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rock shakti

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Peggy Jentoft wrote:


> I have not yet heard from anyone whether or not they have run the

> rock

> shakti .



Hi Peggy,


I have tried to run the rock shakti for several different types of

stones, but I'm not noticing anything yet. Either the effects are very

subtle, or not happening for me. I've also noticed that my Reiki will

turn on, and that is confusing to me when trying to distinguish between



When using the rock shaktis, are we running the energy associated with

the stone, without having to have the stone in our possession? Am I

understanding it right?



Susan : ))))))))))








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" Susan S. Bosco " wrote:


> Peggy Jentoft wrote:


> > I have not yet heard from anyone whether or not they have run the

> > rock

> > shakti .


> **********

> Hi Peggy,


> I have tried to run the rock shakti for several different types of

> stones, but I'm not noticing anything yet. Either the effects are

> very subtle, or not happening for me. I've also noticed that my Reiki

> will turn on, and that is confusing to me when trying to distinguish

> between energies.

> When using the rock shaktis, are we running the energy associated with

> the stone, without having to have the stone in our possession? Am I

> understanding it right?


> Love,

> Susan : ))))))))))


They can be subtle , you can amplify them and see if anything is more


It is not always easy to tell shakti apart either some may feel like

Reiki does

yes the rock shakti are the energies of the stones and you do not need

to have the stone with you.




Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

spirituality} http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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Peggy Jentoft wrote:


> They can be subtle , you can amplify them and see if anything is more

> noticiable




Duh! Forgot I could do this.



Susan : ))))))))))))








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Hi Peggy and Everyone,


> Peggy Jentoft wrote:

> I have not yet heard from anyone whether or not they have run the rock shakti



I had the chance to give it a try today with one of my massage

clients. Usually at the end of a session, I do Reiki and/or SKHM,

but today I decided to try and run rock shakti.


The client is grieving the death of her husband. I decided (or I

should say was guided) to run Rose Quartz Shakti. So, while she was

lying prone, I placed my hands over her back heart chakra and

intended Rose Quartz Shakti run.


It felt different than when I run the other energies. I felt my

crown was very open and a bit of pressure at the front top of my

head and third eye area (don't usually feel this particular

sensation with Reiki/SKHM). My hands were warm and tingly as with

the other energies though.


At the end of the session, the client was feeling so wonderful and

blissed out :-) ... much more so than our other sessions.


Really great feeling!




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