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attuned to crystals

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Hi Peggy,


I was reading some information today on record keeper crystals. It said

" when one attunes to this crystal, " the ancient knowledge and profound

secrets of the universe can be psychically retrieved. Only those with open

minds and pure hearts can access the information " via attunement " of the

consciousness with the inner energies of the crystal.


What does this mean " attune to the crystal " and " via attunement " ? Is this

shakti? Once you receive the attunement, do you then attune to each crystal?

I need help here.








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obarbmco wrote:


> Hi Peggy,


> " when one attunes to this crystal, " the ancient knowledge and profound

> secrets of the universe can be psychically retrieved. Only those with

> open minds and pure hearts can access the information " via attunement "

> of the consciousness with the inner energies of the crystal.


> What does this mean " attune to the crystal " and " via attunement " ?


She (the Quote is from Katrina Raphielle perhaps via Joy Gardner who

credits KR for it many web sites do not mention the source for this)

is not using the word attunement as energy transmission but as Tuning in

through meditation and spiritual exploration while there is a shakti

function in the empowerment set that can help with this kind of attuning

I think there is information that you can use for this in the exploring

crystals and varied meditation files if not ask again and i'll try to

get some clear information posted for you We did have one post on how to

activate a record keeper but I have not got it at hand and will post

specific information later but for now I am trying to get through some

more basic material

before we move onto the more esoteric or advanced workings



> Is this

> shakti? Once you receive the attunement, do you then attune to each

> crystal?

> I need help here.


> Thanks,

> Barb





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Hi Peggy,


I've not much but have been trying to follow posts. I'd love to hear more about

record keepers, as I have a few and it would be nice to learn more about them.




Peggy Jentoft

Saturday, September 08, 2001 12:33 AM

Re: [CrystalHW] attuned to crystals



obarbmco wrote:


> Hi Peggy,


> " when one attunes to this crystal, " the ancient knowledge and profound

> secrets of the universe can be psychically retrieved. Only those with

> open minds and pure hearts can access the information " via attunement "

> of the consciousness with the inner energies of the crystal.


> What does this mean " attune to the crystal " and " via attunement " ?


She (the Quote is from Katrina Raphielle perhaps via Joy Gardner who

credits KR for it many web sites do not mention the source for this)

is not using the word attunement as energy transmission but as Tuning in

through meditation and spiritual exploration while there is a shakti

function in the empowerment set that can help with this kind of attuning

I think there is information that you can use for this in the exploring

crystals and varied meditation files if not ask again and i'll try to

get some clear information posted for you We did have one post on how to

activate a record keeper but I have not got it at hand and will post

specific information later but for now I am trying to get through some

more basic material

before we move onto the more esoteric or advanced workings



> Is this

> shakti? Once you receive the attunement, do you then attune to each

> crystal?

> I need help here.


> Thanks,

> Barb





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This is an excellent interpretation of the Record Keeper crystal. I feel as

you do - that information comes to us when we are ready, and/or when we need

it, and a specific crystal, such as a record keeper, is not necessary. Having

said that - when one is luck enough to come across one, it is good to

understand them. :)


I want to commend you on the information you are presenting and the manner in

which you are presenting it. Very well done. :)


Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.

<A HREF= " http://www.crystalcrone.com " >Crystal Crone</A> My crystal healing site.




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amiofnaboo wrote:


> Hi Peggy,


> I've not much but have been trying to follow posts. I'd love to hear

> more about record keepers, as I have a few and it would be nice to

> learn more about them.


file18- in the files section has a bit about record keepers and other

" Master Crystal " formations. I do hope people realize that these

specialized forms are not essential you can receive the same information

and effect from crystals that are not shaped in a particular way as well

by Using programmming and meditation with your crystals .


here is the bit on Record keepers from file 18

Record Keeper - A crystal that has one or more triangle shapes

that are either engraved into or are raised on one or more of the

crystal faces is called a

Record Keeper or Recorder. These triangles are difficult to see and may

appear and

disappear. You have to look for them carefully by examining the faces.

Record Keeper holds or connects with the wisdom and knowledge

of the universe. When a it is appropriate and for the right person


knowledge is readily made available. This knowledge is

often ancient knowledge and contains profound secrets and

esoteric knowledge of the whole of the Higher

consciousness. It supposedly takes an open mind and a pure heart to

access this knowledge.( I've had a message from one so I think that it


more that it will give a message if or when it has one for you. Open

mind yes, pure heart

well... ) The raised form tends to connect with ancient or global

universal information

and the indented form may connect more with personal information

and spiritual history or prophecy.


When you feel the time is right go into meditation holding your

crystal.You may want to run your finger across the triangle in an

upward direction (or rub up and down) either once or several times as

you feel appropriate.Then relax and see what you receive . You may

want to hold the crystal up to your brow chakra. Do not be attached to

getting anything from the crystal now just allow yourself to be open to

receive if it is appropriate and good.





Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

spirituality} http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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