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clear quartz & water

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shapeshifter123 wrote:


> I was at a lesson on crystals & the fellow said that if we put our

> clear quartz point inot a glass or ceramic jug full of purified water,


> it would make it higher vibration, etc etc.

> Any thoughts on this?

> shapeshifte


The water or the crystal? or both?

either way the answer is yes

Yes you can clear crystals in water

Yes you can clear and heighten the energy vibration of water by

putting a clean clear point in it I use shakti and or charging and

programming with this. Ice is a mineral ,water is not because minerals

are solid , You can also clear, charge and energetically enhance the

water without the crystal too . There will be a Gem elixir segment

posted in a few weeks probably. There is a gem elixir function in the

empowerments for those who have gotten them .

I clear and charge most of the water I use every day .







Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

spirituality} http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

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Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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Ah, thank you Peggy. That is the response I was looking for & more.

I'm sorry that i wasn't vewry clear, I had meant to clearify the water

so that it would be enhanced for drinking. I actually tried it &

wondered why the glass of water had formed ice when nothing else in

the fridge had. It tasted different (at least I think it did). .......


Your anwser was exactly what I wanted to know. I love this group but

I'm overwhelming myself a bit because I want to learn it all, right

NOW. As you can see, one of my major lessons is to have PATIENCE

(lol). I'm afraid I'll be working on that for awhile yet. Looking

forward to the upcoming lesson on the gem elixers. .........


Also, I'm looking forward to recieving an empowerment. What happens

with these, do you have a list of the people who want to get it or do

you just send it to the entire group & people access it if they want



Thank you again,








> The water or the crystal? or both?

> either way the answer is yes

> Yes you can clear crystals in water

> Yes you can clear and heighten the energy vibration of water by

> putting a clean clear point in it I use shakti and or charging and

> programming with this. Ice is a mineral ,water is not because


> are solid , You can also clear, charge and energetically enhance


> water without the crystal too . There will be a Gem elixir segment

> posted in a few weeks probably. There is a gem elixir function in


> empowerments for those who have gotten them .

> I clear and charge most of the water I use every day .


> Peggy





> Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

> spirituality} http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

> Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

> Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

> Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygr

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Hello Shapeshifter, that thought is absolutely right! Going back about three

years, one night I placed my channeler crystal pointing up in an earthware

chalice. I filled the chalice with water until the tip of the crystal just

pierced the water. Then I simply left it on my night stand about 2 ft from my

head, lay down and began meditating.


Immediately I felt a strong vibration filling the room. I breathed and kept

neutral center, no anticipation, no fear. After a few moments I percieved with

heightened visual, a long diagonal rift being 'cut' open into the room from the

astral realm. I actually saw the tear, then when it opened, it was full of

shimmering pink and yellow sprites of light! Out of this rift stepped three

beings , two of which werre aout four feet tall and the third was a head

shorter. The intuitive feeling I got was that these beings are part of my soul

circle. Just then, I percieved the presence of a fourth being who I could not

see too well (except for the occasional fluttering wing) - she was either an

angel or a faerie, and she sang the most hypnotic, soothing combination of

almost-whispered phrases and sung tones.

The beings walked to the near side of my bed, and then instantly I began feeling

my body tingling all over. This feeling was what I would within a month come to

know as the feeling of Reiki energy.


This experience is one of the things I keep close to my heart in memory. It

touched me so deeply to be visited by my soul-kindred, so to speak! The set and

setting were exactly right for it to happen, and so it did. I have come to not

expect anything from crystals since every time I expected something, they did

not deliver, as if to say, 'no you're not listening!' How ironic!


blessed be in thy journey =)





Friday, September 07, 2001 2:13 PM

[CrystalHW] clear quartz & water



I was at a lesson on crystals & the fellow said that if we put our

clear quartz point inot a glass or ceramic jug full of purified water,

it would make it higher vibration, etc etc.

Any thoughts on this?




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What this does is energize the water - essentially bringing up the vibration

of the water. The energized water can then be used for various purposes - for

drinking or watering plants are just a couple of uses. :)


Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.

<A HREF= " http://www.crystalcrone.com " >Crystal Crone</A> My crystal healing site.




