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The theme is Crystals

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Hi Everyone,


With Peggy's permission I am posting the " New Age Connection "

newsletter. This issue is all about Crystals, and there is a lot of

great information here.




Tuesday, August 21, 2001

an Omega Foundation Publication


Hi All! This issue's theme is Crystals. Enjoy!


Crystal healing and the metaphysical properties of the

mineral kingdom has been the subject of hundreds of books over the

centuries. The shaman and priests of practically every culture on

Earth have always valued precious and semi-precious stones for

qualities other than their commercial value. Crystal healing and

psychic development through the use of the energy of certain

crystals is not a " new age " phenomena, but has been recorded

systematically and consistently throughout history.


The most basic argument for the reality of crystal healing

and its gross and subtle benefits is simply this - they can't all be



Even if they were, it would take a serious leap of rationalism to

explain away how many cultures, separated by vast oceans,

attributed the same qualities to many crystals and minerals.


Only in post-industrial Western society have the ancient teachings

been entirely disregarded in the name of technological progress.

The same progress that has polluted our water, air, food and minds

and enabled the potential destruction of the planet - either through

nuclear devastation or continued ecological deterioration.


It is time to turn back to the rich storehouse of knowledge

left by different civilizations across the planet.





Wear these Crystals to energize corresponding body parts or

periodically place the gem on it's relative area and relax.


1. Bones, Colon, Legs, Kidneys, Spinal column, etc...


Crystals: Ruby, Garnet, Bloodstone, Red Jasper, Black

Tourmaline, Obsidian, Smoky Quartz or other red or black gems.


Area: Base of spine



2. Bladder, Prostate, Reproductive System, Spleen, etc...


Crystals: Carnelian, Coral, Gold Calcite, Amber, Citrine,

Gold Topaz, Peach Aventurine or orange gems.


Area: Navel



3. Stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, muscles, etc...


Crystals: Citrine, Amber, Tiger Eye, Gold Calcite, Gold or

other yellow gems


Area: Solarplex




4. Arms, Breathing, Hands, Heart, Thymus, etc...


Crystals: Emerald, Malachite, Jade, Green, tourmaline or

green stones


Area: Chest




5. Mouth, Throat Area, Speech, etc...


Crystals: Aquamarine, Azurite, Blue Topaz, Celestite,

Chrysocolia, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Turquoise and other blue stones


Area: Throat




6. Hearing, Smelling, Vision, Pituitary, etc...


Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, Sodalite, quartz, sapphire,

and dark blue stones.


Area: Between eyebrows




7. Nerves, Thought, Will Power, Action etc...


Crystals: Alexandrite, Amethyst, Diamond, Purple Florite,

Quartz crystal, Selenite, or purple stones


Area: Top of head




The Omega Foundation has openings for two individuals:

One, a psychically talented person who desires to help

people and to also earn a living through the use of her

gifts. We receive more requests for these kinds of readings

than we can provide: auras, past lives, ancient civilizations,

future visions, and identifying guides.If you are interested in this

position, please email Aleshia at aleshia and introduce



The second opening is for a bold, creative web

designer/webmaster/promoter who would find joy in helping us

make our website really well known on the virtual global

map. Also includes future options of writing, teaching, coaching

and travel. once the website is well established.

Email Renee with resume, awareness interests and photo, if possible,

at: renee


*BOTH OPENINGS are for full-time permanent positions and

you'll need to relocate to Montana. Share in the unique balanced

new age lifestyle on our Rocky Mountain quarterhorse ranch

and enjoy companionship with the small intentional community

that joyfully lives here. We have living quarters only for

single women with no dependents, -- sorry guys!



A gigantic cave of crystals has been discovered in an old

silver mine in Spain. The geode, which is eight metres (26ft) long

and crammed full of gypsum prisms, has been put under police guard

to prevent souvenir hunters from raiding the extraordinary natural

phenomenon. If you would like more information just click here This

is a really interesting article I thought I would like to share with

you. A good friend Holly Grapes sent me the article. Please check it



Which Crystals are used for....


