Guest guest Posted September 1, 2001 Report Share Posted September 1, 2001 CHAKRAS The chakra are the energy vortex that we have in our bodies that bring in the universal energies we need to remain living in bodies . Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel, the chakras are vortexes of energy present in the ethereal body which permeates and extends beyond the physical body. There are seven major chakras and they function as pathways for energy to be taken in, metabolized and sent to the major nerve center nearest each one. Several more chakras seem to be opening up in many people but for now we will begin with the traditional seven. The chakras are located along the line of the spinal column and are composed of high frequency energy strands that the spiritual eye perceives as light The life force is channeled to the physical body and its organs via the nadis and meridians and enters the body through the chakras. the degree of chakra activity depends on a combination of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development of the individual. Chakras can be damaged or blocked through an emotional upset such as conflict, loss or, accident . Fear, anxiety and stress are common causes of chakra malfunction, it is the disruption of the chakra and aura that create disease and disturb the energy balance of the chakras. Psychological problems may cause 'blockages', obstructing the flow of energy into or out of the chakras. In general the front aspects of the chakras correlate to our emotional function, the back to our will function, and the top three chakras to our reason function. Balance in our reason, will and emotion centers is necessary to good health and well being. the amount of energy flowing through our chakras determines how well we function. Here is a brief overview of the seven main chakras we will go into these in more depth and post other stones for each chakra later too Root Chakra ,Muladhara , Kundalini survival Muladhara = Base (mula - root adhara - support) located at the tailbone base of spine color red, black element earth mineral kingdom sense smell note c mantra lam or e as in red vortex or petals 4 essential oil Frankensence, rosewood, gemstones Garnet, smokey quartz, black tourmaline ,hematite ,red jasper, obsidian governs vigor, heredity ,survival, security ,passion ,feet legs survival, and trust. your relationship with money, home, and job. Sacral Chakra, Svadistana sensation Svadisthana = one's own base (sva - one's own) Located at sex organs or near belly button color orange,brown element water plant kingdom sense taste note d mantra vam or o as in home vortex or petals 6 oil rose, Jasmine,sandelwood gemstones Carnelian, Tiger eye, fire opal, governs sexuality,creativity, emotions, anger,fear instinct to nurture,spleen, perceptions concerning food or sex. Solar Plexis Chakra Manipura power Manipura = city (pur) of jewels (mani) located between the sternum bone and the belly color yellow element fire animal kingdom sense sight note d mantra ram or aum vortex or petals 10 oil cassia,peppermint gemstones citrine, amber,golden topaz governs power,accomplishments, will, ego projections, vital energies, control, and your freedom to be yourself. Heart Chakra Anahatha Heart, love ,Anahata means " unstruck " " Unstruck Sound " the place where the spiritual descends into the physical by the power of the " word " (shabdbrahman) the point of creation. located at heart center of chest color green , pink element air human kingdom sense touch note f# mantra yam or a as in ah vortex 12 oil jasmine, rose gemstones Aventurine, emerald , rose quartz,Dioptaise, Kunzite governs love, compassion, mediates between higher and lower planes of being healing, lungs breath prana, sense of time ,and the area of relationships in your life. Throat Chakra Visshuda creative Vishuddi = purity located at base of throat color sky blue element ether angelic realms sense hearing note g # mantra ham or u as in blue vortex 16 oil chamomile,frankensence gemstones turquoise, aquqmarine, chryoscolla, azuite,sodalite governs speach, hearing ,communication self expression Brow Chakra Anja, intuitive Ajna = knowing located in center of forehead above eyes color indigo element spiritual vision archangels sense telepathy note high a mantra aum om or mmm vortex 96 oil basil ,cedarwood,clary sage gemstones Lapis lazuli,blue saphire,sodalite,celinite,kyanite, azurite,sugulite and flourite governs intuition thought inner and outer sight,visions ,dreams Crown Chakra Sehasara, spirit Sahasrara = thousand spoked located at top of head color violet, white element cosmic kingdom= SOURCE mantra aum , ee as in bee vortex 972 oil lavendar rosewood gemstones clear and rutile quartz,amethyst,Iolite,sugulite,tanzanite governs connection to cosmic consciousness ,spiritual, wisdom aspirations knowlege of truth Palm Chakrasand transpersonal chakras I also want to mention the chakras in the palms of the hands, often relegated to minor status. These chakras transmit healing energy and receive energetic information fron the universe. The palm chakras are used to channel healing energies to yourself and others and to receive impressions of the energy of a room, person, situation, etc. These minor chakras make a major difference in the quality of life when they can be opened by intention. practice in becoming aware of the energy of the palm chakras is a good place to start if you are at all interested in energy work and spiritual healing. healing chakras may also activate in the fingertips. Tranpersonal chakras The most important of the emerging transpersonal chakras are the thymus or etheric heart in the upper chest which governs compassion and inner peace and the connection to world soul. The Soulstar about a foot above the head which brings in spiritual energy from the spiritual core and the Earthstar about a foot below our feet that brings in and connects us to the Earth energies it is important to develop the Soulstar and Earthstar simultaniously. The most important change happening at this time is the unification of the chakra functions all the chakras are beginning to work together much more than in the past. There are alternate colors which may be in chakras as well as or instead of the traditional attributes. The chakra is not always one color there may be other calors visible if you see aura colors. Root chakra colors include the earth tones as well as deep red Orange, red orange and rainbow all are reported in the sacral. solar plexis tends to stayyellow -- heart can have pink and gold in addition to green. Throat stays pale blue or sky blue but can include silver , brow can be indigo or purple -- crown can be purple or gold or white or rainbow . There can be other colors in each chakra of course. Lots of folks get into heated discussions about different theories about the chakra and energy body The truth is all the systems and true and none of the systems are true and that is the truth. It does not matter if you have 5 -8- 12 - 89 chakras in 1-7 -8 -32 auric layers it does not matter if they exist at all or not if they are open or closed or disks or vortex or wheels or petals or flames. What matters is that you have a way of working with energy and reality and have concepts that promote health and balance and make sense to you. It does not matter if it is your own personal reality construct that works for you or if you choose to use one of the many systems of defining the energy body that various collective minds cultures have agreed to create and work with . Confusion can arise when people try to reconcile different systems or impose one over the other or percieve one system but try to read it from another awareness of the confusion will help you refine the system that you use to become aware of the health and balanced or unbalanced state of your energy body and whole self . The only absolute is change. rules and structures and symbols and signs and Gods and planets are tools for spiritual expression and advancement just as water can be liqiud or solid ice or insubstantial vapor all things change . it is all at essence Ku which is the void not emptiness but undifferentiated potential (thats not all ku is but it will do for this ) everything is energy all the differences we precieve are simply variations in frequency or " wind " patterns We have agreed to use certain rules and blueprints but we must not assume that they are inflexible at various times the most effective rules such as those about the structure and function of Chakra wil seem to change to reflect the most effective attitude at the current state of unfolding . That which is can handle adapt and contain all these varients and more maybe what works for you is to sweat the details but somewhere hold the knowing that both the big picture and the details are in flux are effected and created by your ,everyone's and ALL thought will and Love -emotion not being a complete word for what is meant Solarraven -- Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals, spirituality} Sparrows Fairyland} art Spirited emotion} Heretic Sanctuary Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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