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Gem Show

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I was able to go to a gem and mineral show over the weekend and

bought a few small quartz crystals, a nice piece of labradorite and a

quite large chunk of dioptase, in addition to other misc. stones. I

felt really lucky to get a nice dow crystal point, about 2 " high,

that even has a rainbow in it. Also got a small crystal with a

window in it, an Isis crystal, and a tiny piece of azurite. When I

got home, two pieces of azurite I had bid for on Ebay had arrived,

and yesterday, a small smokey elestial quartz from Ebay also showed

up! So, my collection is growing!


Love and light and crystal smiles,



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In a message dated 9/5/01 10:10:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

roccasan111 writes:





I love buying stones. LOL Our show is in November and I can't wait. How

did the ebay buy go?


*~~*~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~*~~*

The grass isn't greener on the other side...It's greener where you water it!




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In a message dated 9/6/01 4:06:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

roccasan111 writes:



> I'm pleased with what I bought and will buy from them again, but

> seeing and holding specimens before buying, like at the gem shows, is

> definitely preferable.




LOL Good advice


*~~*~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~*~~*

The grass isn't greener on the other side...It's greener where you water it!




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In a message dated 9/6/01 4:35:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

WildfireSong writes:



> If anyone knows anything about the

> NJ/NY area I would appreciate it if they passed it along *smile*




<A HREF= " http://www.rockngem.com/showdates/ " >Rock & Gem Magazine</A>


*~~*~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~*~~*

The grass isn't greener on the other side...It's greener where you water it!




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, CLOXAHATCHEE@A... wrote:


> I love buying stones. LOL Our show is in November and I can't

wait. How did the ebay buy go?


> *~~*~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~*~~*


Hi Linda,


Buying thru ebay can be addictive! I'm watching several more right

now, waiting to see how high they go before I decide to bid or not.


I bought 3 specimens from 3 different dealers and all went as smooth

as glass. Before buying anything, be aware that the pictures make

things look bigger than they really are unless you're buying

something quite large, and if they're photographed under bright

lights, the item can appear much more appealing - shiney and glossy -

than it really is.


I'm pleased with what I bought and will buy from them again, but

seeing and holding specimens before buying, like at the gem shows, is

definitely preferable.



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, njmccune@a... wrote:

> Could you share the details of the show with me?


> Love & Light,

> Nancy



Hi Nancy,


Not sure what details you want to know about so I'll just give you

some general info.


The show was in Enumclaw, WA, put on by a gem and rock club. Was a 3

day show, I went the first day hoping for a good selection to choose

from. They had displays set up showing different club and individual

collections, some were really impressive! Worth going just to see

what was on display.


I didn't count them but I think there were about 25 dealers at the

show. The dealers' prices were pretty consistent, but some were

considerably higher than others, so I'm glad I looked at several

dealers before I started buying. There were displays of both cut and

raw gems and crystals, some jewelry, some fossils. The very last

dealer I stopped by is where I found the dioptase and several small,

nice specimens of amazonite, chrysoprase, and so on. He even had

fossilized, opalized wood that he got scuba diving in FL that was

gorgeous! But very pricey and I didn't buy any.


Everyone had quartz crystal, some faceted (sp), some not, and some

dealers were aware of the metaphysical properties and pointed out

window crystals, and so on.


I enjoyed the show very much and will be going to another one in a

different area in October.


Hope this is the info you were interested in.


Love and light,



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>Buying thru ebay can be addictive!


I would definately have to second this notion! It's only been a couple of

weeks since I found out I could find lovely stones on ebay! Well, I havent

been able to stop it! hehe I just received yesterday a beautiful large

piece of orange calicte, and I'm awaiting its blue brother I won the day

before to get here! And then there's the 2 beautiful rough smokey quartz

wands I got last night, and some fire opal I cant wait to work with!! I'm

like a kid in a candy shop *smiles*

I have been privlidged enough to pick up some lovely specimens at very nice

prices. I had always stayed away from ebay before, I thought it was a bunch

of people out to scam me..hehe, but I've met some really great people too!


I'm looking for a gem show in the NJ/NY area, but I know there will be one

on my Birthday when I go home to SC. If anyone knows anything about the

NJ/NY area I would appreciate it if they passed it along *smile*


Peace to you & yours






" You must be the change you wish to see in the world " -Ghandi


" The kindest word in all the world is the unkind word, unsaid "








>Re: [CrystalHW] Gem Show

>Thu, 06 Sep 2001 19:50:33 -0000


>, CLOXAHATCHEE@A... wrote:


> > I love buying stones. LOL Our show is in November and I can't

>wait. How did the ebay buy go?

> >

> > *~~*~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~*~~*


>Hi Linda,


I'm watching several more right

>now, waiting to see how high they go before I decide to bid or not.


>I bought 3 specimens from 3 different dealers and all went as smooth

>as glass. Before buying anything, be aware that the pictures make

>things look bigger than they really are unless you're buying

>something quite large, and if they're photographed under bright

>lights, the item can appear much more appealing - shiney and glossy -

>than it really is.


>I'm pleased with what I bought and will buy from them again, but

>seeing and holding specimens before buying, like at the gem shows, is

>definitely preferable.







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, roccasan111@m... wrote:


> The show was in Enumclaw, WA, put on by a gem and rock club


Hi Sandra!


I live in Vancouver, WA and would be interested to know if you're

aware of any other shows in this state or in Oregon.




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Thanks a lot Linda! *smile*


" You must be the change you wish to see in the world " -Ghandi


" The kindest word in all the world is the unkind word, unsaid "








>Re: [CrystalHW] Re: Gem Show

>Thu, 6 Sep 2001 17:53:58 EDT


>In a message dated 9/6/01 4:35:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

>WildfireSong writes:



> > If anyone knows anything about the

> > NJ/NY area I would appreciate it if they passed it along *smile*

> >

> >


> <A HREF= " http://www.rockngem.com/showdates/ " >Rock & Gem Magazine</A>


>*~~*~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~*~~*

>The grass isn't greener on the other side...It's greener where you water





>email protected by http://www.grisoft.com      


















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