Guest guest Posted September 8, 2001 Report Share Posted September 8, 2001 Laying on of stones One very common way to use crystals for healing treatments is to place crystals on or around someone in patterns . This segment will focus on laying crystals on or near the recipient This method can be done quite well on a massage table, couch or bed or the floor provided this is not too uncomfortable for participants (a futon , pad or yoga mat can help) . If you use a couch it is a good idea to spread a blanket on it first so stones cannot get lost between cushions. We will explore some more elaborate layout patterns that are placed around the recipient in a later segment . Many people do not have the crystals to do very elaborate floor consuming layouts and frankly I have not yet been convinced that they have more effective value than more modest layouts and patterns . Crystal healing Treatment does not use any tissue manipulation or massage and does not ever involve sexual contact of any kind under any circumstance . Unethical people have been known to abuse people under the pretext of spiritual , holistic and complementary healing .Such people should be reported to authorities promptly. As a Crystal Healing Practitioner you should be ethical , responsible , obey laws and behave in a professional manner. When someone is just beginning to work with crystals the complete stone pattern is generally left on for only 5 or ten minutes .Sometimes the layouts are done for quite a bit longer up to an hour or more. It is really important to set the intention before you begin placing stones that your work do no harm , That any stones you place will do good or do nothing .Many people like to scan before they begin a layout to get a sense of where blocks overcharges and or depleted areas might lie . Either by using their hands to scan for blocks and hot and cold spots or by using a pendulum to determine the condition of the chakras and possible other energy centers or physical organs . You can cup a tumbled quartz stone or a crystal sphere in your left hand (if right handed) or hold a quartz point between your middle fingers to amplify the reception of energy information as you scan if you wish . Some crystal practitioners like to have people wear a white or black cotton gown or robe during treatment or a white or black cotton tee shirt and shorts or swim trunks . Some prefer that clients wear as little clothing as possible. Nudity or near nudity however, is usually not wise or practical in most circumstances. Issues of modesty, potential ethical issues , room temperature and the tendency of stones to roll and slide around make clothing advisable . Some people have the client cover or wrap up in a sheet and do the treatment over the sheet . I have a strange reaction to this, possibly a past life memory of preparing deceased people for burial or cremation so I never have people wrap up . Most feel that as long as the clothing is relatively neutral in color it will be fine . The effect of intense color in the clothing of a treatment recipient will have a definite impact on the treatment and can be difficult to compensate for . It would be a challenge to balance the energies of someone who comes to you clad entirely in orange or red while complaining of excess anger for example . Probably among the more common layouts is to simply place one stone on each chakra either of clear quartz or one of the color or kind associated with each particular chakra. Some people prefer to begin a chakra layout at the feet or root chakra and move up rather than from the top down. More elaborate patterns using several stones on or near each chakra are also common. I suggest moderation as to the number and size of stones used. Stones can be quite heavy. The intention should always be set that the treatment do no harm and that any unneeded stone remain inert. Sensitive people can become slightly dizzy or disoriented particularly when they or the practitioner try to amplify the healing effect with personal willpower . (The amplify and / or personalize function of the crystal empowerment system will reduce power if needed). I do recommend that less is often best. It is possible to overwhelm a person by using too many stones . I went to a healing circle session a while back where the main crystal practitioner laid on so many stones that it started to feel like death by pressing , and another where a practitioner ended an elaborate treatment by spreading several pounds of green and rose quartz all over me . This might have been fine by itself but on top of an already complex layout seemed like just too much. I appreciate the artistic beauty of many of the very elaborate crystal healing layout patterns but feel that aesthetic sensibility and decorative composition are not as important as using the crystals intuitively to meet the needs of the treatment recipient. Sometimes people who have gotten very fancy whole body treatments from crystal healing practitioners have told me that they really felt blasted open or headachy after the treatment which I really don't think is good . Listen to your intuition and keep in mind that you want to assist the recipient with personal healing and happiness. I don't often use more than about 3 to 5 stones on one single area at a time . Moderately small stones with at least one fairly flat side work best in terms of staying on , not getting lost and not being too heavy. When stones roll off it is often because they are not needed in a particular location or because they can roll to a better placement. Some of these placements can be done in self