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located at the tailbone the base of the spine

Root Chakra ,Muladhara , Kundalini

governs vigor, heredity , security ,passion ,feet legs

and trust. your

relationship with money, home, and job. primal feelings,

energy,: will to live

physical existence, our bodies and our health.

vortex or petals 4

Key Word: survival

color: red, black

element, earth, mineral kingdom

Number 1.

sense smell

Glands & Organs: Male reproduction organ, spine, blood,

bladder, testes,


note c mantra lam or e as in red

angel Auriel

Gemstones Garnet, smoky quartz, black tourmaline

,hematite , red Stones -

Ruby, Bloodstone, Black Onyx, Smoky Quartz. jasper,


Essential Oils - Clary Sage, Rosemary, Cedar wood, Clove



Bach Flower Essences - Cerato, Scleranthus, Gentian,

Gorse, Hornbeam and

Wild Oat.

Aura - Soma - 5 Yellow/Red.

Sound - African, Cuban.

Shape - Cube.

Soul Lesson - Service.


Healthy Characteristics: grounded, centered, belonging,

pride, fully alive, able

to trust, independent, determined, trusts in self and

others, secure, patient,

constant, ambitious, passion, commitment, survival.


too much energy: greedy, egotistic Egotistical,

domineering, bossy, addicted

to wealth, greedy, highly strung, hyperactive, addicted

to self, violent,

dishonest, cunning.


Too little energy: can't reach goals, lack of confidence,

feel unloved, not

grounded Deficient Energy - Lacks confidence,

suicidal, weak willed, feels

sexually inadequate, fearful, frustrated, alienated,



treatments with color: place the appropriate gemstone

or colored cloth over

the chakra or gaze at, visualize or meditate on the

associated color sit in or

look at light of the color

Use Red for - Depression, lack of energy, ungrounded, low

blood pressure,

bladder infections, shock, poor circulation, cold ,

impotence, back pain, legs

and feet.

use green to counter act Overactive

symptoms: Physically aggressive, belligerent, impulsive,

inability to recognize

limits, hyperactive, reckless.

Place a piece of green material or scarf or crystal

aventurine or jade. on

chakra and/ or gaze at or visualize green

Under active use red

symptoms: Manipulative, overly cautious, power conscious,


needing approval, craving excitement, overly tired, no




Sacral Chakra, Svadistana

Located at abdomen, female sex organs or under belly

button Spleen

color orange, brown

vortex or petals 6

Keyword sensation

governs sexuality, creativity, emotions, anger, fear

instinct to

nurture, spleen, perceptions concerning food or sex.

feelings, creative energy,

women's power creative ability, female identity physical

health, Sex

Glands & Organs: kidneys, skin, female reproductive


element water

plant kingdom

sense taste

Number 2.

Angel Gabriel

note d mantra vam or o as in home

Essential oil ; rose, Jasmine, Bergamot, Cardamom, Orange



gemstones Carnelian, Tiger eye, orange calcite

coral, orange

jasper, fire opal ,fire agate

Bach Flower Essences - Agrimony, Centaury, Walnut, Holly,

Larch, Pine,

Elm, Sweet Chestnut, Star of Bethlehem, Willow, Oak

Aura - Soma - 26 Orange/Orange.

Sound - Latin American, Brazilian.

Shape - Pyramid.

Soul Lesson - Peace and Wisdom.



Characteristics: friendly, creative, healthy

Too much energy: self-serving, overly ambitious

Too little energy: frigid, distrustful, shy, overly



Physical - Kidneys, Adrenals, flow of body fluids.

Balanced Energy - Shows concern for others, friendly,

creative, intuitive,

good humored, balanced, desire for pleasure, vitality,

sexual satisfaction,

discrimination and prosperity.

Excessive Overactive Energy - Explosive, aggressive,

manipulative, self

serving . Selfish, arrogant, lustful, overly proud or

conceited, highly strung

emotionally, constant power seeking,

treat with blue scarf or blue lace agate crystal or blue

jasper or meditate on

or visualize blue

Deficient Under active Energy - Shy, timid, hides

emotions, overly sensitive,

emotionally hurt, guilt feelings.

Mistrustful of others, introverted, unable to show

emotions, worrying

about what others think, anti-social.