Mental, Emotional, Psychological, Relationships:

General Healing: agate, amethyst, celestine, azurite, boji stones,

calcite, coral, diamond, dioptase, fluorite, garnet, quartz

crystals, selenite, turquoise, zircon



agate, amber, aventurine, herkimer diamond, opal, rose quartz,

selenite, snow quartz, topaz, tourmaline.


Dispel anger:




agate, aquamarine, aventurine, charoite, fire agate, garnet,

hematite, ruby, rutile, sodalite



amber, amethyst, aqua aura, bloodstone, botswana agate, gold

calcite, carnelian, citrine, chrysoprase, galena, jasper, jet,

laguna agate, lapis lazuli, pyrite, smokey quartz


Dream Recall:

Herkimer Diamonds & Moldavite


Emotional disturbances/trauma:

amazonite, aqua aura, bloodstone, chrysocolla, citrine, crocoite,

diamond, dioptase, emerald, chrysoprase, jasper, labradorite,

larimar, lepidolite, moonstone, peridot, rhodochrosite, rose quartz,




agate, bloodstone, boji stones, chrysocolla, garnet, ruby, sulphur


Family problems/Unity:



Good luck/good fortune:

agate, aquamarine, aventurine, copper, jade, smoky quartz, tigers

eye, malachite



apatite, aquamarine, agate, amazonite, ametrine, aquamarine,

aventurine, azurite, bloodstone, celestite, chalcedony, coral,

crocoite, diopside, emerald, galena, malachite, obsidian, pyrite,

rose quarty, sodalite, tektite, topaz, turquoise



amazonite, moonstone



Barite, garnet, moonstone, opal, rhodochrosite, rose quartz,

sapphire, tourmaline





Protection/breaking spells/dispel negativity:

amber, amethyst, carnelian, chrysocolla, fire agate, jade, jasper,

jet, lapis lazuli, obsidian, pyrite, ruby, sardonyx, tigers eye,

tourmaline, turquoise



agate, citrine, dolomite, garnet, labradorite, malachite, moss

agate, rhodonite, ruby, sodalite, tigers eye, tourmaline,




Health - Healing And Preventative:


General Healing:

agate, amethyst, celestine, azurite, boji stones, calcite, coral,

diamond, dioptase, fluorite, garnet, quartz crystals, selenite,

turquoise, zircon


Addiction/remove toxins & poisons:

amethyst, barite, botswana agate, green calcite, citrine, herkimer

quartz, moss agate



abalone, amber, apatite, azurite, blue lace agate, carnelian,

chrysocolla, copper, fluorite, malachite, petrified wood, ruby,



Blood/circulatory system:

amber, amethyst, aventurine, azurite, bloodstone, carnelian,

chalcedony, chrysocolla, copper, coral, fire agate, garnet,

hematite, howlite, pyrite, red jasper, kunzite, ruby, sapphire,




amber, celestine, rhodonite


Endocrine system:

alexandrite, amber, amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, green calcite,

chrysoberyl, citrine, howlite, magnetite, green

obsidian, rhodochrosite



aventurine, aquamarine, blue lace agate, optical calcite, celestine,

fire agate, jade, jet, lapis lazuli, malachite, moss

agate, blue obsidian, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, sugalite,



Fertility/female-male reproduction/sexual organs:

alexandrite, anhydrite, atacamite, carnelian, chrysoprase,

crocoite, cuprite, malachite, moonstone, smokey quartz, zoisite


Hair loss:

aragonite, chalcopyrite, franklinite, galena



amazonite, amber, beryl, hematite, lapis lazuli, green obsidian,



Immune system:

amethyst, citrine, pearl, snow quartz, sulphur, topaz



amber, aquamarine, barite, celestine, chrysocolla, citrine,

pyrite, jasper, labradorite, laguna agate, moss agate, onyx,

rockcrystal, smokey quartz, peridot



anhydrite, amber, bloodstone, green calcite, chrysoberyl, coral,

cuprite, jade, jasper, rhodochrosite, rock crystal, smokey quartz



abalone, amazonite, apatite, chrysocolla


Nervous system:

alexandrite, amazonite, aquamarine, apatite, botswana agate, fire

agate, galena, lapis lazuli, morganite, sugalite, tourmaline,



Reduce harmful effects of electrical products:

citrine, quartz crystal


Sleep disorders:

