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Double Helixes Sent

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I spent almost 25 minutes sending a series of crystal shakti double

helixes to anyone on the list who wishes to receive. The sequence went

as follows:


Asked for assistance and guidance

Set intent for highest good of each individual

Set intent to send to any member of the Crystal Healing Workshop

Group that chooses to receive at their convenience

Set intent for the energies to do good or do nothing

Initiated transmission of energies:

Hematite for grounding and protection

Clear quartz (Chakra 7 - Crown)

Amethyst and Pearl Double Helix (Chakra 6 - Third Eye)

Blue Lace Agate and Sodalite Double Helix (Chakra 5 - Throat)

Aventurine and Rose Quartz Double Helix (Chakra 4 - Heart)

Yellow Topaz and Citrine Double Helix (Chakra 3 - Solar Plexus)

Carnelian and Sunstone Double Helix (Chakra 2 - Sacral)

Red Jasper and Snowflake Obsidian Double Helix (Chakra 1 - Root)

Hematite for continued grounding and protection

Ended all transmissions

Thanked my guides for their assistance


Each transmission lasted 2-3 minutes I guess, it seemed much shorter.

Again, I would love some feedback, if you get a chance!


Many thanks to all who participate!



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Hi Sally,


I would only say this to you all - you would understand-it is so strange.

Here's what happened with the attunement this morning. First, I saw green

and violet colors going across in front of me. I usually don't see colors.

Then, great white waves of ocean foam. Then an elephant face with a fancy

headdress like you would see in India. Then two hands pouring energy into my

crown from a golden horn. AND HOW WAS YOUR MORNING?


Thanks for the new experience,





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Hi Sally,


I received your Double Helix transmission, and it was very nice,

indeed. Thank you!


It began with a light green energy, followed by adding a light violet,

diffused with white. First the right side of my body felt heavy, then my

legs felt covered with the energy, then my third eye, and finally the

left side of my body. It then felt as though my whole body was covered

with a light, warm blanket.


The middle of the attunement, it felt as if there was a band of energy

around my forehead (felt this during Peggy's crystal empowerments as

well, but forgot to mention it), and then it extended down the sides of

my head as well - rather like an outline of a football helmet around my

face. At one point, although my legs didn't move, it felt as though my

legs shifted a couple inches to the right, and there was also a release

in the vertebrae of my neck, where the head and neck meet. About 3/4ths

of the way through I was having some small, sharp pains above my left

knee - I had a fall yesterday and this leg had been injured slightly.


Colors during the most part of the attunement were an intense

purple/orangy-gold , with vivid green and other colors occasionally

mixing in. Things seemed to happen in waves, so maybe that was the

transition from one transmission, to the next.


Near the end, as I was almost falling asleep, I suddenly felt a blast of

energy, and saw a four pointed gold star at my third eye. It mutated to

an eight pointed star. I checked the clock, and it was about 23 minutes

after the beginning of the attunement. I relaxed for a short while

afterward, and felt very nice and relaxed.


Thank you, Sally. It was a lovely gift!



Susan : )))))))))))))

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obarbmco wrote:


> First, I saw green

> and violet colors going across in front of me. I usually don't see

> colors.

> Then, great white waves of ocean foam.... golden horn. AND HOW WAS






Hey, Barb - you and I saw the same colors! Green, violet and white at

the beginning - gold at the end.



Susan : )))))))))))






Susan S. Bosco

Usui & Tibetan RM/T

Southwestern Pennsylvania, USA

(-4 GMT)


Just for today, give thanks.

Just for today, do not worry.

Just for today, do not anger.

Just for today, do your work honestly.

Just for today, be kind to every living thing.





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Hi Sally,


Thank You! I settled in and let the Universe know I was ready to

receive. The first thing I noticed was feeling tingly all over,

then especially in my hands and feet...that let me know everything

was opened up and the energy was flowing.


For a while, I just felt the tingling, and then my crown began

pulsing, not physically, but felt more like energy expanding and

contracting. It lasted a short while and then moved to the third

eye, doing the same thing. Then I realized this must have been the

order you sent the helixes, because in sequence, the pulsing moved

into each chakra, one by one. By the time, it got to the root

chakra, I was blissed :-)


When I saw your post, it confirmed the sequence and I knew without a

doubt, I definitely received :-) Thanks, again.




Sally wrote:

> I spent almost 25 minutes sending a series of crystal shakti

> double helixes to anyone on the list who wishes to receive. The

> sequence went as follows:




Walk softly, Live gently

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Reconnective Healing

Reiki~SKHM~Lightarian Reiki

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In person - New Jersey

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Whoever undertakes to set himself up

as a judge of Truth and Knowledge

is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods.

~ Albert Einstein ~

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, " Sally " <cozgolf@p...> wrote:

> I spent almost 25 minutes sending a series of crystal shakti double

> helixes to anyone on the list who wishes to receive.


Hi Sally!


I didn't feel or sense anything. I'm going to try again tonight to

receive. I'm kinda bummed though.



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Well, I felt a tingling in my lips and face first then it went into my

hands. I experienced so many different things last night LOL I just

don't know how to put it into words.


*~~*~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~*~~*

The grass isn't greener on the other side...It's greener where you water it!




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Hi Sally,


I just received the double helix shakti that you sent. I simply

intended to receive it and it began right away. My hands got very

warm, my feet got hot! and I could feel energy around my head. Then

I became aware of a lot of very warm energy at my solar plexus and

sacral chakras. (My sacral chakra is still warm while I'm typing

this.) Those 2 were the ones where the energy was really strong and

stayed on for the whole send but I did feel some energy at the back

of my head, my throat and heart, and it kind of felt like something

touched my brow chakra. After awhile I began seeing some purple and

another color that was kind of dark green. I looked at the clock

when the send started and when I felt it was over, and it lasted for

10 minutes.


Thank you for doing this! I really appreciate it!


Love and light,



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