Use orange scarf or carnelian or tiger eye crystal

meditate or visualize with


Use Orange for - Kidney problems, constipation, muscular

cramps and


lack of energy, insufficient lactation, skin problems,

allergies, repression and




Solar Plexus Chakra Manipura


located between the sternum bone and the belly


governs power, accomplishments, will, ego projections, vital energies,

control, and your freedom to be yourself. Seat of: self-esteem, power,

directed will


Source of: personal power, judgments, intellectual

understanding, men's power

color yellow


Number 3.


element fire


animal kingdom


sense sight

note d mantra ram or aum

vortex or petals 10


essential oil cassia, peppermint Lemongrass, Lemon Balm, Juniper, Amber.


Bach Flower Essences - Clematis, Honeysuckle, Wild Rose, Olive,

White Chestnut, Mustard, Chestnut Bud.

Aura- Soma - 4 Yellow/Gold.

Sense - Sight.

Shape - Sphere.

Soul Lesson - Human and Divine love.

Physical - Autonomic nervous system, liver and pancreas.



gemstones citrine, amber, golden topaz Agate, Citrine, Chrysoprase,

Lithium, Smoky Quartz, Topaz, Turquoise, Malachite- Amber, Tigers Eye,

Yellow Calcite.


Angel Michael


Characteristics: Out going, Respect self & others, skillful, spontaneous


Too much energy: very demanding, workaholic, judgmental

Too little energy: depressed, lack of self, blame others

Glands and Organs: diaphragm, adrenal, skin, digestive organs


personal power and the expression of creativity some Astral

journeying is also associated with this chakra. it is also concerned

with the mind, emotions, stomach, and upper digestive tract. The

assimilation of nutrients, psychic experiences, rational

(left brain) thought processes

Imbalances cause: timidity and fear in general, anger and rage,


judgmental and dogmatic behavior feeling deprived of recognition



Balanced Energy - Outgoing, cheerful, respect for oneself and others,


and expressive, intelligent, strong nerves, self confident, flexibility,



Excessive Energy - Perfectionist, judgmental, demanding, critical,


help to relax, rigid. Judgmental and critical, mentally bullying,

absolutist, always planning and never manifesting, stubborn, needing


treat with violet or purple followed by short period of yellow.

Deficient Energy - Depressed, lacking confidence, hurt feelings,


poor digestion, fear of failure, poor judgment, apathy

Feeling deprived of recognition, aloof, feeling isolated, afraid to


the new, psychosomatic problems.

treat with yellow


Use Yellow for - Digestive disorders, gas, food allergies, liver


diabetes, hypoglycemia, hyperthyroid, gallstones, muscle cramps, nervous


disorders, depression, exhaustion and breathing problems, lymphatic

problems, dispelling fears, building bones.



Heart Chakra Anahatha

Heart, love

located at heart center of chest

color green secondary pink


governs love, compassion, mediates between higher and lower planes of


healing, lungs breath prana, sense of time ,and the area of

relationships in

your life. This chakra is connected with emotion and

human love.


element air


human kingdom


sense touch

note f# mantra yam or a as in ah

vortex 12


Essential oil jasmine, rose Basil, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Geranium,


gemstones Aventurine, emerald ,Kunzite ,Dioptaise, Rose Quartz,

Turquoise, Green Jade , Malachite, Peridot

Bach Flower Essences - Water Violet, Impatiens, Heather, Chicory,


Vine, Beech, Rock Water.

Aura - Soma - 3 Blue/Green.

Sound - Peaceful and harmonic.

Sense - Feeling and touch.

Shape - Heart.

Soul Lesson - Brotherhood and love.

Physical - Heart, lungs and blood pressure.


number 4.


Angel Raphael


Source of: healing energy, innermost desires, dreams

Seat of: compassion, relationships


Characteristics: Compassion, see beauty in everyone & thing, in touch




Balanced Energy - Compassionate, humanitarian, can see the good in


balanced, desire to nurture others, in touch with own feelings and


empathy, healing, individual, adaptable, generous, pure, gentle and



Imbalances cause: attitude of coldness , devoid of compassion and


financial and emotional insecurities, jealousy and possessiveness

,mistrustfulness of life , self doubt , blaming others



Too much energy: overly critical, demanding, possessive, manic -

depressive Angry, jealous, blaming others, miserly and stingy,


allowing oneself to be walked on and taken advantage of.