aventurine, amethyst, hematite, jacinth, sapphire, sodalite,




agate, amazonite, aquamarine, fluorite, malachite



amber, ammonite, angelite, beryl, chalcopyrite, chrysocolla, galena,

larimar, malachite, morganite, opal, tigers eye, blue topaz


Spiritual/New Age Philosophy/Psychic



agate, amethyst, ametrine, boji stones, chrysocolla, fluorite,

hematite, kunzite, labrodorite, larimar, sugalite, tektite,

tourmaline, unakite


Balancing/strengthening/stimulating chakras:

bloodstone, boji stone, botswana agate, chrysoberyl, chrysocolla,

crocoite, cuprite, fluorite, kunzite, kyanite, obsidian


Enhance the work of other crystals:

apatite, chrysoberyl, quartz

* Boji stones are particularly effective when used with

Herkimer diamonds.



apache tears, boji stones, carnelian, cuprite, fluorite, morion

crystal (smokey quartz), obsidian, smokey quartz, sulphur, unakite


Purify home: chyrsocolla



apatite, azurite, botswana agate, celestine, green calcite, orange

calcite, emerald, fire agate, garnet, hematite, pyrite,labradorite,

lapis lazuli, moldavite, opal, peridot, petrified wood, quartz

crystal, ruby, selenite, tektite, turquoise



amethyst, ametrine, aqua aura, azurite, celestine, chalcedony,

chrysoberyl, chrysoprase, optical calcite, fire agate, howlite

(magnetite), pyrite, jacinth. kunzite, kyanite, lapis lazuli,

quartz crystal, selenite, snow quartz, sugalite, topaz, zircon



Miscellaneous/Professional Aids:


Agriculture/Gardening: lepidolite


Architects/Construction: ammonite


Astrology: angelite


Calms Pets: diopside


Law enforcement: fuchsite


Leadership/Management: trilobite


Mathematics/Analytical Pursuits: angelite, diopside, hematite


Plant Growth: boji stones


Retail/Business: citrine, fossil, jet




Metaphysically, the quartz crystal can be easily " programmed " to

help provide a positive outcome. It can clear away negative

energy from the aura and re-align the chakra(energy) centers of the

body. It can be useful in long distance healing through imaging and

meditation. It is beyond the scope of this article to have a full

discourse of quartz crystals. You can find many books written about

crystal healing and you will see that discussion of quartz crystals

in these books usually takes a lions share of the space, and

rightfully so.


QUESTIONS & ANSWERS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


" What about the necessary size and quality of

crystals/minerals ? "


It has been shown through Kerlian photography that the aura or

energy fields surrounding objects extend a considerable distance

from its core. Remember I am among other things a " merchant " and

as such have a vested interest in selling things. The bigger

things usually cost more and create more profits, however, the truth

of the matter is even small, lesser quality crystal / mineral, in

essence have the same energy fields as bigger more expensive ones.

It becomes a matter of personal taste and pocket-book after the

right kind of crystal is picked.



" Clearing , Cleaning and Programming our Crystals "


Crystals can be " programmed " with our thought energy and

then act behind the scenes to work on our subtle energy fields.

They also to help to create situations in our lives that will lead

us in the directions that allow positive growth and healing.



" Clearing your new crystal or mineral "


Clearing a crystal or mineral is a simple enough task and it is a

way to insure that there are no left over negative energies from

the party that you obtained the crystal from. It is also not a slap

at those who had the crystal before you, rather a way to personalize

it and create a new energy bond between you and your new partner.


There are many ways to accomplish this, this is one way:

Make sure you are not going to be disturbed (maybe like in the

bathroom). Hold your new crystal under room temperature running

water, and as the water cascades over the piece, close your eyes and

imagine that all negative energies are being washed away down the

drain and out to the ocean to be purified.


" Programming your crystal or mineral "


Simply hold your crystal in your hand(s) and close your eyes

then in your minds eye create an image of what you want to occur.

That's it.




" By means of meditation man learns to concentrate and project his

attention straight through the physical plane to the Fourth

Dimension, then later to further dimensions. He endeavors to bring

that which is learned into the physical world, translated into

physical language and interpreted into his own brain the best he

can... He is getting into the heart of things, the underlying

causes, the primordial truths. " Vera Stanley Alder, The Finding of

the Third Eye


Crystals are used in meditation as well. You may not be into

meditation, however, you may want to try it with a crystal.

