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Breaking down the Layout

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Jane Berrigan wrote:


> Hi Peggy and Everyone,


> My friend who did crystal healing once shared with me that it is as

> important to carefully do the breakdown of a layout as it is to

> place the layout.


I should put something in the file about removal, The treatments I've

had have usually just reversed the order if placed downward they

were removed upwards, Though I have also had people remove in the order

placed as well , which I've done fairly often . I advocate intuitive

removal as some stones often just won't want/ need to be on as long as


None of the classes I have taken or treatments I've seen or had have

put much emphasis on the removal phase .



> First, that one should not remove all the stones from one side at

> one time, leaving them in place on the other side.


I never have removed all one side and then the other and agree that it

could possibly be somewhat disconcerting energy wise. Though there is a

layout form where a circle /spiral formation is applied and removed

in a continuing circle that is you continue around the body sun wise

first placing and then removing the stones


> Removing the

> stones should not disrupt the balance that has been brought to the

> body/energy field.


Treatments have always held better than that, balance attained is

balance stabilized. With the intention set to do no harm the stones

simply won't disrupt the energy field when removed . The stones simply

" turn off " when done . and are removed

I guess I do usually work inside to out on removal but I often work

intuitively almost to the point of trance. Stones will often fall off

when they are done too .


> Second, that one should not just bend over and pick up a stone


> " straight up " ...in a sense ripping through the energy field. One


> should rather carefully and gently slide the stone away from the

> energy field a distance of 6 to 12 inches and then lift it away.


I have not found this to be true either in fact during some treatments

going straight up has been strongly guided .

Most of this kind of rule in crystal healing or energy work is more a

reflection of the limitations we put on ourselves rather than being a

true condition of universal law

We create reality together . Though there are rules of consensus we

all choose to adhere to for convenience . rules such as you site, or

rules about not treating some condition or other are usually the result

of a need to attempt to reconcile the art with known and accepted

mundane " laws " . If you are more comfortable setting limits and

boundaries like this for yourself then do so and they will be the " law "

for you. but many have found that working " outside the box " is quite

safe and effective.






Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

spirituality} http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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Hi Peggy,


Thanks for all your wonderful thoughts. I really enjoy seeing many

different views on how to do things...and most always end up

following my own inner guidance :-) Nope, no " box " for me, won't go

near that, lol.



Peggy Jentoft wrote:

> Most of this kind of rule in crystal healing or energy work is

> more a reflection of the limitations we put on ourselves rather > than being a

true condition of universal law

> We create reality together . Though there are rules of > consensus we all

choose to adhere to for convenience . rules > such as you site, or rules about

not treating some condition or > other are usually the result of a need to

attempt to reconcile > the art with known and accepted mundane " laws " . If you

are more > comfortable setting limits and boundaries like this for yourself >

then do so and they will be the " law " for you. but many have > found that

working " outside the box " is quite safe and effective.




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