Use green but followed by pink or soft red or adventurine and rose

quartz crystals.

Too little energy: pity self, afraid of letting go & getting hurt

Self-pitying paranoia, indecisive, need to reassurance. Needing constant

confirmation of self worth, uncertain, unable to enforce will,

possessive, self doubting, feeling unloved.

Use green to treat

Glands & Organs: heart, lungs, immune system, thymus gland, lymph gland

This energy center influences

the thymus gland of our immune system, circulatory system,

tissue regeneration, and right brain function. higher love,

healing, and understanding, and compassion. It is the transfer point

to the higher chakras and must be unblocked for balanced spirituality

and practical life. It is the center of transformation and balance.

healing energy is routed through the heart chakra



Use Green for - Heart and lung problems, high blood pressure,


fatigue, breathing difficulties, tension, insomnia, anger, paranoia,


system, soothing the spirit and nerves, loneliness, harmony and balance,


emotional stability, calming the fear of death.



Throat Chakra Visshuda


located at base of throat It governs

communication and personal magnetism. It is the chakra that most


intercommunication and our " personas. " It is also the link between


and thought.

color sky blue element ether angelic realms sense hearing

note g # mantra ham or u as in blue

vortex 16 oil chamomile, frankensence


governs speech, hearing ,communication self expression


Fifth chakra

Location: throat

Color: blue

Source of: truth

Seat of: wisdom, responsibility

Element: Ether Air and Fire energy.

Number 5.

Crystals / Stone: Clear Quartz, Lapis, Sodalite, Turquoise, Blue lace

agate, Blue topaz, Aquamarine chryoscolla, azurite,

Characteristics: a good communicator

Too much energy :talk too much , addictive

Too little energy: timid, inconsistent, can't express self

Glands / Organs: throat, thyroid, nerves, eyes, muscles


Essential Oils - Lavender, aniseed, blue chamomile, cypress, tea tree.

Aura - Soma - 2 Blue/blue.

Sound - Flute or Woodwind.

Sense - Hearing.

Shape - Inverted Pyramid.

Soul Lesson - Divine Will.

Physical - Thyroid and parathyroid.

Balanced Energy - Contented, centered, good speaker, artistically


can live in the present, can mediate, has an easy grasp of spiritual

teachings, sincere, truthful, independent.

Excessive Energy - Arrogant, self righteous, talks too much, dogmatic,


Deficient Energy - Scared, timid, quiet, weak, unreliable, devious,


express thoughts, inconsistent, dependent, lack of creative expressions,


suppressed or swallowed feelings.

Use Blue for - Hyperthyroid, sore throat, inflammations, burns, skin

irritations, fever, ear infections, over tiredness, mental exhaustion,


inflammations, ulcers, digestive disorders, nervousness, colic, back


hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, hyperactive or violent behavior.



Domineering, dogmatic, fanatical, over-reacting, speaks


clings to tradition, hyperactive.

Use orange scarf and a short period of blue, carnelian and crystal blue


agate, blue jasper.


Under active

Surrenders to others, resists change, melancholy, slow to respond,


Use orange scarf and crystal carnelian.





Brow Chakra Anja, third eye


located in center of forehead above eyes

color indigo or violet element spiritual vision archangels sense


note high a mantra aum om or mmm

vortex 96 oil basil ,cedarwood, clary sage

gemstones Lapis lazuli, blue saphire, sodalite, celinite, kyanite,

azurite, sugulite and fluorite

governs intuition thought inner and outer sight, visions ,dreams


governs speech, hearing ,communication self expression

Source of: insight

Seat of: visions and visioning

The sixth chakra is located at the third eye (mid forehead) and is


(deep purple / blue). This chakra is associated with thought (though

some say

the third chakra governs thought) and with vision, particularly psychic

vision. It is also the chakra of spiritual love and connection.

(intuition, clairvoyance)


Stone / Crystal: Fluorite, Amethyst, Lapis, Clear Quartz Moonstone,

Sodalite, Sapphire, Azurite.

Characteristics: no fear of death, can receive guidance, astral travel

Too Much energy: egomaniac, religiously dogmatic

Too little energy: undisciplined, afraid of success

Source of: insight

Seat of: visions and visioning

Number 6

Element - Ether.

Essential Oils - Camphor, Elemi, Eucalyptus.

Aura - Soma - 1 Blue/ Deep Magenta.

