ask what it does, and I am constantly delighted that the stone

properties work with their needs. For instance, awhile back I bought some

apatite beads, which I had never used before. I made a simple strung

necklace with apatite/amethyst & sterling silver. I displayed it at a home

party. The very first person that saw the necklace loved it. She wanted to

try it on, but had a bandage around her throat from a recent thyroid surgery.

She looked a the necklace over & over, but didn't buy it. She bought things

for obligatory gifts, and a simple pair of earrings for herself. She left,

after one more lingering look at the necklace. A good friend of hers

asked whether she bought that necklace she stared at for an hour. I said no,

it must not have been for her. (I know when I make my necklaces that someone

" out there " put in an order, and I'm only filling it) The friend said, " No,

it's probably just the opposite. She suffers so much because she NEVer does

what feels good to her. I grabbed my book and looked up apatite, it's

recommended for relief from thyroid problems! So sometimes, when you want

something, it's not self-indulgent to get it. It just may be a self-loving


Also when people come to me with a laundry list of things they want stones

for, it's usually to fix 'surface stuff'. Their intuition, left to itself,

would choose something else. Something more important.

You can't imagine the new openings in the lives of people that stop saying

" Amethysts are my birthstone, I only wear purple " and start letting their

soul search instead. It's a fascinating thing to watch!

I'm sorry to go on so long, I just love people just discovering stone






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Hi all:

Firstly, just wanted to say how intersting this list is. I have no clue about

crystals and really am a complete novice.It's nice to have a great place to


Secondly, I wanted to share something with you all. On saturday I visted my

friends crystal stall to buy a pendulum and whilst I was there I found myself

attracted to some Blue Lace Agate. After buying it I found out it was an air

crystal (I am an air sign) and that it was good for arthritus, which I suffer

from quite severaly in my knees. It is the first I have purchased and I was

amazed that I'd picked it. I am now really looking forward to working with

crystals as this little find has sparked my interest.




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hi Evelyn,

Don't worry about going on so long. I enjoyed reading your e-mail. I actually

went to the stall to buy a pendulum. Paula, the women who owns the stall, was

very helpful. She told me to just open my heart and pick one. The one I picked

was Tree Agate and I'm really enjoying getting used to it.

I think the thing I'm most enjoying about it is the simplisity(sp). It's just

about getting to know the crystal and knowing how it works. Much easier than the


Does anyone have any useful snippits of info on Tree Agate, I have a little bit

but would love to know more?


Thanks in advance



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