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How is every one doing ?


We've been here just over one month and have grown to 109 members

welcome to all the new people There are some really nice people here

and I hope you will all enjoy yourselves .

You may have noticed that I'm not adhering absolutely strictly to the

course outline

Sometimes there are things that come up that are not on the outline

that I think need to be covered . If you have an area that you want us

to cover that is not on the outline let us know it may already in the

works or we can put it on at the end


and as so many people are posting great files and links for gemstone

properties and there are quite a few good books we won't focus on doing

a complete list here just some of the most useful. and we'll discuss

other particular stones as they come rather than trying to memorize

long lists particularly as we do want to let the right stones find us.


You'll have noticed that most of the quartz configuration sites quote

Katrina Raphael's books one quotes Joy Gardner and Joy Gardner give

lots of credit to Katrina Raphael.


Has anyone been programming crystals ? What are your experiences with

your programs so far? We will go into more detail on some specific

programs later

I am looking for a few volunteers to receive my crystal empowerment


but I want them to have done some programming and tried to call on

crystal shakti and done some clearing and charging So they can give

me some feedback as to what extent the attunements may make it easier

to do the same things . I've mostly done them in person .


Some People have asked about certificates so the question is what do

you think you should know to be a certified crystal healing

practitioner ?

How many programs should a person have done ? how many treatments for

oneself and others . How many layouts and meditations formswould

youlike to be familiar with?

what sort of questions would you expect to know the answers to ?


Are you finding the files useful so far ? at this point I am combining

basic and intermediate information rather than dividing things into

seperate levels

then later perhaps we can organize things more into basic, intermediate,

and advanced segments .









Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

spirituality} http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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Odd you should mention it. Just tonight I tried programming a Herkimer

diamond with the intention of making me more charismatic and better at

communicating at a fundraising gala I had to attend. It seems to have made a

big difference! My next project will be to program some crystals to serve

as a shield around my house.


I'd love to help with your experiment by receiving a crystal empowerment

attunement. I've been attuned to Reiki and Karuna Ki, and would be most

interested to see what difference what difference an attunement specific to

crystals would make.


I have read the three books by Katrina Raphael and enjoyed them immensely. I

am a bit surprised that more authors haven't expanded upon her work. I have

recently ordered a few of the Melody books, but they are on back order at

the moment.


As far a certifications go, I think you ask very difficult questions. This

field of study is still so new, and there is so much to learn, that the pool

of information is constantly growing, and our understanding changing. I

think that a basic certification should be granted after a student has

mastered the basic concepts (and demonstrated them in actual application),

but that any practitioner should be required to continue their studies

indefinitely in order to keep up on current research and theory.




>Peggy Jentoft <skygreen


> " "


>[CrystalHW] progress report

>Thu, 16 Aug 2001 20:52:10 -0700


>How is every one doing ?


>We've been here just over one month and have grown to 109 members

>welcome to all the new people There are some really nice people here

>and I hope you will all enjoy yourselves .

>You may have noticed that I'm not adhering absolutely strictly to the

>course outline

>Sometimes there are things that come up that are not on the outline

>that I think need to be covered . If you have an area that you want us

>to cover that is not on the outline let us know it may already in the

>works or we can put it on at the end


>and as so many people are posting great files and links for gemstone

>properties and there are quite a few good books we won't focus on doing

>a complete list here just some of the most useful. and we'll discuss

>other particular stones as they come rather than trying to memorize

>long lists particularly as we do want to let the right stones find us.


>You'll have noticed that most of the quartz configuration sites quote

>Katrina Raphael's books one quotes Joy Gardner and Joy Gardner give

>lots of credit to Katrina Raphael.


>Has anyone been programming crystals ? What are your experiences with

>your programs so far? We will go into more detail on some specific

>programs later

>I am looking for a few volunteers to receive my crystal empowerment


>but I want them to have done some programming and tried to call on

>crystal shakti and done some clearing and charging So they can give

>me some feedback as to what extent the attunements may make it easier

>to do the same things . I've mostly done them in person .


>Some People have asked about certificates so the question is what do

>you think you should know to be a certified crystal healing

>practitioner ?

>How many programs should a person have done ? how many treatments for

>oneself and others . How many layouts and meditations formswould

>youlike to be familiar with?

>what sort of questions would you expect to know the answers to ?


