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Attunement Questions

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RealKraftwerker wrote:


> Hello Peggy,


> As I have had no way to read the files due to WebTv's madness with

> files.. could you please explain the Crystal Attunements that you do,

> and what happens after? Are the attunements passed similar to a Reiki

> attunement {I am Reiki III} ?


> What does the attunement do to help us with our Stone People? How

> does one prepare for it? I have read some glowing reports, but not

> having the basis of anything to go on leaves me out of the loop..LoL


Are you able to read the message archives or is that not functioning


The crystal empowerment is a set of functions and shakti which are are

given as attunements. I use a direct transmission for the attunement

rather than a ritual.

There is no particular preparation rather than accepting the attunement

receptive meditation is suggested.

Someof these are for working with the crystals directly and others allow

you to run rock and healing shakti as you would run Reiki

A few of functions may be added or changed as I fine tune the system

people who have received the empowerments previously will automaticaly

get any additions

the functions in the Empowerment are

1. Amplification:

2. Clearing Shakti

3. Remote, focus and blanket (expand) functions:

4. Energetic crystal repair

5. Personalize

6. Programming crystal shakti

7. Spiritual connection and High Self shakti

8. Gem Elixir Shakti

9. Rock Wisdom attunement

10. Crystal Deva connection

11. Quartz Crystal Healing Shakti:

12. Crystal meditation shakti

13 grounding Shakti

14.will be sets but was not included this time

15 Crystal healing shakti

16. Rock Shakti : : attunement to several specific crystal or

gemstones including quartz. clear ,rose, amethyst and citrine and

a chakra set which may include Gem silica, Calcite, Dioptaise, Kunzite

,Kyanite ,Emerald Ruby,Diamond . Carnelian , Topaz, Sapphire and Lapis

and or others according to what is most suitable for the individual and


rock shakti of your choice

17. mode setting

modes include: (but may not be limited to )

1.creativity 2.stimulation,

3.relaxation, 4.subtle body healing(submodes

etheric, emotional, mental)

5.meditation 6.grounding

7.pain relief 8.balancing (submodes chakras


9..healing sleep 10.integration ( of physical mental

emotional aspect of your


11.mental alertness 12.clearing (submodes subtle

bodies, chakras.meridians)

13. aligning (aligns subtle bodies,chakras and meridians for

ideal flow of energy

14.immune system stimulation 15.self selecting (self

only )



--Shakti is often used as a term for any spiritual energy frequncy that


can be called in and " run " or used /received for some spiritual purpose


.. Reiki ,Tera mai, Love Stream, Drisana ,Neriya. & Omega,. are a few

examples of the energy work systems that are shakti systems and shakti

are also part of many other paths Huna and Many Buddhist groups

also use them in some situations . The healing energy that people feel


from crystals etc could be classed as shakti. The term is used only

for healing /spiritual energies with " intelligence' rather than for any

general vibration. frequency .

The ability to work with shakti is usualy received by an attunement or

transsmission to the aura from a person who is able to transmit /

facillitate attunements for a particualar energy work system it can

also be received directly from spirit or through osmosis by spending

time with people or information who are well skilled in this work . and


some seem to be reawakenings of past life skills.


I will probably offer these again in about a month

and will go into more detail at that time




Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

spirituality} http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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