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Running 2 shakti?

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It sounds as if you are having a great time! Your hand positions, at first

glance, sound like derivations of Reiki positions. I think crystal and Reiki

energy work very well together, and I really liked the double helix idea.

More for me to play with. :)


Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.

<A HREF= " http://www.crystalcrone.com " >Crystal Crone</A> My crystal healing site.




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I was having some fun working on people yesterday and this is what I

came up with. Seemed to be fairly powerful:


Began with the person I was working on seated in a plastic chair with



Position 1: Standing behind them, my hands on their shoulders, running

hematite shakti to ground and protect.


Position 2: Hands on crown chakra, running clear quartz shakti.


Pos 3: Left hand on back of head and right on forehead. Ran pearl

shakti through left hand and amethyst through right. Intended that the

two shakti meet and form a double helix.


Pos 4: Left hand on back of neck, rt at base of throat. Ran blue lace

agate shakti thru left, sodalite thru rt and formed double helix.


Pos 5: Left hand as low as I could (just below back of neck) as the

back of the chair was in the way, rt on heart, running rose quartz and

aventurine. Formed double helix. This was a good one to play with



Pos 5: Left hand same, rt on solar plexus, running citrine and tiger's

eye. Formed double helix.


Pos 6: Left hand same, rt on stomach, running carnelian and sunstone.

I didn't even know this stone, but it seemed right at the time.

I have since found samples on Ebay and they look like a very

nice complement to carnelian, brownish-orange. Formed double helix.


Pos 7: Left hand same, rt hand hovering 5 inches over genitals,

running red jasper and snowflake obsidian. Formed double helix.


Pos 8: Standing behind with hands on shoulders, running hematite for

continued grounding and protection.


Held each position for just a couple of minutes. Ran the hematite and

clear quartz continuously, all others started and ended with the

movements of my hands. The people I worked on were both newcomers for

me so I couldn't get any kind of before (crystal attunement) and after

feedback. They both really liked the energy! I may go back to reiki

after a while or combine it with the crystal shakti, but for now I am

having fun experimenting with just the various shakti. It seems like

the more I use it, the greater variety of shakti I can access. Does

this seem right Peggy?


Would love to hear how others are using/combining shakti! I'm also

interested in doing a long distance projection of shakti if anyone is

interested in receiving.


Peggy, many more thanks for opening this door for me. I'm just having

a ball with this! Are you still considering setting up a September

attunement? Who knows what additional doors will open....


With love,



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