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here's a bit about angels

The angels are messengers, guides and teachers and have many other


and missions as well. they are another order of being , just as people,

dogs, fish, plants ,birds rocks, trees are all physical so the

angels, deva, fairy, elemental etc. are

all beings or spirits of non physical realms that exist in the same

space . Angels have

no physical bodies and are beings of light and energy. The form we may

see, if

we see angels is taken from our minds and may vary greatly. all beings


angels who are partners in our spiritual evolution even the Sun and

the Earth

and land formations have overseeing angels

Angels are a separate order of being from humankind .They are energy

beings who live in the non physical realms that surround us. They are

messengers of Source and Spirit .

They are real, and they are universal. They appear to, work with, and


all beings and extend their energy ,information, and assistance

to all .

They are not exclusively affiliated with or to any single religion,

life form, planet, Solar

System, or Reality .

Humans do have spiritual bodies and may become guides out of body but

contrary to legend,

humans do not become at least usually, angels after death though as

the appearance of a human spirit or an angel is taken from the thoughts

of people a human spirit may appear to be an angel and an angel may

appear to be a human.

It is of great importance to know that angels must be asked or invited

to help

and to work with us in order for them to do so.



Your own Angel

You have an angel, this angel has been with you to oversee and

assist your

spiritual development, not just since your birth, not just since your


but from that instant when angels and humanity emerged on the same

out breath of the ALL to fill different realms of reality. Angels work

to guide

us to know our union with the Divine, and we are to guide the angels to


awareness of individuation of self. Your Angel knows you, absolutely,

every thought and action and feeling you have ever had and your angel

loves you completely, totally and always .You are always Loved,

understood and cherished. Your angel stands ready to

guide comfort and protect you in your journey to achieve your soul


This is Your Solar or companion Angel.




Many people are more able to feel the loving energy of their Solar


rather than hear them this is the angel more commonly called the


angel. We all have a personal angel who oversees our evolution . The


Solar angel more accurately describes the angel's energy and demphasizes


Protection in favor of personal spiritual development. Your solar

Angel is the

most important angel for you to connect with and is more important

than any

guide or guru you might seek It will be become a much safer

world than it has been, in large part because we are now ready to be


aware partners with the angels , the deva and all the life of this

planet and the

universes beyond.



I clear, or try to, space in my mind to listen or be aware of my angel

at least 5

to 20 minutes a day I often use this simple meditation I envision a

sphere in

the center of my head and keep my focus there relaxed I bring my


back when I notice my mind has wandered And I do not strive for contact


invite and allow . I do often get the feeling of my angel but do not

get words

clearly all that often.

A.. Be persistent you will achieve communication


B.. the standard process of Angel communication happens in stages


1. doubt that it is real

2. realize quality of information

3. sense the angel

4. awareness becomes concrete

5. process of union

6. trust and the feeling of never being alone


Communicating with the angels is a profound and beautiful experience

that can greatly advance your evolution of spirituality. Particularly

with your own companion Angel

You can have direct experience of your angels love and wisdom Asking

.. inviting

it is perfectly normal in the beginning to feel uncertain of the


and wonder if it is your imagination. it is through the creative


and imagination that many of us first become aware of the spiritual


and beings they are indeed real not fantasy it is your continuing

experience and communication that will in time help you to be certain of


reality and quality of the angel and the information and energy you


from your Angel.


We each and everyone have a personal companion angel who oversees our

spiritual evolution and we also have other guides and helpers. angels

are not restricted to any one religion or set of beliefs and practices .

Most of the time people who have contact with angels continue in the

religion they already practiced they will probably find themselves

rising above any restrictive dogma of that church and having a clear

understanding of the

spiritual interconnectedness of life . I do not think that you can have

continuing genuine contact with the angels and remain intolerant or

prejudice in your mundane life.


Having met your Angel and High self you will come naturally into the


understanding of what it is you are to do with the information


and energy you have become aware of . wait a bit and your path will


before you for most people becoming aware of the angels does begin a

period of rapid

release of issues and blocks to spiritual and emotional happiness this


be a somewhat turbulent time in your life your angel will help you

learn to

deal with these issues and obstacles as they arise . There are a lot of

ways to connect so you will find those that work for you. Generally

learning to meditate will accelerate your spiritual

progress in all areas including angel contact. the Angels main purpose

is to oversee our spiritual evolution.