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What a wonderful story! It is stories like this that show people that spirit

energy can be accessed, any time that we wish to. We never walk alone. :)


Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.

<A HREF= " http://www.crystalcrone.com " >Crystal Crone</A> My crystal healing site.




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My jug of drinking water has 2 medium sized quartz points permanently

in it. I have noticed a definite change in the taste of the water, it

is slightly sweet. Whenever I drink other water, there is quite a

difference, something is missing!


When the jug is empty, I rinse it out and refill. From time to time,

I replace the quartz, using my dowsing pendulum to check when to do

so. I do not leave the jug in sunshine but do put the tired quartz on

my windowsill to recover.


I not only use this water for myself, I give it to my cat, and water

my plants with it.

Blessings to all,

Angel Lite


, shapeshifter123@h... wrote:

> I was at a lesson on crystals & the fellow said that if we put our

> clear quartz point inot a glass or ceramic jug full of purified


> it would make it higher vibration, etc etc.

> Any thoughts on this?

> shapeshifte

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Hi Angel Lite,


Asking because I don't really know - is there ever any damage to

quartz from keeping it in water for extended periods of time. What

is the longest period of time you've had the quartz in water without

a break? And, do you keep it at room temperature?



angel_lite02 wrote:

> My jug of drinking water has 2 medium sized quartz points > permanently in it.




Walk softly, Live gently

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Reconnective Healing

Reiki~SKHM~Lightarian Reiki

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Whoever undertakes to set himself up

as a judge of Truth and Knowledge

is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods.

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Hello Jane,

I have been using the same 4 quartz points for over 2 years now. They

are still in perfect condition. They measure about two and a half

inches high. I keep my jug of water at room temperature (remember I

live in Scotland!!). But in any case, I don't enjoy icy-cold drinks.


I have never used salt for cleansing crystals as I read a channelled

message somewhere that they absolutely hate it. Some crystals of

course are soft by nature, so salt would ruin them. I cleanse mine by

holding them under running lukewarm water, and using intent, and wait

till they " feel " clean.


I'd love to hear your thoughts on the energized water when you get




Angel Lite


, Jane Berrigan <reikiskhm@h...>


> Hi Angel Lite,


> Asking because I don't really know - is there ever any damage to

> quartz from keeping it in water for extended periods of time. What

> is the longest period of time you've had the quartz in water without

> a break? And, do you keep it at room temperature?



> angel_lite02 wrote:

> > My jug of drinking water has 2 medium sized quartz points >

permanently in it.


> --

> Janie

> Walk softly, Live gently

> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

> Reconnective Healing

> Reiki~SKHM~Lightarian Reiki

> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

> Usui Reiki Ryoho & Seichem Classes

> In person - New Jersey

> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

> Whoever undertakes to set himself up

> as a judge of Truth and Knowledge

> is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods.

> ~ Albert Einstein ~

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OK What is Sassenach? Inquiring minds want to know! LOL


Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.

<A HREF= " http://www.crystalcrone.com " >Crystal Crone</A> My crystal healing site.




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--- angel_lite02 wrote:

I keep my jug of water at room

> temperature (remember I

> live in Scotland!!). But in any case, I don't enjoy

> icy-cold drinks.



Scotland? Where?Where?Where? Me too.






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Hello Fellow Scot,

I live near Kinross. Where are you?

Angel Lite


, Berkeley <brianberkeley>



> --- angel_lite02 wrote:

> I keep my jug of water at room

> > temperature (remember I

> > live in Scotland!!). But in any case, I don't enjoy

> > icy-cold drinks.

> >


> Scotland? Where?Where?Where? Me too.


> Brian




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--- angel_lite02 wrote:

> Hello Fellow Scot,

> I live near Kinross. Where are you?

> Angel Lite



20 minutes drive away - in Dalgety Bay, near

Dunfermline :-)


(PS - sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not actually a

Scot. I'm a Sassenach.)


If you want to contact me off list I'm at




Ciao for now,






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--- spiritseeker wrote:

> Brian:


> OK What is Sassenach? Inquiring minds want to know!




Hi Bonnie - sorry for the delayed reply. Enquiring

minds are about to learn:-) A Sassenach is what the

Scots call the English. It's not a particularly

polite or loving epithet, but it's not overly abusive









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