Meditating with crystals is most commonly used to find one's " inner

self. " They help you focus better, whether meditating to relax from

stress or for any other reason. By using crystal, it is said to help

enhance the opening of the mind. The following chart is used on

deciding which crystal to meditated with:


Color Properties - When to Use


Red strength, power lack of vitality, depression

Orange self-confidence, courage insecruity, self-doubts

Yellow happiness, stimulation fear, stress, tension

Green healing, balance selfishness, jealousy

Blue peace, serenity nervousness, restlessness

Indigo intuition, awareness lack of decisiveness, blockages

Violet creativity, enlightenment boredom, lack of spiritual


White purity, encompassing all colors completion, protection

*chart from Crystal Awareness by Catherine Bowman


The great thing about clear and white quartz is that it can

act as any of these colors.


All the planets exert their influence in one way or another.

Crystals and minerals transmit and amplify that energy, primarily

through colour and geometric form. This is a deep science and should

not be dismissed because it is beyond our sensual or intellectual



Crystals are used for many purposes including Meditation,

Divination, Healing, magickal oil blends, or even crushed in some

incense recipes all for the manifestation of your intent and

desires. A great friend when needed, a greet advisor when called.

All gems/stones/crystals hold their own energies or " vibrations " .

They respond instantly to the expressed intent of your will. There

are no rules that you must follow, and don't let anyone tell

you there is! It is a personal journey within yourself and you can

learn to use these little " helpers " in just the right form for YOU!






Birthstone = Garnet.

Gemstone = Aquamarine



Birthstone = Amethyst

Gemstone = Moonstone, Bloodstone



Birthstone = Aquamarine

Gemstone = Diamond



Birthstone = Diamond, White Sapphire

Gemstone = Emerald



Birthstone = Emerald

Gemstone = Agate



Birthstone = Pearl, Alexandrite

Gemstone = Pearl



Birthstone = Ruby

Gemstone = Ruby



Birthstone = Sardonyx, Peridot

Gemstone = Sardonyx



Birthstone = Sapphire

Gemstone = Sapphire, Jade



Birthstone = Opal, Rose Zircon

Gemstone = Opal



Birthstone = Golden Topaz, Citrine

Gemstone = Topaz



Birthstone = Turquoise, Blue Zircon

Gemstone = Turquoise, Amethyst




Generally, quartz crystals grow in a hexagonal (six sided)

structure, with additional faces sloping towards a point at one end.

A crystal with these characteristics is itself also called a POINT.

Points may be totally clear and transparent, or they may contain

streaks, lines, rainbows, water bubbles or other inclusions. They

may also appear cloudy if they have grown in a place where it

freezes in the winter. Optical clarity usually has little to do with

a crystal's quality and its ability to amplify the subtle energies.



Quartz crystals are a gift from the earth. They have the ability to

amplify or strengthen the things in you that are positive, and can

help you put away things that cause you fear or anger. They can

strengthen your ability to be a loving person, and can enhance your

abilities to enjoy life and accomplish the things you want in life.

They can amplify INTENTION, reduce stress, help with CENTERING

(balancing or calming), strengthen HEALING abilities, and surround

you with PROTECTION by amplifying white light. Any healthy quartz

crystal point can strengthen these things and help produce personal

growth by amplifying the subtle energies that flow inside you.



To select a crystal, first put yourself in a calm space.

Hold the crystal in your right hand with the point towards you. Feel

it physically. Be open to sensations like TINGLING, or change in

temperature. Also feel the crystal emotionally. Think of the purpose

you want it for, and see if you feel attracted to it. Be more

concerned with how it feels than how it looks. Allow the crystal to

pick you by interacting with it in this way. And remember to go with

your initial feeling

There's a lot of good information on various types of

crystals at this website








How they mine crystals



Beautiful article on the Living Crystals of Atlantis



For a word on " pseudo-crystals "



An absolutely must-read article on Lemurian Seed Crystals





Natural quartz crystal forms in quartz veins and pockets

that pushed into earlier sandstone deposits about 100 to 350 million

years ago, due to volcanic activity. Quartz crystals are made up of

silicon oxide and is a remarkably pure mineral with a hardness

rating of seven. (No two crystals are ever the same)


" Quartz " derives its meaning from the Slavic " Kwardy " meaning hard,

and " Crystal " from the Greek " Krystallos " , meaning ice.