Your companion angel will also have specialties and interests that are

particularly suited to guiding you in your path and purpose .

another important way angels work with us is through sending us


and healing energies. When you feel pulsing or vibrations through your


that can often be energy from the angels. Also observe your

surroundings for

signs and omens and information directed to you from the angels .

not everyone will get words as such but the

invitation to the angels and the

listening feeling for the reply whatever form it takes will pay off

for you.


On the matter of angel names remember that the name is for your


and is as close to the vibration energy of the angels being and

relationship to you that it can get they don't use names as such among

themselves as they don't sense themselves

as separate from each other in the way we do. so getting a name may not


an important thing for you personally when you do get a name don't be

surpassed if its not the kind of name you expected and angel to have .

you might try right now quieting your mind and asking to feel your


presence and love. that loving connection is one of the most


moving experiences that is possible your angel is waiting for you to

ask now

Please invite your angel to work with you.

Welcome your angel and it will become much easier for you to work

together. this will create great value in your life . Your angel is not

a fairy godmother or " cosmic vending

Machine " they can however help us in many ways that are overlooked by

most of us .they are the messengers of the Divine, the All, the absolute


, and universal Law they are not part of a single church but are of

the entire

reality. The benefits of communication are wonderful beyond words. the


purpose that angels work for with with us is to help in our personal


evolution . they are able to effect events in the external world but

it is easier

and preferable for us all that they assist us in changing ourselves ,

they can

help you work through emotional blocks and inspire you to create new

circumstances they can help you to see and understand the ways in which


may be hurting yourself or preventing benefits from occurring in your



Angels will not help you to accomplish anything that will harm

yourself or others . Angels Help mostly by sending information either

communicating directly if you are able to receive or indirectly with

omens etc. (books fall off shelves in my path a lot for example) they

can also send information in dreams and as compressed energy that

unfolds over time. and by sending you very advanced healing energies

using what is called Shakti, that is, a frequency or

carrier of divine or spiritual intelligence and healing energy. If you

are able to

feel subtle energies you may feel this as warmth or tingling pulses of


moving through your body . Everyone can benefit from working with


though some people are more able to connect with the information

and energies than others. You do not attract

angels into your life with special

rituals or clothing etc. If it is appropriate for Angels to work with

you all you

have to do is ask , you must be sincere and you must be mature enough to


willing to work with the angels.


Taking classes is not essential to working with angels though many


workshops ,classes and books are greatly valuable and some angel work


initiations that do need to be grounded by another human being . this

in itself

helps us become aware of our inter connectedness which is an important


of what we humans have to learn from the Angels.


On Meeting Angels


There are many different techniques for meeting your personal angel


they probably all work. If one method does not work for you persevere


your intent and invitation to your angel and remember that actual


visits are extremely rare. Feelings of being embraced or touched or


flowers where there are none, high pitched tones in the ear or music or


sometimes voices or mental imagery is much more common. A feeling of

healing energy running into your body or being wrapped in warm light


also possible signs of an angel visit. Be aware of subtle signs and

omens such as books falling at your feet and opening to a picture of a

angel etc. You will find that as you raise your

vibration through meditation and the practice of loving yourself and


It will become more easy and natural to communicate with the angels and

other beings of spirit. They choose to work with you naturally you can


compel them to be known to you .Raising your vibration is also the way


eliminate the possibility of contacting any " harmful " being.


The simplest meditation for meeting angels is to set aside some time


to go into a silent listening state where you simply invite and

allow and be

available for information and energy from your angel . Some people

imagine a sphere of light in the middle of their head while they focus

on communing with the angels .


IS there a difference between solar angels and spirit guides?


Yes ,there is a difference Your Solar angel does guide, oversee and


help with your spiritual evolution . This is an Angel who has been with

you for

that purpose since the first instant you existed as a being. This

specific angel

always is your Solar angel.

The term solar angel better reflects the angel's energy quality and


than the older term guardian angel You may only have one solar angel,

though as I went to say we each only had one I " heard " that that

was not

quite correct.

Your Solar angel and your own High self and/or Soul are the most

important of

your guides and we are all strongly advised to work on raising our

vibration to invite and

allow contact with them before working on other contacts. Spirit

guides on the

other hand are many. You will have many different spirit guides who

will work

with you during your life time. Some of these will be angels, others

may be

energetic beings or spirit entities of other orders such as ascended


elemental spirits or gods/goddess aspects, (Tara,or Athena for example)


people who having passed out of body are choosing to work on the near

energy planes for a while, experts in an area you are working in

(such as

artists, healers, musicians). or even plant spirits, animal spirits,

crystal beings ,

and living thought forms . Even some living people, during sleep and

out of

body travel may act as spirit guides, going to comfort and advise a

newly dead

being ,or a sick child, for example.