Sound - Baroque or slow.

Sense - Inner vision.

Physical - Pituitary gland, eyes, nose and ears.

Balanced Energy - Charismatic, has access to the source of knowledge,


receive guidance, experience cosmic consciousness,

experiences telepathy, astral travel and past lives, master of self ,


spiritual energy, intuition, knowingness, wisdom, perception, healing,

spirituality, idealism.

Excessive Energy - Egomaniac, proud, manipulative, dogmatic,


cold, mean, ungracious, bitter.

Deficient Energy - Non-assertive, undisciplined and over sensitive.

Use Indigo for - Pain, diarrhea, agitation in the intestines, eyes, ears


nose infections, psychic exhaustion, releasing negative patterns,





Worrying, fearful, oversensitive, impatient, ''spaced out'',


Use soft orange or peach followed by a little indigo, crystal carnelian


amethyst or lapis lazuli.


Under active

Doubting, envious of other's talents, forgetful, superstitious,


Use indigo scarf and amethyst or lapis lazuli crystal.



Crown Chakra Sehasara,


located at top of head( baby's soft spot)

color violet, white or clear

element cosmic kingdom


mantra aum ,

ee as in bee

vortex 972

oil lavender rosewood

gemstones clear and rutile quartz, amethyst, Iolite, sugulite,

tanzanite Clear Quartz, Moonstone, Amethyst, Fluorite, Lithium,

Amethyst, , diamond.


governs connection to cosmic consciousness ,spiritual, wisdom


knowledge of truth

Source of: divine awareness

Seat of: our oneness with all

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and

functions as an inlet for and link with spiritual energies

This chakra is our connection to our

" higher selves " and to the " divine. " It is associated with wisdom and

integration of our eternal selves with our current physical selves. It


like our umbilical cord to " God. "


Characteristics: Higher Self, Miracle Worker

Too much energy: destructive, unrealized power

Too little energy: can't make up mind, there's no spark

Glands / Organs: Pineal, pituitary, nervous system, brain


This center is also referred to as the " Thousand Petal Lotus "

and functions to maintain a continuity of consciousness. It

is the receives spiritual energy from cosmic sources, and processes


flowing up from the lower chakras. A block in this chakra disrupts or

prevents flow of spiritual energy in either direction. Life now becomes

stagnant and meaningless. All possibilities for spiritual growth will

cease and the physical body will eventually die when this chakra is

blocked. A proper balancing of this chakra will can release

information of our higher self with our physical body.

Imbalances cause:

depression,, intense erotic fantasies, feeling misunderstood and/or


, expressing a low self image , inability to maintain relationships ,

self-denial, excessive need for sympathy


Number 7.

Element - Ether.

Essential oils - Lavender, clary sage, juniper.

Aura- Soma - 0 Spiritual Rescue - Royal blue/Deep Magenta.

Sound - Spiritual.

Sense - Pervading peace.

Shape - Skull cap.

Soul Lesson - Be at one with the source.

Physical - Brain and Pineal gland.

Balanced Energy - Open to divine energy, total access to the

unconscious, can

transcend the laws of nature, miracle worker, spiritual, faithful,


refined, joyful, grateful and love of beauty.

Excessive Energy - Sense of frustration, unrealized power, depressed,

destructive, frequent migraines, sometimes distant, full of despair,

destructive, problems of alcohol, egotistical.

Deficient Energy - No spark of fun or joy, catatonic, cannot make


lack of memory, diminished concentration.

Use Violet for - Depression, migraines, baldness and dandruff, use

instead of

red for highly strung people and those with neurotic behavior.



Intensely erotic imagination, needing to feel popular and indispensable,


needing sympathy.

Use yellow scarf and citrine or yellow calcite crystal.


Under active

Feeling misunderstood, shame, self denial, negative self-image, lacking



Use violet scarf and amethyst or clear quartz crystal.


and emerging chakras


Palm Chakras

The chakras in the palms of the hands are often (incorrectly IMHO)

relegated to minor status. These chakras transmit healing energy and

receive energetic information from the universe. The palm chakras

are used to channel healing energies to yourself and others and to


impressions of the energy of a room, person, situation, etc. Activation

and awareness of These chakras makes a major difference in the quality

of life. They can often be opened by intention.

practice in becoming aware of the energy of the palm

chakras is a good place to start if you are at all interested in energy


and spiritual healing. or in any of the psychic arts.

healing chakras may also activate in the fingertips and elsewhere in the

body. The chakra in the palms of the hands are powerful sensors and

channels for

vibratory information and energy . many adhere to the convention that


left palm receives or senses energy and the right palm sends it out. My


experience is that both hands will send and sense energy. you can


and focus these functions by using intention and by allowing the input


out flow .