Like the plant and animal kingdoms, the gemstone world is

filled with life-force energy. Crystals and minerals grow as the

other species of lifeforms do, but on a totally different level of

reality. Gemstones and minerals grow very slowly, and often take

hundreds of thousands, to millions of years to develop. The gemstone

realm is a living one, full of a vast variety of colors, forms, and

sizes. Those who have worked closely with crystals and gemstones may

have sensed or experienced their 'living' energy within them. Each

family of stones is a separate collective consciousness or unit of

awareness. The mineral world is supported by the devic realm, in

that each gemstone has a connection with

a particular Deva. This is also true of the plant kingdom. The

devas energetically support and help to maintain the balance

within the mineral realm. Devas are often thought of as the fairies

and elementals of mythology, but are an unseen presence that has

supported life in the physical worlds, since the beginning.


The two kingdoms of the Crystal Realm and the worlds of

human beings are very closely related, and have evolved side by

side. The gemstone and crystal species have always existed to

support us in our evolution and journey upon Earth. Many

metaphysicians believe that the mineral and crystal world, has had

direct influence upon our development and growth. It is also held by

some, that many of the gemstones found upon the Earth, had

originally been brought here from other worlds millions of years

ago. This was done to assist with the development of life

here. Aquamarine, Emerald and the other members of the Beryl

gemstone group, are believed to have first come from Venus, and then

been seeded here to aid with spiritualizing the consciousness. The

'seeds' of these, and other gems, were placed within the ground to

grow and replicate themselves.


The mineral and gemstone kingdom have been revealing and

releasing several new stones into the pantheon of spiritual gems.

Sugilite is one such gemstone that has appeared just over 30 years

ago. It is a deep purple-violet color that is similar in intensity

to Lapis. It is one of the carriers of divine love and

understanding needed in the world today. The idea of new species of

gemstones and minerals might seem unusual to some, but in reality is

a part of the natural processes that take place within the earth.

Often many years go by before a new variety of mineral or gem is

recognized, and then it slowly becomes part of the collective



As you work with the gemstone and crystal kingdom, you can

develop a larger picture of the interrelationship between gemstones

and humanity.


James McKeon is co-author of AORA Gemstone Oracle Cards which

provides an opportunity to explore and experience the various

aspects of spiritual and physical energy systems, as they relate to

stones. It is designed to give the individual a glimpse into the

unseen life that crystals possess. See for more information at




Germane channelled by Lyssa Royal


Germane: Greetings to you. This is Germane. We're going to

tell you a little story. Approximately 14,000 years ago, the culture

known as Lemuria was thriving. There were also othe r cultures on

Earth, such as Atlantis, which were thriving as well. The holy

people or the prophets of the Lemurian culture began to be aware

that something was going to be changing. They began receiving

information that the Earth was going to go through a very dramatic

shift. The shift that they were referring to was what you call the

Great Flood. You've also called it the destruction of Atlantis.

These holy people of Lemuria were very much in touch with the land.

They were the ancient ancestors of the Native Americans. They began

to be aware that it was very important that the knowledge from

Lemuria be preserved. And so for about 2,000 to 3,000 years,

they were preparing for this great cataclysm. They began spreading

their teachings about the Earth and about mankind's history to as

many people as they possibly could. They believed that if they could

spread this information to as many people as possible, the

information would be stored within the cells of the human bodies.

Then it would never be forgotten.


They also began to store information in crystals. These crystals

were taken deep within the Earth to be stored and preserved.

These ancient Lemurians also began to create detailed maps of the

underground tunnels that existed between power points on your

planet. They also took the time to prepare their plans. They knew

that they would receive a sign telling them it was time to go

underground before the floods came. So they prepared themselves for

these several thousand years to be the sacred keepers of the records

of Earth. They knew it was very important that the information they

held be saved for when the waters receded, otherwise the entire

history of Earth and the sacred teachings of the Lemurians would

have been lost forever.