treatment but many do require that someone else do the placements Whether you point the quartz points inward or outward can depend on if your goal is to bring in energy for healing and vitality or if you want the crystal to draw away and break up blocks and stagnant energy pointing inward is the basic placement Some practitioners work either from top to bottom (Sky to Earth ) or bottom to top ( earth to sky) with all points facing in the same direction either up or down . Other practitioners will place one point in crystal to the left of each center point and a point out crystal to the right. I have not found this as effective . You can put two small points one point in and one point out on either side of each center stone . Some recipients may feel a pulsing as the energy shifts from inward to outward with this layout Small crystals about an inch or two long can be bought by weight to be used for this and as connectors between areas . Some People who are treating several chakra areas or the whole body will use a quartz double terminated point between each separate area to create a continuous connection for balancing and harmonizing the whole energy body Two single points , one in each direction can be substituted for this function as well. This is optional in most layout systems but can help balance and unify the entire energy body with ease . Another way of using single points is to use them all points down or outwards as you move from crown to foot then after a pause to allow the crystals to clear excess energies and blockages during which you can use a quartz point or wand, Kyanite blade or Selinite wand to charge and activate each section in turn and sweep blockages downwards and out for transport into the earth. You reverse the crystals to bring in healing energies upwards from the Earth. Many people find great healing effect by seating themselves inside a circle, square or star pattern made of crystals . This is often done to enhance meditation . you can also place these patterns around the outside of the person receiving a crystal healing treatment . You need only use enough crystals to give a general outline of the pattern . People often use small versions of these layouts around the center crystals placed on the persons body over the chakras. (numbers are here only as a tool if you have questions about a particular layout) 1. Personal star /seal of Solomon A very common off body pattern using single point quartz crystals is to place a six pointed star around the body with six stones. The stones are placed evenly around the body above the head beside each arm around the level of the armpit about midway between the hip and the knee and at the feet. this form a six pointed star made from two interlocked triangles symbolizes the interaction of the four elements and the uniting of Sky/ Spirit and Earth / matter. This by itself is calming, relaxing and refreshing and relieves stress. with the points out this will release any excess energy. Points in toward the body will have an energizing and charging effect. This is often used in addition to a full body or partial on body layout. 2. four directions layout The recipients head is facing north and feet facing south to align with the polarities of the earth. Place one crystal point in at each of the four compass directions north, south , east and one west . This balances and charges your elemental energies This layout is also used to charge objects and water . similar patterns are the four corners layout which is simply to place a crystal either on or off the body near each shoulder and each hip . awaking and balancing your senses of initiative ,action , contemplation and appreciation. and the energize pattern which is to place one crystal at head , foot and each wrist point out Smoky quartz can be used at the foot and amethyst at the crown. 3. Quite often a Quartz point or an Amethyst is placed at the crown and another clear or smoky quartz point is placed below the feet The recipient may also hold a quartz point in each hand as an addition to most layouts A common chakra layout is to place a large quartz crystal at the head, below the feet and in each hand and a indigo blue or violet stone at the brow ,a sky blue stone at the throat and a green stone at the heart . some people place rose quartz near the heart chakra to enhance the ability to give and receive love pink and green bi color or watermelon tourmaline is also excellent on or near the heart chakra . .. Citrine or other yellow or golden stone might be placed at the solar plexus or navel .a carnelian or other orange stone can be placed at the sacral chakra a quartz or red brown or black stone might be placed either near the pubic bone between the legs . I usually have the client put any stone between their legs themselves even though that may mean placing that stone out of order if I am moving from the top down . 