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OT (sortof) huna principles

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On the one hand this is off topic, on the other hand these are

some of the most valuable principles I have ever found for

living an empowered life .The work we do is much more

effective when we have an awareness of the underlying rules

of the Universe we live in. These are the rules that work best

for me


The Seven Huna Principles


From URBAN SHAMAN by Serge King, © 1990

used with permission from Aloha international


IKE- Awareness, The World is what you think it is


(everything is a dream, all systems are



Positive thoughts attract positive people and

events, and negative thoughts

attract negative people and events.

Corollary: Everything is a dream

Dreams are real and reality is a dream. The

only test we use for a reality

check is whether or not someone else

experiences it. Hallucination means

" your dream doesn’t match my dream. " " Reality "

to a shaman is a mass

hallucination, or a shared dream. If this life

is a dream and if we can wake

up fully within it, then we can change the

dream by changing our dreaming.


Corollary: All systems are arbitrary

All meanings are made up and the Absolute Truth

is whatever you decide it

is. What matters is how well the system works

for you, not how true it is

(which is an arbitrary concept).


KALA - Freedom, There are no Limits

(everthing is connected, separation is a

useful illusion)


We experience two kinds of limitations:

creative and filtered.

Creative limitation assumes the purposeful

establishment of limits within an

infinite universe in order to create particular

experiences, made by God or

our own Higher Selves. These enable us to

experience life as humans on

Earth (to play by that particular set of rules

- breaking the rules changes to

another game). Filtered limitations are imposed

by ideas and beliefs that

inhibit creativity rather than enhance it, like

beliefs that engender

hopelessness, helplessness, revenge and

cruelty. They generate focus

without the potential for positive action.

Corollary: Everything is connected

The usual metaphor is a web of interdependence.


Corollary: Anything is possible

All you have to do is believe. However, because

you are not alone in the

Universe, the degree to which something can be

shared depends on the

beliefs of others around you.

Corollary: Separation is a useful illusion

Pure empathy makes you as helpless as the one

suffering. Fear make you

lose sight of your role as dreamweaver.


MAKIA- Concentration ,Energy Flows where

attention goes

(everthing is energy)



Meditation and hypnosis are simply different

techniques for doing the same thing - refocusing

your attention toward more positive beliefs and

expectations. As states, both are identical

conditions of sustained focused attention. Those

aspects of your present experience which seem

enduring are the effect of habitual sustained

focused attention carried on by your subconscious.


Corollary: Attention goes where energy flows

Attention is attracted to all kinds of high

energy intensity.

Corollary: Everything is energyThought is

energy and one kind of energy

can be converted into another kind of energy.


MANAWA- Persistence, Now is the moment of



(everthing is relative, power increases

with sensory attention)



Karma exists and operates

only in the present moment. It is your beliefs,

decisions, and actions today about yourself and the

world around you that give you what you have and

make you what you are. Thanks to memory we may

carry over habits of body and mind from day to day,

but each day is a new creation and any habit can be

changed at any present moment - even if it isn’t



You select out of the immense resources of your

gene pool those

characteristics that best reflect your present

beliefs and intentions. Your

parents/social background have nothing to do

with your present, but what

you believe about them now and how you react to

those beliefs does.


Corollary: Everything is relative

You define " now " based on your focus (second,

hour, year, lifetime).

Corollary: Power increases with sensory


Many people living today aren’t even here -

most of their attention is

focused on the past or the future. To the

degree they diminish their

awareness of the present moment, their power

and effectiveness in the

present also decreases.


ALOHA- Love, To love is to be happy with

(Love increases as judgment decreases,

Everything is alive, aware, and

responsive) blessing

Love exists to the degree that you are happy

with the object of your love.

The unhappy part comes from fear, anger and

doubt. To be deeply in love

means to be deeply connected, and the depth and

clarity of the connection

increases as fear, anger and doubt are removed.


Corollary: Love increases as judgment decreases


Criticism kills relationships; praise builds

and rebuilds them. When you

give praise you reinforce the good and it

grows. When you criticize you

reinforce the bad and it grows.


Corollary: Everything is alive, aware

and responsive Your subconscious takes any praise or

criticisms it hears to heart, even if it’s directed elsewhere,

even if you’re saying it. Each criticism separates you from

and decreases your awareness of what you criticize, until you

end up responding to a secondary creation of your own that may

no longer resemble the original. When someone criticizes you,

praise yourself to counteract it.


MANA - Confidence, All Power comes from within


(everthing has power, power comes from




For every event that you experience you creatively

attract it through your beliefs, desires, fears and

expectations, and then react to it habitually or

respond to it consciously. This does not mean that

you are to blame for your abuse or injury, because

you were probably not conscious of your negative

beliefs, attitudes and expectations. It also does

not mean the other person is innocent.


Corollary: Everything has power


You do not have ALL the

power in the world - everyone has the same power.


The good news - you can work with these powers.


Corollary: Power comes from authorityConfident

authority is the key to

conscious creation.


PONO - Wisdom Effectivness is the measure of


(there is always another way to do


the means determines the end)


The means determine the end, not the ends

justify the means. What is really

important is what works.

Corollary: There is always another way to do

anythingEvery problem has

more than one solution. If the goal is

important, you should never give up,

just change your approach.





Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

spirituality} http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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