Guest guest Posted August 28, 2001 Report Share Posted August 28, 2001 As one or two people cannot access the files I will repost a few of them every week the first four are here they are not all that long .. File 0 rough outline (very rough) Please feel free to share Your experiences and questions with the list .. Below is a general outline of some subject matter we hope to cover. This will probably change somewhat as we move along We will explore several different systems and traditions of crystal work Introduction to crystal Healing formation , structure, basic properties of crystals chakras and the aura Grounding and centering Choosing crystals Cleansing crystals charging and programming Clear Quartz The Quartz Family Other stones Natural and shaped crystals and their uses Exploring and getting to know your crystals visualizations Meditating with crystals Crystal energy work Programming crystals holding and hands on crystal healing Laying on of stones Crystal tools and jewelry creating sacred space Grids, circles , mandala Gem elixers traditional and energetic gemstone waters color, light and crystals some treatments for self others and plants and animals stone properties for specific purposes New age stones developing intuition Visions and Dreams most posting and responding to posts will be done on week days information will be placed in the files as I post it so that people can refer back to material or proceed at their own pace Any way I will do most posting and responding to posts on week days and I will put information in the files as I post it so that people can refer back to material or proceed at their own pace file1 Introduction Crystals and gemstones have been eagerly sought after for thousands of years as items of beauty and items of power with mysterious gifts ..There are many different ways that crystals and other stones have been used to enhance daily life . This workshop and list focuses on some of the ways that these crystals and other stones are used in healing for self and and in promoting spiritual development and for assisting with protection and to draw abundance to enhance meditation, to broadcast affirmations , to assist in psychic and spiritual communication. The uses of crystals and stones as energy transmitters of spiritual information and vibration is almost unlimited . Each Crystal or stone has a potential of specialized gifts for us. Each can Draw in and radiate healing energy specific to each stone or amplifying spiritual energies. This may be seen as being the elemental energy of the stone itself or as the Spirit essence being, that is the conscious aspect of all stones of a particular kind. Some people work with crystals as tools to draw in and direct energy in a rather mechanical way as channels of abstract energies. Others may speak with and invoke the stones as spirit entities and some others hold that the effect of a stone to facilitate healing or meditation or other dimensional journeying is a side effect of the actual chemical composition of the particular stone. Some of us find that any and all ways of defining how or why crystal healing works are true and will indeed work. .. Science Has scorned the mystical aspects of crystals and stones but have sought medicine and technological assistance from the rocks and minerals of the world . Crystals are used in many scientific applications . It is common for people to be amused and disbelieving about the healing and spiritual effects of crystals beyond the chemical and to dismiss mystical experiences as imagination but Imagination is the gateway to transcendent experience and intuition has as much value as the often more respected rational mind. You may or may not feel the energy of crystals or hear messages from them but you can still benefit from using them and connecting with them. The Usual Disclaimer Crystal healing and energy work are not a substitute for traditional Medical treatment, if someone has a serious health imbalance they should see a Doctor or other appropriate professional, and make complementary healing part of a complete health care program All healing is self healing the practioner uses the crystals and other tools to assist themselves and others in facillitating their own healing --------------------- File 2 books a list of books relating to this course Lots of the material here will be from my own material and notes & studies and workshops I've taken and from books and pamphlets that are not in wide distribution. I am using the book " Crystal Healing using the power of health and harmony " by Simon Lilly as a sort of course outline It is not a really great book but has a page or two on most of the major areas involved with crystal work so I'm using it as a checklist so I won't leave out a major area other books that will be probably referred to include " Color and Crystals a journey through the chakras " by Joy Gardener which is a good small book for beginners " Love is in the Earth, a Kaleidoscope of Crystals " by Melody and the pictorial supplements and other books by Melody " Love is in the Earth " is huge and virtually an Encyclopedia of crystal properties perhaps to the extent of being a bit over whelming after about 500 pages it seems like every stone is good for everything Three books by Katrina Raphael " Crystalline transmission " , " Crystal enlightenment " and " Crystal Healing " May be rather New Agey but has some good stuff has some stuff that is completely different than my experience too " Healing with Gemstones and Crystals " Diane Stein Scott Cunninghams " Crystal Gem and Metal Magic " Una Silbeys " The complete crystal