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quatrz 2 Master Crystal formations

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Quartz 2, Master Crystals and specialty formations


Some schools of crystal healing and spiritual empowerment work

extensively with specialized formations of crystal, using the particular

configuration of the crystal as a guide to the purpose they are used

for . Many of the crystal healing styles that work most with these

forms are those that call on the Atlantean, Extraterrestrial and

ascension or Ascended Master dimensional linages. Many of the other

lines of crystal work also use some of these.

Katrina Raphaell seems to be the first and primary channel for

information about these forms . Her three books " Crystal Enlightenment "

" Crystal Healing " and " The Crystalline transmission " have extensive

information about the use of these " Master Crystals "

..There are new formations and purposes being identified all the time

so this will of necessity be incomplete. We will be getting some images

in the photo files when we can obtain permission for good images .

There are a number of web sites that have pictures .


Specific information and techniques for working with some of these

formations will be given near the end of this workshop as these are

mostly advanced or esoteric methods . If you are meant to work with one

or more of these crystals they will find you. I want to Emphasize that

in order for you to work with some of these formations you must have

reached a point where it is natural to do so. Most Master crystals will

remain relatively inert regardless of a persons efforts to work with

them if the person is not ready or right for the information and energy

of the crystal.

Identification is sometimes made more difficult because sellers may

either from enthusiasm , uncertainty or from a desire to improve profit

may label some crystals incorrectly. For example, window crystals must

have a clear window centered in the main face. Faden Crystals have a

clear line inside not just diffuse feathering. I have often seen

these names applied incorrectly . On the Other hand, many sellers do not

sort for specialty features so a master crystal may be in the general

pile or even the junk box.


The Master Crystals and specialty formations ( some information is from

Katrina Raphaell's books, Melody and Joy Gardner's books were also

consulted )


Channeling Crystal A crystal with a large seven sided face

with a triangular face on the back directly opposite is called a

channeling crystal.

the Channeling crystal can be used for obtaining information

from deep within yourself or from sources that are outside of your

normal realm.

The Channeling crystal should only be used by very well prepared

spiritual students

because as with other channeling you need to be able to discern the

quality of entities and information you are opening to receive from.


Transmitter A perfect triangle in the center of the crystal flanked by

two symmetrical seven sided faces on either side of the triangle used

to connect the conscious mind to universal wisdom either to access

information or to attain cosmic truth. and to transmit thoughts or

questions into the universe.


Window Crystal - A crystal with a clear diamond between the body and tip

of a

point is called window. It is believed this crystal will open a window

to help you get intuitive answers to questions and bypass the ego or


They are used for clarity and direction. you must be able to look into

the clear heart of the crystal through the window. These can be used for

gazing and scrying .

( gazing is reading for of past or future omens, scrying also

includes present time viewing )


Elestial Crystal, Skeletal quartz a crystal with natural terminations

over the body and faces, of an etched and or layered crystal

They are very unusual appearing crystals often resembling the human


Many bear a smoky color.

They can help align the physical with the angelic realms

this crystal can repair damaged cells in the brain

and rewire the damaged areas to bring back new

life. They are powerful, powerful crystals that have been

brought into this reality, at this time, to assist in the

l mass cleansing, healing, and reawakening that is

currently occurring on this reality plane. Elestials are

the great comforters to those who are in the dying

process and they assist to release the fear of leaving

the physical body in order to identify with the

immortality of the soul.

There are dozens of other uses and qualities for the elestial


Laser Wand Crystal – A long slender crystal that tapers inward

from base to termination is called a laser wand. It is used to clear


create protective barriers, focus healing energy to self or others, and

assist in

performing psychic surgery and to remove attitudes that may be causing

disease. It can be used as a psychic laser a cutting , dissolving,

healing and sealing tool It is also used in retrieving sacred

information and

in focused programs


Dow or Trans-Channeling Crystal- A crystal with three,

primary, seven sided faces and three secondary triangular

faces between them. It is believed this crystal is a

[Dow] combination crystal that incorporates the properties of both a

Dow Crystal Channneler and a Transmitter crystal in one crystal. It


facilitate intuitive awareness and connection with “All That

Is”. It is considered one of the " Twelve Master Crystals " and

is a powerful teaching and healing crystal.


Twin Crystal or Tantric Twin - A crystal with two points on a

common base is called a twin crystal. You can tell a twin

crystal from two crystals that are simply attached to each

other, by the fact that both parts of a twin crystal are

exactly parallel to each other, and have no boundary between

them. the Twin crystal can generate positive

energy toward improving a relationship. They can help you

gain insight into the underlying problems in a relationship,

and help work through them. This works for any kind of

relationship,. A twin with a rainbow can be very effectively used to

project healing

energy into a relationship or to keep a good relationship strong.


Isis Crystal - A crystal with a particular kind of five sided face is


an Isis crystal. the Isis face has a straight base line which connects

with two short lines angled outward which meet with two longer lines

that rise to a perfect point.