4 ,Rather than doing an entire body layout you may prefer to work only with from one to three centers at a time So here we will list some typical stones or layout patterns for each area which you can use as rough guides it would be quite rare for two people to need the same layout so your intuitive reception is valuable again the intent that each element of the treatment do good or do nothing is important hers and allow the crystals to do the work in harmony with the universe . You cannot force a healing. Crown area Usually there is only room for one stone to be placed at above or touching the crown Typical stones placed at the crown are clear quartz , amethyst , moonstone , sugulite Selinite ,Lapis, gem Silica or clear or golden Fluorite . Kyanite Brow area typical stones are Lapis , sodalite , purple or blue fluorite ,sugulite, amethyst, clear quartz , azurite You might place one stone over the third eye possibly another at the bridge of the nose and or the hair line Some times the center stone is flanked by two crystal points or pieces of kyanite or tourmaline or other blue or violet stone .Some people put blue lace agate on the temples . If the person seems to have an over active third eye with excessive sensitivity to psychic input you may wish to include amatrine or one small piece of coral or citrine near the third eye or on each temple . The brow area is often the most sensitive and some people may get headaches from any complex work done here so you may want to start with just one stone at the brow and be prepared to remove it if the recipient reports any discomfort at all. small Desert roses (gypsum flowers) or calcite pieces are sometimes used when you want to stimulate intellect rather than intuition. (when doing the brow in partial treatment place at least one yellow stone at the naval and a red or black stone at the groin to help balance energies ). Back of Head I personally like to have a flat piece of eliat stone (azurite, malachite, chryscolla I have a piece that has a tiny bit of gem silica too) or celestite blade at the back of my head where the neck joins the skull Jade is also used here in some traditions Throat typical stones Sodalite, Azurite ,Lapis , Turquoise , Gem silica ,Amazonite, celestite, blue lace agate not a lot of room here and many people dislike having weight at the throat locations are the mid throat bottom of throat and at the collar bones some systems prefer to use oval stones or pattern here Shoulders and collar bones sometimes you'll want to put something here perhaps calcite , lodestone or tourmaline or quartz use intuition and leave clear unless you really feel a call Thymus gland sometimes you may want to put a aqua ,light blue green or light blue stone over the Thymus gland (etheric heart ) midway between the throat and heart chakra aquamarine eliat stone , turquoise celestite ,either a single stone or grouping with clear quartz Heart Green stones are the first choice here though this is often supplemented with pink Jade, Emerald , Rose quartz, green aventurine , green or pink or watermelon or bicolor green/pink tourmaline ,Kunzite ,malachite ,pink ruby, pink stilbite again control the charge many people carry great emotional pain in this area stimulation may cause emotional release during the clearing phase of the treatment . some like to keep the green stones on top and pink toward the bottom of any pattern The six pointed star formation is sometimes used here Solar Plexus Citrine, Tigers eye , malachite , clear quartz , golden topaz ,amber Fire agate ,opal sometimes a triangle pattern with the point down is used here this is a wide area if you feel the person has excessive energy here you may want to include ametrine or another violet or purple stone Diaphragm some people place periadot, apatite or other yellow green stone here Naval Area, Dan Tien , Hara , Na'au The transpersonal center located in this area can be assisted with many different colors of stones but is usually included in the Solar Plexus or sacral chakra treatment in the west. sacral, Sunstone , red orange and golden stones are common here. Sacral Carnelian ,Fire opal , Tiger eye , Sunstone , bright amber often stones are laid out here in a rough crescent form or triangle point down between the naval area and the groin jasper and other golden or orange brown stones maybe used If you seem to have lost contact with your aliveness and vitality a red stone placed about four to six inches below the belly button perhaps flanked by two small black stones such as obsidian or iron can really jump start the vitality . Root red ,black and brown stones Garnet ,Obsidian, smoky quartz ,black tourmaline some feel that ruby is too refined for this area but blood ruby or blood carnelian can be used . Often the layout is continued down onto the upper legs with dark stones . Sometimes stones are placed under the knees and at the elbows and ankles the choice of stones is tan and deep green stones for the knees and some like pink or fossils at the elbows but this varies I use green calcite for pain relief in joints . Most of the systems I have encountered work primarily or entirely from the front but when time allows or if the intuition prompts a treatment over the back can be dramatically effective a standard layout on the back would be a line of crystals or lodestones down the spine and possibly blue green or light blue stones over the lungs and/or ,clear, yellow, light orange or blue stones over the kidneys . Some people use a generator point or a wand to activate each section of the layout after the placement is done. but it is often enough to just allow the crystals to work for a while. If you use Reiki or any other healing shakti you can use this to activate and balance the energies with your hands over the crystal layout . There are of course many other methods and patterns for layouts far too many to go into in one post so this is simply a starting point. There are several single stone or limited stone layouts that can be useful and enjoyable Rose quartz and or Phylite a green quartz with chlorite and mica is a relaxing and uplifting combination . Calcite comes in most colors and is an all purpose stone If you have a lot of herkimer crystals they make a vitalizing and inspiring layout most of us do not have a lot of these though . Katrina