Some spirit guides will stay with you for a long time and others will

be with

you only briefly If you become involved with art you will have

artistic creative

guides etc.

I do not want to over emphasize defense and protection but do caution


not all " guides " are of the highest order or have your soul purpose

and highest

good as their top priority, which is not to say that they are bad

but that some of

them may be so eager to achieve their goal that they override your

will .

Please ask your Solar angel to bring in guides acting in your highest

good and

if you doubt a guide send it to the light if it is not of good it will

depart if it is

good it will not mind the trip to the light .


A Walk With Your angel


Here is one guided visualization that is often effective and is found

in many

variants in different books (you may want to tape this so that you

can close

your eyes while doing the visualization) allow your self to Relax,


completely... imagine yourself yourself walking in a beautiful garden

on the

edge of a forest... the garden is full of wild flowers, ... birds fly

above you

singing sweetly... the Sun shines brightly... walk on among the


flowers continue walking across the meadow toward the trees... now

from the

trees you become aware of your Angel Approaching you, you walk toward


angel who moves forward, to meet you open your heart as your angel


and embraces you feel the love and understanding of your own angel who


known you always and loves you unconditionally... walk with your angel

in the

beautiful garden listen and hear, see, feel the message of your angels


and continued presence in your life walk with your angel and receive

the gift of

understanding from your angel now tell your angel what simple sign you


look for to sense guidance in your daily life perhaps red green and


lights, or left ear tickle for yes right ear for no and nose for

unclear know that

questions with yes and no answers can be misunderstood fairly easily

and you

will need to practice neutrality to get the clearest answers from your


angel. Your angel sees all possibilities and while they are rarely

wrong they

and your reception of guidance can be affected by your desire for a


outcome and the future is not an absolute it is influenced by free



Now as time comes to return to yourself embrace your angel and slowly

gently return to your self in the now Knowing that you can always

return to

the garden and your angel and your angel will be learning to


with you as you learn to be aware of them.





The universe is filled with angels and other beings we are on

different planes of existence and while all these Galactic shifts etc..

are making

communication easier than it has been for a long time ,I think we on

this Earth

plane may have chosen to experience isolation deliberately. Sometimes


really need to know that the angels are there and do care. The angels


touch us then with a gift ,the scent of flowers. You may be alone and


you will smell beautiful flowers where there could not possibly be any

and you

will know that it is the angels reaching out to touch you.

The unexplained scent of flowers is probably among the most frequent

sign the

angels give to us . The sense of smell is the sense least likely to

be blocked by

mental restraints we do not edit the way we may restrict other senses


To me my angel usually smells like Freesia, and kind of apricoty Marcie,


very psychic friend, says my angel smells to her like Strawberries Her


smells like roses to both of us. Angels are not limited to the scent of


though , once during a somewhat heated discussion with a 9 year old


room was suddenly fragrant with coffee! a wake up call! She said that


was her angel for sure.

Another time I was speaking, perhaps rather pontifically, about angels


how they would send the scent of flowers into a room when the room was

suddenly filled with the overwhelming smell of Pizza! there was

absolutely no

possible source for the smell and it disappeared as suddenly as it had



Angels do have a sense of humor, " Lighten up " is a big part of the


they want to share with us. So when You suddenly smell flowers where


can be no flowers or perfume to smell think of the angels and know

that they

are near. On one of the few occasions when I have " seen " my Solar


during a guided meditation for that purpose the angel emphasized a

point by

suddenly appearing as a Giant towering Elvis! (had to do with

souviernty, and

the power of the angelic realms " the King " ). one woman told me that


the very serious angel seminar she went to her angel was turning

somersaults all over the room.

this was sent to me to share I believe that it was sent by the author



This exercise is about contacting a presence that loves you


that knows everything you have ever been through, everything you have


suffered and every joy you have ever experienced. This presence blesses


throughout your life including moments of doubt, ill feeling, resentment


negativity - for that is perhaps when you need it most.

