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Also a question

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I have a question somewhat along these lines as well. What if the crystal

itself is man made?? Are the properties still the same? Would the crystal

still hold the same knowledge as one who was formed by the Earth?? This is

something that I am uncertain about and I would appreciate others thoughts

on this.


Thank you!


Peace to you & yours




" You must be the change you wish to see in the world " -Ghandi


" The kindest word in all the world is the unkind word, unsaid "








>[CrystalHW] question

>Fri, 24 Aug 2001 17:07:29 -0000



>Recently I have gotten two wands. One is of flourite, which I love,

>and the other is amethyst. My question about them is this. The

>amethyst wand is DT, and appears to have been cut this way. It

>doesn't appear to be natural. The faces are all of equal shape and

>size. It is a beautiful wand but feels somewhat confused? Does this

>make sense? The flourite is more natural appearing, but polished,

>and the bottom is smooth and rounded.

>I am wondering if the man-made cut will affect the amethyst, how to

>make it happier. I was reading about using the shakti energies and

>wondered if energetic crystal repair would be good. I get a little

>confused I guess about the running by intent thing, do I just say

>something like " run energetic crystal repair " ? Is it really that

>simple? I guess I have part of me that thinks it has to be more

>complicated :)

>Any words of advice would be appreciated!


>Love and light,






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" Lauffeuer })i({ " wrote:


> I have a question somewhat along these lines as well. What if the

> crystal itself is man made?? Are the properties still the same?

> Would the crystal still hold the same knowledge as one who was formed

> by the Earth?? This is something that I am uncertain about and I

> would appreciate others thoughts

> on this.


Here is a repost of file 9 from our files section there also have been

other posts on this

subject which are in the archives




Simulated stones, artificial stone, plastic and " enhanced " stones


Do simulated gems have the same properties and healing as a genuine


There is still a lot of controversy about this question


Simulated, completely artificial imitations of glass or plastic

do not generally have the same properties as natural stones though

some items can be programmed to hold a charge for a while ( not very


in my experience).

In an emergency an imitation bead can be used to channel a frequency of

the genuine stone but it does not hold long usually unless frequently

recharged /invoked and IMO is best reserved for an emergency measure .


Plastics and fabrics and other man made objects can absorb /. remember


energies /stories of the events and places they " witness " so the stuff

someone had with them when they went to a sacred place like Stonehenge


might possibly be used to connect with the energy of that place and can


offer information to those who have psychometric abilities.


Artificial Ivory and plant Ivory can channel genuine Ivory energy

frequencies This is " by arrangement " This can also be true for


corals and non animal substitutions for things like bear claws .

We would recommend that you work with Deva and shakti (spiritual


frequencies ) rather than use an animal product, if one those few


arose when one of those particular frequencies /qualities is

essential .

If you do use real coral, shells or bones , antlers etc. I would


that you specifically thank the spirit of the being/s that has or may


given it's life gift with some form of ritual or prayer or simple


according to your beliefs and practices


In imitation stones made with some genuine material the genuine


usually does retain its properties and can be enhanced with energy work


work normally. Some plastics /polymers can hold a lot of angelic


if you work with angels. Those fiber optic spheres that you see around


hold / transmit spiritual energies Particularly Angel

(I want to say wind spirit or some elemental).


As for man made synthetic crystals such as rubies which are chemically


my actual experience is limited but has been that they can work for many


purposes but They don't have the stories they don't have the


of time and existence that natural Earth grown stones have. They can


" connected to the grid " You often will need to charge them or dedicate


and invite. invoke. request of Spirit that they work for you . When

this is

done certainly the clear quartz wands of man made quartz can ,after


" awakened " be very effective .


~ The (angels -Spirit) have given you the gift that the star sapphires

and rubies and rare stones you have learned to make from their own

component elements will carry that light and mana (power) of those

born of

nature in order that many can know their ( songs)~


When you read the books you will find a lot of contradictions and


on this issue. If you encounter a simulated /manmade stone explore it


your intuition the Universe Has far fewer limitations and petty rules


we often assume it does .


What will work for you and what is right for you in this matter will


from person to person and from time to time and may change . If you


uncomfortable with manmade stones, don't use them. If they sing for you


then use them and do not be concerned with people who might scold you.

I would probably not use a synthetic in a treatment with someone who

is hostile to the idea .

It will be your intuition and experience that count here . I use natural


stones for the most part and there is enough variety to choose from that


seldom is limited to using a synthetic.


A related matter is natural stones that are modified dyed.

" enhanced " ,

irradiated or other wise treated or changed from the natural state .

Some Crystal authorities reject any stone that has been modified .

Others use them enthusiastically . My experience Has been that some of


the stones are quite happy with it Dyed agate slabs from Brazil

sometimes are

dedicated to carrying the healing frequency of the Color stabilizing it


and projecting it into a room or other area but some are not in

balance with

it and their energy feels jangled or rough.

Howlite dyed to look like Turquoise or Lapis will allow it self to


those stones energy if there is need and no other option but may prefer

to be used as howlite . Howlite works for many of the same issues that

the stones it is dyed to look like are used for so it may not make a

difference that matters.


Many of the Stones that are irradiated or heated like Smoky Quartz and


created from amethyst start out with jangled imbalances unhappy energy

In which case I treat the crystal itself restoring and healing it to its


state most of the citrine and smoky quartz will work in the usual way

after that

And stones that have had their color deepened will also have normal


after being " healed " This is also true of most stones with chipped

faces the

energy can be restored .

My experience with the Aqua Aura quartz and other crystals that have

had a

molecular layer of another material applied or whatever they do to

them is

that most of them were not happy. I do not have much personal

experience with

them though So it may be just be that I have had no " call " to use them.


So have not met the happy ones.

( I've known crystal healers who use them enthusiastically and say

that the

ones they have are in harmony with it) The ones I have encountered


since I began seriously working with crystals belonged to other people

and were not happy and after I treated them to restore them to harmony

several have disappeared . I presumed they had gone to Earth to Heal

but they may also simply have gone to someone who needed them as


often will when they have done the work they have with a specific person



I rarely find a stone that is so burned out or abused that it has to


to Earth by being buried but Some of the enhanced stones have been


the few . This may have to do with the really heavy duty location and


they had been dealing with because the ones that were buried were

brought to

me after having been kept in a treatment center that included Juvenile

sex offenders, rather than a problem with the enhancement of the stones



Perhaps those who have experiences with artificial simulated manmade and


altered stones will share your experiences with the list







Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

spirituality} http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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