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Rock Shakti

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I think I may have messed up and gotten it right, because here's

what happened:

I was petting my Orange Moggy named Melanie while she was

helping me with the computer. I had turned Reiki on because she has

trouble with flea dermatitus. While I was doing that I thought about

running Rock Shakti, so I said in my mind " Now run Rock Shakti for

Healing " . Almost immediately both hands, on the palm sides, began

feeling as if I had a layer of very warm thick foam rubber on them,

coating them from finger tips to the wrist. I thought to power up and

the warmth grew in intensity! After a bit, Because I didn't believe

it was happening, I thought " Stop Rock Shakti " . The sensation left

almost immediately and all I felt was Reiki. Does that sound




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byronksc wrote:


> t I thought about

> running Rock Shakti, so I said in my mind " Now run Rock Shakti for

> Healing " . Almost immediately both hands, on the palm sides, began

> feeling as if I had a layer of very warm thick foam rubber on them,

> coating them from finger tips to the wrist. I thought to power up and

> the warmth grew in intensity! After a bit, Because I didn't believe

> it was happening, I thought " Stop Rock Shakti " . The sensation left

> almost immediately and all I felt was Reiki. Does that sound

> reasonable?


Yes that does sound reasonable

Oh and in case you were wondering if that should be shaktis shakti can

be either singular or plural



> --



Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

spirituality} http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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