>Are you finding the files useful so far ? at this point I am combining

>basic and intermediate information rather than dividing things into

>seperate levels

>then later perhaps we can organize things more into basic, intermediate,

>and advanced segments .









>Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

>spirituality} http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

>Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

>Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

>Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html






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Hi Peggy

I would love to volunteer for a crystal empowerment, it will be interesting to

see what differences or subtleties there are in the crystal connections

before and after.


I have been programming crystals for about 4 years now, which of course

entails quite a lot of clearing and charging. I have 5 grids running at

present and there are various ones in my garden. I am working with some of

these rocks now as we are building shrines and 'quiet' areas. Am still

hoping to find some living rocks buried out there. I have also enjoyed

experimenting with healing crystal combinations that folk can wear for

various ailments like broken bones, strained muscles, arthritis and other

chronic dis-eases.



> Some People have asked about certificates so the question is what do

> you think you should know to be a certified crystal healing



> How many programs should a person have done ? how many treatments for

> oneself and others . How many layouts and meditations formswould

> youlike to be familiar with?

> what sort of questions would you expect to know the answers to ?



It isn't easy to decide what a student should know before being considered

competent but perhaps reports could be submitted on two or three clients

describing the layout, the reasoning behind the layout and the result

including feedback from client. Some knowledge of how crystals are formed

and how they heal, the effects of sun, water on them. How to cleanse, clear,

bless, program, connect. Knowledge of the properties of various of the most

popular healing crystals although a lot of folk like me find that this

doesn't always run to the books. Star sign crystals perhaps.

How to build grids. Gem essences etc Difficult to know where 'basic' stops and

'advanced' begins though.


> Are you finding the files useful so far ? at this point I am combining

> basic and intermediate information rather than dividing things into

> seperate levels

> then later perhaps we can organize things more into basic, intermediate,

> and advanced segments .



I have joined nearly every crystal healing list out there, and some I still

read, but your group is streets ahead. There is always something new

to learn and and you are working in a way that all of us can follow whatever

our level of knowledge. And of course anything we miss or forget can be

referred back to in the files..

Rock On Peggy :-)))







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Peggy I think this is a great list.

Great information

Nice people

I'm learning alot

I've already copied the files and started my own note book


*~~*~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~*~~*

The grass isn't greener on the other side...It's greener where you water it!




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At 11:52 PM 8/16/2001, Peggy wrote:

>I am looking for a few volunteers to receive my crystal empowerment


>but I want them to have done some programming and tried to call on

>crystal shakti and done some clearing and charging So they can give

>me some feedback as to what extent the attunements may make it easier

>to do the same things . I've mostly done them in person .



Peggy, I would be very interest in trying the crystal empowerment

attunement! Let me know how you want to go about it. I've done clearing,

charging, and programming.



Aderyn ~*~



Melody of Autumn,

Heart-beat of Harvest,

I set forth to your music this day.

-Caitlin Matthews





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At 11:52 PM 8/16/2001, Peggy wrote:

>Are you finding the files useful so far ? at this point I am combining

>basic and intermediate information rather than dividing things into

>seperate levels

>then later perhaps we can organize things more into basic, intermediate,

>and advanced segments .



Yes, I am finding everything useful! This is a wonderful list and I am

most thankful that you have created it. :-) I have read a ton of books

and done things on my own for quite a few years now, but I am finding this

to be of great assistance in helping with practical matters.



Aderyn ~*~



Melody of Autumn,

Heart-beat of Harvest,

I set forth to your music this day.

-Caitlin Matthews





Get your free @ address at

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Peggy -

I would love to receive the enpowerment attunement. I have been working with

crystals for about a year and use them intuitively and in combination with

Reiki. I am still learning " about " them through books and through this group.

They are an integral part of my life now. I seem to know what I need and search

that particular crystal out before I have read what it's qualities are. I am

programming them to help me clarify issues and to remember my dreams - and learn

from them -

Take care,






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I would be most flattered to take part in receiving the crystal empowerment



I am a Reiki Master/Teacher who uses crystals in my practice. I am still

learning each time a new situation arises. I regularily clear, charge and

program prior to a consultation. I currently only have one grid set up for

use, though I often use a grid together with an Antahkarana.


Best Regards





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The word manifests as the deed;

The deed develops into habit;

And habit hardens into character.






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