Raphielle suggests a pink tourmaline spiral around the heart chakra for releasing deep emotional pain . The act of laying-on-of-stones is a beginning of the process towards self healing. the next step, is integration and assimilation. Following a treatment a person should take some quiet time to assimilate the changes effected by the treatment . ANY crystal healing treatment, energy work treatment ,major period of spiritual development ,prolonged meditation and so forth. is likely to create a need for more water in your system to facilitate release of toxins both physical and energetic and to help with the adjustment to new energies and changes. Peggy Jentoft ~ Solarraven Sept. 7 2001 -- Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals, spirituality} Sparrows Fairyland} art Spirited emotion} Heretic Sanctuary Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 8, 2001 Report Share Posted September 8, 2001 Hi Peggy, Thanks! for all your work on putting this together for us. Hope you got all your computer glitches under control and did not lose too much of your valuable information. I have had a number of crystal layout healings done for me. One practitioner used a layout of large quartz crystals (4-5 pound stones) at the head and feet, appropriate colored stones on the body and single point quartz crystals pointing inward on the left and right sides of the body at each chakra. The quartz points (usually approximately 3 inch in length) used on the sides of the body all had the non-point ends wrapped in copper wire. Just wondered about your experience with copper wire wrapped quartz or your thoughts on it. Another person used crystal/gem necklaces - she took an amethyst necklace and folded it two or three times, and laid it across my forehead. It was heavenly - coolness and bliss :-) She also wrapped a hematite necklace around both of my feet for grounding. So one does not have to take jewelry apart to use it in a layout session which makes me very happy as I have quite a few of the long strands of gemstones. Peggy Jentoft wrote: > > Laying on of stones -- Janie Walk softly, Live gently ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Reconnective Healing Reiki~SKHM~Lightarian Reiki ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Usui Reiki Ryoho & Seichem Classes In person - New Jersey ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods. ~ Albert Einstein ~ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 8, 2001 Report Share Posted September 8, 2001 Jane Berrigan wrote: > Hi Peggy, > > Thanks! for all your work on putting this together for us. Hope you > got all your computer glitches under control and did not lose too > much of your valuable information. > Thanks I only lost the posts i had open when the browser crashed so was tossed back to an earlier version I have not had very much experience with copper and crystal tools and none recently next payday if I get a chance I may buy some copper wire to experiment with because I cannot find the copper wire i thought I had These layouts sound very interesting would it be O.K. if I excerpt your post the next time we do a file on laying on of stones ? > > I have had a number of crystal layout healings done for me. One > practitioner used a layout of large quartz crystals (4-5 pound > stones) at the head and feet, appropriate colored stones on the body > Another person used crystal/gem necklaces - she took an amethyst > necklace and folded it two or three times, and laid it across my > forehead. It was heavenly - coolness and bliss :-) -- Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals, spirituality} Sparrows Fairyland} art Spirited emotion} Heretic Sanctuary Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 8, 2001 Report Share Posted September 8, 2001 Hi Peggy, Of course, use whatever is of interest in my posts :-) When my friend did the layouts and used the very large crystals at the head and feet - sometimes both crystals would be point downward if the person needed more energy in the lower chakras. She did this with me often because whenever the crystals were laid out around/on me, I would leave my body. So, she used both points downward to keep me here. And other times, both crystals (at head and feet) would be point upwards if the person needed more energy and connection at the upper chakras. If a person was fairly balanced in the upper and lower chakras, the crystal at the head pointed downward and the crystal at the feet pointed upward. I think I will pick up some copper wire and experiment as well, and we can share notes :-) Peggy Jentoft wrote: > I have not had very much experience with copper and crystal tools and > none recently > next payday if I get a chance I may buy some copper wire to experiment > with because I cannot find the copper wire i thought I had > These layouts sound very interesting would it be O.K. if I excerpt > your post the next time we do a file on laying on of stones ? > > > > > I have had a number of crystal layout healings done for me. One > > practitioner used a layout of large quartz crystals (4-5 pound > > stones) at the head and feet, appropriate colored stones on the body > > > Another person used crystal/gem necklaces - she took an amethyst > > necklace and folded it two or three times, and laid it across my > > forehead. It was heavenly - coolness and bliss :-) > > -- > > Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals, > spirituality} > Sparrows Fairyland} art > Spirited emotion} > Heretic Sanctuary > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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