Ed's note : The latest in the gemstone markets is that these

Lemurian crystals are now being mined and brought up to Mother

Earth's surface.




Lemurian Seed Crystals:

Teachers of Oneness


While at a gem and mineral show in May, 2001, I saw quartz

points described as " Lemurian Seed Crystals. " I had heard mention

of these before and not paid much attention. Although I am generally

cautious about " newly-discovered crystals " from ancient

civilizations, Joyce and I were both strongly attracted to these



We asked the man selling them to tell us about them. They

were found in Brazil in late 1999 or early 2000 by people who were

mining for quartz. Usually, quartz points are found in the form of

clusters. The Lemurian seed crystals drew the miners' attention

because they were lying in a separate bed of sand, unattached to



Unusual as this is, the appearance of these crystals is even

more striking. They are not shiny, but have almost a frosted

appearance, and many had a pink glow. Their most distinctive feature

is the distinct horizontal striations running up one or more sides

of the sides.


I've never seen quartz points like these. Nor have I experienced an

energy quite like theirs. Joyce and I decided to choose two

for ourselves, then walk around the show and see how they felt.

(This is not the ideal way to get to know a new crystal, but we felt

certain we could sense enough to know whether we wanted to buy some

for Beyond the Rainbow.)


I experienced a brief feeling of disconnection, almost as I

were being unplugged while a rewiring process took place. After

that, I felt calm and happy. Though I'd been on my feet for four

hours after a two-and-half hour drive, I felt energized and strongly

connected to universal life force energy. Without knowing the

details, I knew these crystals were very powerful and important.



Although I have read various interpretations about both the

nature and location of this advanced civilization, it is generally

believed that about 12 million years ago there existed an advanced

civilization somewhere between the American continent and Australia.

Some believe Lemuria preceded Atlantis; others believe they

co-existed and that perhaps the Atlanteans conquered the Lemurians.

Whereas Atlantis was technologically advanced and warlike in nature,

Lemuria was peaceful and highly developed spiritually.


Katrina Raphaell (author of the Crystal Trilogy and one of

the most widely respected crystal teachers and healers) gathered

with several others on Kauai to attune with six Lemurian seed

crystals. While doing so, they connected with a group of powerful

nonphysical beings who communicated the meaning of these crystals.


During the last days of Lemuria, it was decided to plant

seed crystals programmed to transmit a message of oneness. Having

seeded the crystals, the Lemurians, it is believed, left this planet

for other star systems. Others went into inner earth (while

maintaining telepathic connection with those in other parts of the

galaxy), where they continue to care for the earth and the seed

crystals now surfacing.


The crystals are thus connected to inner earth, the earth's

surface, and the stars, and serve as links to these various magnetic

fields. On the individual level, each seed crystal is energetically

connected to all other seed crystals.


This connection is a living example of the message of the

Lemurian seed crystals. They teach us how to be both individuals and

integral parts of the cosmic design, that all beings are equal. They

also help us how, as physical beings, to maintain our connection

with our spiritual source.


The striations, which to some observers have the appearance

of being lasered onto the crystals, contain this knowledge. Some

ways to work with them are to hold one of the striated sides of the

crystal to the third eye (between and above the other two). Another

is to rub the index finger of your non-dominant hand over the



I also find it very helpful to sleep holding one. When I've

done this, I not only sleep very well but have dreams that seem to

be dissolving energy blockages.


In addition, I recommend using one in chakra balancing. To

do this, put a crystal on each chakra and rotate the Lemurian seed

crystal in a circle over each stone.


Ed's note : I got this from the following website






Throughout time, rock crystal objects have been found with

the remains of prehistoric man dating back as far as 75,000 B.C. in

France, Switzerland and Spain.


The Greeks believed crystals to be water frozen by the Gods

to remain forever ice, thus its name.


Crystals were used in the Middle Ages by the Japanese, Chinese,

Mayans, Aztecs and Native Americans both in carving and for



Ed's note : Crystals are tools to help us in healing,

divination, meditation etc. They are the perfect examples from the

mineral world of how the central thread of energy runs in every



We hope this issue was an informative and fun experience for you!


- Until next time then,

Geeta Iyer and Renee Andersen

The Omega Foundation




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