The most common healing use for the receiving function is to scan the


or area for hot spots and other information it can also be used to

" taste "

the atmosphere for information about the general environment or a


or book or situation.


The sending function is used for sending healing energy, clearing rooms


,charging crystals and objects and as a channel for various energy


and purposes such as for blessing ,protection and thankfulness .

while it is possible to raise and use your own personal energy for


this can be draining.

While it is indeed important to learn how to build up and raise the

vibration of your personal " chi " it is far more effective for healing

work to learn how to bring in spiritual energy and allow it to flow

through you. Some of the ways of doing this such as Reiki

and Love stream for example are acquired by having attunements done to


aura that allow you to connect with and use specific healing energies .


It is more common to call in and invite the energy by forms of intent

such as

effective prayer and via your high self and Companion Angel or Directly


God or other manifestation of High spiritual LIGHT and consciousness.


There are many different systems taught for using and directing healing

energies .

You are advised to simply make yourself a clear channel for the healing

energy and allow it to flow through you with no direction on your part


that that the healing be for the highest good and seated in


LOVE. It is emphasized that in most cases it is very important to remain


neutral as to specific outcomes rather than attempting to impose your

personal will to direct a specific outcome of the treatment though I do

state internally what the situation is thought to be and if pain relief




It is also possible following your intuitive and higher guidance as to

appropriateness to move and remove and direct energy with gentle


pushing or pulling holding the energy still or allowing it to flow


tight laser like beams of energy to remove stagnant energy in a body and


mend tears in the aura for example.

on the vibrational level the difference between sensing and sending is


of like the difference between sucking and blowing .

Not everyone does consciously sense vibrational energy You can still


healing energy even if you do not feel or see it.




Transpersonal chakras

The most important of the emerging transpersonal chakras are the


thymus or

etheric heart in the upper chest which governs compassion and inner


and the connection to world soul. Eighth Chakra, (Not always

recognized). Thymus Chakra.

Color - Turquoise.

Number 8.

Gem stones - Turquoise, crysophase.

Element - Water energy.

Physical - Thymus.

Balanced Energy - Well adjusted, capable of interacting socially.

Excessive Energy - Destructive , impure thoughts.

Deficient Energy - Negative thoughts, unable to move through own


and limitations.

Use Turquoise for cleansing, purifying and balancing.


The Soulstar about a foot above the head which brings in spiritual


from the spiritual core

Location: one and one half inches above head

Color: silver or ultraviolet

Source of: past knowledge, karmic memory

Seat of: time & timelessness, karma, portals in and through this

time/space continuum

soul chakra

Location: approx. arm's length above head

Color: gold or infrared

Source of: creation & change energy, master plans

Seat of: soul genes and templates, personal archetypes

and symbols



and the Earthstar about a foot below our feet that brings in and

connects us

to the Earth energies it is important to develop the Soulstar and


simultaneously. grounding chakra

Location: one and a half to four feet under the feet

Color: earth tones (citrine, brown, mauve, russet,


Source of: daily life energy, cleansing energy

Seat of: everyday life energy and information


my experience has been that most people have more spiritually evolved


when they leave to travel from the heart, brow or crown rather than


the Solar Plexus

other Chakra you might become aware of include the Soul star above the


about a foot

the etheric heart or thymus chakra between the throat and heart

the Hara usefully about two finger widths below the navel

and the Earth star about a foot or so beneath your feet

these are at a deeper or Higher frequency than the more well known


and bring in connections with divine or cosmic love and bliss etc.

other chakra are at the knees and ankles

You also have chakra at the bottom of your feet and in the palms of your



that are vital for sending and receiving information and Healing






Eleventh chakra

Location: around hands and feet

Color: pink

Source of: energy transference

Seat of: transmutation for physical energy



and the hara or tan tien

located about two finger widths below the navel


The most important change happening at this time is the unification of


chakra functions all the chakras are beginning to work together much


than in the past




Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

spirituality} http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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