The Isis crystal is used to put you in touch with and strongly amplify

your feminine

energy, and can help you get in touch with the 'female' or unselfish

side of yourself, no matter whether you are a man or a woman. Isis

crystals put you in touch with Your

Goddess power. and the archetypal lover , mother healer Goddess within


the Isis crystal will help men become more in tune with the feminine


and with aspects of women they may find troubling.

the Isis crystal will help women regain some of the power and energy

that society has repressed.


Cathedral Library (or Lightbrary) these may look as if they are made of

separate parts but each is a single crystal almost identical to the

others and bonded completely into a Mother crystal they are sometimes

mistaken for elestials but they are very different they usually have

only a single termination and have a stepped appearance from a kind of

internal double spiral formation they are both connectors to the

Universal Sacred and storehouses of information They are group

teaching crystals sharing attunement with what is called God and Love

and the quest for greater truth and knowledge.

They are in a way impersonal crystals working with groups and sharing

information and light with all who seek to receive from them . (This

workshop has acsess to one of these remarkable crystals )


Generator A crystal with six evenly spaced sides and six approximately


faces, six triangles come to a single point at the tip is called a

generator point.

They have the ability to store, amplify and transmit or generate energy.


They can be used to facilitate a connection or create unity

between the members of a group and transmit thoughts in

a manner similar to a radio transmitter


Devic Temple Crystals are usualy generators with markings, inclusions

and veils that have images that call to mind other worlds and beings and

often have doorways or steps

Through them inner plane Devas can offer insight A contact point

between dimensions


Record Keeper - A crystal that has one or more triangle shapes

that are either engraved into or are raised on one or more of the

crystal faces is called a Record Keeper or Recorder. These triangles are

difficult to see and may appear and disappear. You have to look for them

carefully by examining the faces.

Record Keeper holds or connects with the wisdom and knowledge

of the universe. When a it is appropriate and for the right person


knowledge is readily made available. This knowledge is

often ancient knowledge and contains profound secrets and

esoteric knowledge of the whole of the Higher

consciousness. It supposedly takes an open mind and a pure heart to

access this knowledge.( I've had a message from one so I think that it


more that it will give a message if or when it has one for you. Open

mind yes, pure heart well... ) The raised form tends to have ancient or

global universal information

and the indented form may connect more with personal information

and spiritual history or prophecy.


Tabby Crystal two of its opposite sides

are twice as wide, or more, than its other sides, a flattened

shape giving the appearance of a tablet is a Tabby or tabular


they look sort of squashed .

They often also have a pattern of slightly raised lines

on the flattened sides of the crystals

You can think of them as a file cabinet filled with information

they are considered an excellent communications crystal.

They can act as a bridge between our adult

self and our child like spirit. they are also said to help

bring joy and laughter into our lives .


Faden Crystal - A crystal that has a milky feathery line

or threads that usually run through the center of the crystal. Faden


are often found in tabby shaped crystals,

It is thought that the line is a seed point of growth they

help to activate or start new spiritual growth within one's self

promotes emotional and mental stability



Rainbow Crystal - A crystal with a rainbow(s) inside

caused by the prismatic effect of a crack or inclusion is called a


Rainbow crystals are used during meditation to

help bring both mundane joy and spiritual bliss into our lives

The rainbow is an all purpose healing crystal

and can facilitate contact with the Fairy and

other plane entities of light used for happy and prophetic dreams,

helps manifest wishes, and general lightening up.

These are of value to everyone and I consider rainbow crystals



Time Line or time link Crystals - A crystal with a

rectangular face leaning to the left. they can be used to access


from the past. A crystal with a rectangular face leaning to the right.


can be used to access information from the future. they help disolve the

illusion of linier time


Activation crystals have a window face( paralelegramish) leaning either

to the left or right

and these are used to enhance function of the brain those that lean

left effect the left brain or rational mind and the right leaning ones

effect the creative brain.


Self Healed and/or Shard Crystals - A partial piece of

crystal, a cracked crystal or a complete crystal that has severed from

its original matrix or cluster group, then continues to

grow new crystal structure over the area where the

crystal separated from its original host or is cracked or broken, in


healing its own wounds. Self Healed Crystal will aid in any type

of healing and self healing physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.


Self Healed crystals are exceptionally supportive for those

with strong emotional issues or traumas, or are struggling with

some type of addiction that includes the inability to let go of certain


of behavior, a person, or belief, as well as tobacco, food, alcohol and


These are also wonderful crystals for healing practitioners and are

often found in the

junk boxes of not metaphysically savvy dealers.


Included Crystal

A crystal with another mineral or substance included

within. some may just have specks or globs of included material.

The more common inclusions are black, green, brown and white.

these have the properties of both quartz and the included material


Phantom Crystals are those with a " phantom " or ghostlike image of


crystal or partial crystal within the main crystal. Some of these are

included crystals others indicate where growth has stopped and restarted


the attributes will often depend on the included material or the nature

of the phantom

and they are often used for meditation on past events past lives and

connecting with universal wisdom . A Buddhist tradition has these

representing the " Eagle Peak " or " Mount Sumeru " the center or core of

the Earth or universe and the " treasure tower " the site of a gathering

of all Buddhas (Christs, Avatars etc.) before the beginning of time.

thus in theory all wisdom can be accessed through a phantom crystal. for

Reiki practitioners this form corresponds directly with the Master



Manifestation Crystal a crystal with a small crystal totally enclosed

within it is a called a Manifestation crystal.

