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I have many types of stones that co-exist with me happily. Twice I bought

moldavite only to have ot disappear. One, right from the table I put it on

direct from the bag. All the other stones were there, I took it out of the

bag & put it in the center of them & never saw it again.

Last week, three years after I bought the other one, it reappeared in my

stone case. (Where it never was to begin with)So now, I'm the pet of a piece

of Moldavite. I'm not even looking at it, so if it travels again, I won't

know. lol. In my case, moldavite resists study while i n captivity. Let me

know how you do with yours.





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Hello Peggy and everyOne,


Peggy,I am greatly enjoying reading the previous posts in archives.

Thank You so much for sharing your knowledge and experience.


Presently, I am very curious and excited about Moldavite. A few

months ago I came across (attracted :o) a small piece. I found it to

be a very powerful stone. And for several nights, I even had to

leave it in another room as the energy was so intense. My dreams were

extremely vivid also.


Something else. Shortly after purchasing this crystal, I reached in

my pocket to hold it, and it wasn't there. It took me almost an hour

to locate it again, exactly where it hadn't been previously. It's

almost as though it was 'hiding'. And now three months later,

I 'appear' to have lost it again. Though now it has been several

weeks and I have searched and searched.


I am excited and feel a strong attraction and resonance with this

stone. And I AM appreciative of any information/experiences anyone

can share in regards to Moldavite.


Again, thank You eevryOne for sharing.


Warm Gratitude,


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*~~*~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~*~~*

The grass isn't greener on the other side...It's greener where you water it!




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In a message dated 8/24/2001 12:28:34 AM Central Daylight Time,

andreelortie writes:



> I am excited and feel a strong attraction and resonance with this

> stone. And I AM appreciative of any information/experiences anyone

> can share in regard to Moldavite.


> Again, thank You everyone for sharing.


> Warm Gratitude,

> Andree





I have experienced a loss with a particular stone as well. It is my

favorite, an amazingly beautiful amethyst. I too experience very vivid

dreams with this stone, most often dealing with my guides. I love it!!! I

have lost it on several occasions. The last time, I couldn't locate it for

more that a week. When I finally found it, it was in a place that I must

have looked 20 times, LOL. BUT, when I found it, I was running short on cash

that day, actually no money at all. The amethyst was on the floor with 10

dollars. If I had located it the day before, I probably would have spent the

money on things that were not important. Luckily, I found it when I did. I

figured it was " someone's " way of watching out for me. I said a great big

thank you to whoever was involved....:)))))))))


Love and Light!





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I love moldavite and sell quite a bit of it in my store, but I do know that a

few years ago there was a lot of " fake " moldavite that appeared on the market.

This makes it very hard for dealers because most of us are not scientists or

geologists. And this also drove the price down a good bit because suddenly there

was a lot more " moldavite " available for sale. I don't really know that even a

reputable dealer could tell the difference because Moldavite is basically glass,

so it would be difficult without having it chemically analyzed. I quit carrying

the cut stones in my store and only sell rough pieces now because it is easier

to make sure about the validity of it. I have uploaded a picture of a Moldavite

chakra necklace that I made for myself and wear almost every day. There is one

piece in my store that even people that can't " feel " stones can usually feel

" crawling " in their palm. I do know that some pieces seem to have a higher

vibration than others. Maybe your piece just was not right for you at the

time...sometimes we are led to buy things and then realize later that they

belong to someone else who crosses our path. Just use your intuition and you

will know if it is right for you.





Web Site: http://www.stonekeepers.com

Online Auctions: http://auctions./booth/ramona_stonekeepers





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Moldavite is a stone of extremely high vibration. When I first held

one about 5 years ago, I had to put it down because it felt like it

was squirming in my hand and it gave me the willies! I tried

over and over with different moldavites and had the same

reaction. Moldavite is the only stone that ever affected me this way.

About a year ago (for whatever reason) I decided it was time to

purchase one. I bought from a reputable dealer on Ebay, but the stone

doesn't feel like much of anything. It looks like moldavite, in the

form of a teardrop cabachon, but it doesn't seem to have moldavite

energy. I set it aside for the future, not knowing if it was real or



Has anyone else had a stone that didn't have the right feel to it?



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Funny you should mention that - the crystal I use most often is a piece of

channeler quartz (7-sided face) from Madagascar and there have been many times

that this same thing has happened. The last time it happened, I got an

intuitive feeling that the crystal was taking a hiatus just outside the physical

realm. That makes sense, considering they teach us how to traverse the hologram

so well.





<<Something else. Shortly after purchasing this crystal, I reached in

my pocket to hold it, and it wasn't there. It took me almost an hour

to locate it again, exactly where it hadn't been previously. It's

almost as though it was 'hiding'. And now three months later,

I 'appear' to have lost it again. Though now it has been several

weeks and I have searched and searched

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In a message dated 24/08/01 18:37:08 Paris, Madrid (heure d'été),

ramona writes:



> . There is one piece in my store that even people that can't " feel " stones

> can usually feel " crawling " in their palm.


This is so true Ramona. My moldavite prickles in my palm even before I ask

it to ''switch on.'' At least two of my friends have had to put it

down quickly as the sensation has been so strong. I only have

rough moldavite - for some reason it doesn't feel right to have

it cut or polished.






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Sally wrote:


> I bought from a reputable dealer on Ebay, but the stone

> doesn't feel like much of anything. It looks like moldavite, in the

> form of a teardrop cabachon, but it doesn't seem to have moldavite

> energy. I set it aside for the future, not knowing if it was real or

> not.


The are fake and mislabeled stones out there and there are also genuine

ones that for one reason or another just do not seem " live " You did

receive the empowerments i often use the amplify function to power up

a stone often then you can sense the energy and can often tell

whether it is genuine

and use the crystal wisdom function by asking if the stone is real


If you can run a moldavite shakti try holding the stone in your left

hand as amplified as you can do and run the Moldavite shakti in your

right hand only do the energies match?




Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

spirituality} http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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