Guidebook " And Sela Randazzo's " I am Rock medicine " which has a pretty different outlook and a system that is based on the chemical content of specific stones . and " Gemstones of the World " by Walter Schuman which has photographs and information about the technical stuff like where the stones come from and hardness etc. I expect to pick up copies soon of some books I've read but don't own currently . Another book that is interesting is called " The Sacred Stones " don't recall the author but it is written by someone who thinks the whole concept of crystal healing and energy is the stupidest idea ever and it is intended to thoroughly disprove and denounce everything about crystal work . She covers just about everything each stone has ever been thought to effect so its a pretty good reference if you can ignore the stridently hostile preaching There are also a large number of books that are on related subjects or have sections about stones that I may refer too I have a fairly large assortment of books (actually when we moved we had 6000 pounds of books ) so I don't think anyone need try to catch up. part of what I'll be doing here is extracting some of the " gems " from varied sources and sharing them with you. If you have any books or web sites that you would recommend or that you would warn against please share them on the list and you can post links on the web links section of our list pages .. I prefer that these not be primarily commercial sites . has a lot of links on crystal healing . Solarraven ------------------------ File3 Tech stuff This should be a lesson about all the technical scientific stuff about rocks and crystals but that is not my strong suit so I'm probably just going to skim or skip over a lot of that for the time being until it jells. Our main focus here is on the mystical and healing side of crystals but most of us would like know a little bit about the more concrete side as well sometimes knowing about the origins of a kind of stone can give us guidance in working with it . Rocks can be placed in three groups for convenience : Igneous rocks including Granite ,rhyolite, obsidian, and basalt are formed by the solidification of molten magma that emerges via volcanic activity and emerges or erupts through vents or fissures in the Earth's Crust The nature and properties of these crystals vary greatly depending in part on the conditions under which the magma solidified . fast cooling creates rocks that tend not to have crystals slower cooling can give similar kinds of atoms trapped in the magma time to find each other and form crystals There are thousands of different kinds of igneous rocks Sedimentary rocks such as limestone , sandstone, shales, halites coals, and gypsum are formed by the accumulation of " sediments " these are fine rock particles or fragments, skeletons of microscopic organisms, or minerals leached from rocks that have accumulated from weathering. These sediments have been redeposited under water and were later compressed in layers over time and are classed as either evaporative (often water soluble ) or organic sedimentary rocks Metamorphic rocks such as marble, slate , schist, gneiss and quartzite are formed by the alteration of igneous and sedimentary rocks through heat and/or pressure . These physical and/or chemical changes to rocks maybe exemplified by the formation of marble from thermal changes that have occurred to limestone. What is the difference between a rock and a mineral? a mineral is defined as a substance that must have all four of these characteristics , it must be found in nature , it must not be made of anything that has ever been alive (organic), it has the same chemical makeup wherever it is found and its atoms are arranged in regular patterns and form crystals. it is solid Rocks are sometimes defined as an aggregate or combination of one or more minerals and the definition is extended to cover clay ,loose sand and certain limestones. Crystal a crystal is a uniform body with a geometric lattice. the varying structures of the lattice are the causes of the varying physical properties of the crystals and therefore also of the minerals and gems. One way gemstones are classified is by hardness, both scratch hardness and cutting resistance while the Mohs scale of hardness developed by Frederich Mohs (1773-1839) is made somewhat obsolete by modern technology an idea of the general hardness of a stone and whether it is brittle helps you to protect your stones from damage and can help with identification from softest to hardest the Mohs scale 1 Talc 2 Gypsum 3 Calcite 4 Fluorite 5 Apatite 6 Orthoclase 7 Quartz 8 Topaz 9 Corundum 10 Diamond .. Piezoelectricity is that quality by which electricity and sometimes light is produced by compression . Many cultures and spiritual traditions have used crystals in ritual, often striking them to produce flashes of visible light. Pyroelectricity is that quality of an electrified state or polarity which is produced by variation in temperature. ..Quartz has both piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties which means that the polarity of quartz crystal will change when subject to pressure or heat as well as when held. ( some of this is adapted from " The Handy Science Answer Book " and from package notes from several little rock collection kits and Gemstones of the world by Walter Schumann) Solarraven ~ Peggy Jentoft -- Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals, spirituality} Sparrows Fairyland} art Spirited emotion} Heretic Sanctuary Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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