There are some almost completely different purposes or attributes given

for these in different sources and some also call the out facing

bridge crystal a manifestation crystal

Some teach that this crystal is used to assist in the actual

manifestation of desired goals

be they spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical and material .the

usual care and cautions required for all manifestation work are


Another set of attributes of the manifestation crystal is that it is

said to help

people who have had a traumatic, physically or emotionally, childhood.

They are helpful for people who are blocking painful memories. they

help bring the cause of the pain to the surface and allow the person to

successfully deal with

it, while shielding that person from the pain those memories can cause.

These crystals can work well for people who are working through current

family problems.


Bridge Crystal, Inner Child Crystal or Penetrator - A

crystal that has a smaller crystal(s) that either

penetrates and/or is lodged partially into the crystal

with the other part protruding from the crystal this crystal is

quite beneficial when a person is striving to work with

various aspects of spirituality. These crystals

are used for working on advanced metaphysical areas,

and are attempting to share this knowledge with others seeking a

spiritual path.

This is the ultimate spiritual teacher's crystal. or to heal childhood

issues blocking growth.

the inner child name is often given to those where the tip of the

embedded crystal is inside the main crystal and these are also said to


people who have had a traumatic, physically or emotionally, childhood.

Those with the crystal embedded with the point out are also sometimes

also called manifestation crystals and used for bringing plans and

dreams into reality .


Extra-Terrestrial Crystal (ET) - A crystal with

a single termination at one end and multiple

terminations at the other end. It is believed

Extra-Terrestrial Crystal this crystal will help channel space beings,

celestial beings, and guardian angels.


Key Crystal – The key crystal is recognized by a three or

six sided indentation somewhere on the crystal

..it can be used to unlock the doors to healing, help

answer difficult questions, solve problems, and access information

to that which is hidden.


Growth Interference Crystal - A crystal that has various cuts on

the body that appears to have been done with a trim saw. Thin,

flat calcite crystals have interfered with the growth pattern of

the quartz crystal. It is believed this crystal will help remove

self limitations and energy blockages so that you can be

completely in command of your life.


Barnacle Crystal - A crystal covered or partially covered with

smaller crystals. It is believed the Barnacle crystal will help

stimulate family or group cooperation. Also a companion when

having lost a loved one.


This is only a small selection of the specialized forms and Master

crystals and not very much detail is given here

Peggy Jentoft Solarraven



Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

spirituality} http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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Thank you for all this info and the time you put into all your posts.

This was great. You've answered questions I was trying to find last night.

You're a gem.

Thanks alot.


*~~*~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~*~~*

The grass isn't greener on the other side...It's greener where you water it!




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In a message dated 8/16/01 6:53:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

reikiskhm writes:



> http://www.getstoned.net/glossary/index.htm




Thank you Janie!!!! This is the crystal I couldn't describe or find in any

site. <A

HREF= " http://www.getstoned.net/glossary/pages/timeline.htm " >timeline</A> It

has 5 parallelograms


*~~*~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~*~~*

The grass isn't greener on the other side...It's greener where you water it!




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Hi Everyone,


Here is a site with great pictures of quartz (really clear and large

pictures) - with descriptions - channeller, devic, generator,

grounding, phantom, record keeper, tabby, timeline, transmitter,

warrior, window, etc., etc. There are 26 different ones on this one





I guess I should introduce myself...I'm Janie and live in NJ. I

have been attracted to crystals for a long time and look forward to

learning more about how to use them.


My favorites are a clear labradorite, a small quartz beauty with a

timeline to the past, a smoky quartz cluster, a big chunk of

tourmaline, and so many more. Best of all are two 3 1/2 inch

twins. The twins were wrapped on their ends by a shaman with

leather and inside the leather wrapping are various herbs and other

small stones. Talk about powerhouse! I had gone to a gem show, saw

them and picked them up and almost fainted with the energy flow. I

knew I couldn't afford them, but I came back to them three times and

each time I held them, I just about lifted out of my body, and I

knew they were mine :-) I had a reading/channeling done some time

after purchasing them and was told they belonged to me in a past

life and finally found their way back to me...who knows :-) My all

time favorite is my 6 inch quartz crystal ball.


I also have a small collection of stones of every color and use. I

found one nice way of keeping them safe - I keep them in a jewelry

box that is made for earrings...it has 24 compartments each about an

inch to an inch and a half square. This way I can keep my smaller

stones stored by color and it's easy to find what I want anytime.


I'm happy to be here in the sharing and learning.



Peggy Jentoft wrote:


> Quartz 2, Master Crystals and specialty formations




Walk softly, Live gently

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Reconnective Healing

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