You can either just slowly read the words of the exercise or, better


record it onto a tape and play it to yourself. It is a worthwhile

exercise, in

itself, to practice speaking a blessing and you may just as well to

start with

yourself. Naturally it is best to find a quite time in a quite

place to do the exercise, but

if this is difficult any time will do. Just adapt the exercise to the

places where

you have the opportunity to do it. You may visualize the angel

appearing in front of you, behind you, above you - whatever seems

right to you each time you do the exercise. Some people experience the

angel simply as a presence, some as a symbol others as a

full-blown winged messenger. These, and any other variations, are


When reading the words to yourself it is better not to inwardly " shout "


yourself, or be very demanding with yourself, as if trying to will

yourself into

it. Just speak quietly and kindly and take your time, as best you can,

as that

will bring better results.

Some people may find that it helps to echo the words internally to


(e.g. when the angel says " You leave the past behind you " , they say to

themselves " I leave the past behind me " ) as that helps them focus and


drift away during the exercise.

You can, of course, change parts of the exercise to suite yourself. You


expand on a part that really touches you or if a part really bothers

you it can

just be left out. However, be aware that you might be tempted to remove


parts that embarrass you and those are the parts that you might really

need. It

is usually best to work with the exercise exactly as it is for a while


changing it.

You may find it useful to add a relaxation exercise (gentle stretching

or the

like) before beginning. It first it may feel that there is not much


but then you will start to see changes appear in you life and in your


You may even start to feel like an angel is using the exercise as an

opportunity to bless you and to heal you.

Relax, relax, relax, take some deep breaths [pause for a few deep



Begin to sense a beautiful presence close to you. Feel a radiant,


love reaching to you and surrounding you. An angel begins to appear in


room. [pause for a few deep breaths]

The angel speaks: " I am your angel I am here to help you and to

protect you I

am always with you Be at peace in knowing this [pause for a few deep


I am here to guide you I bring goodness to you I bring healing to all

parts of

your life Let doubt and negativity pass away You leave the past behind


You let it all go . I bring you prosperity You accept prosperity in all

areas of your life You

accept prosperity as your divine right as a child of God

I bring you opportunity You accept new opportunities as they arise in

your life

You will know what is best for you, you will be shown the way

I bring you adventure You accept new adventures in your life You know


to do in every situation, look to me for guidance when you need it and

it is

there. I bring you love You allow love to fill your heart Loves

flows from you Love

flows to you You are radiant with love Let yourself be who you are

You are

your roots down deep You draw from the earth all the nourishment

that you

need You know that in accepting what you need for your own growth; you

serve the greater life Receive, receive, and receive so that you may


with others Now accept my blessings

[pause for a few deep breaths to receive the blessing - the blessing

can be

silent or you can put words to it] You are content You are content in


more and more of the beauty and goodness of life You see the best in

everyone and you see the best in every situation You are content in


life's mysteries You do not need to have all the answers You have faith


your life and all life stems from a beneficent source that you are not

yet ready

to fully understand " [pause for a few slow breaths]


Give thanks for the Angel's presence and bring yourself gently back into


present surroundings. --- > William


Crystals used in angel meditations include Quartz , Celestite, Angelite

,Laramar, Labradorite

,Sunstone , rose quartz , amethyst ,emerald . diamond and many more.

Some texts give specific stones for the Archangels and for different

orders of angels .

How do we convince others that Angels are real?


Proving anything to anyone who is determined not to believe it is


possible however skilled at debate one is or what preponderance of


one can marshall, particularly when they have, as most of us have been

trained and conditioned to ignore and discount our own memories and

experiences. Argument can cause a hardening of attitude rather than

awareness. It is often better to simply smile sweetly and deepen your


connection with angels . Someday the combination of your own deepening

understanding and the awakening of trust in their own experiences may

convince others of the reality of angels. When you connect with your

Solar Angel you can become a channel for

healing energies these can be brought in either directly from your

angel or from attunements and classes. While not everybody can feel

subtle energies, One thing that convinces people

of the reality of Angels is the ability to facilitate contact, to

channel an energy

from their angel that allows them to feel angelic Love. This of course

is in the realm of the

mystical rather that the kind of intellectual datum I think you are

questing for.


The rational mind is greatly overrated it is as though one cuts away


ignores half or more of themselves accepting input only in a narrow


ignoring the reality of Angels and spiritual realms is akin to

declaring that

the is no color blue does that make the sky and oceans disappear?


You are Loved, You are Beloved, You are vital to the Universal plan, at

the moment of your birth, the Angels sang.




Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

spirituality} http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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You have placed some wonderful information here. :) Angels are always there

for us, but, as you stated, we need to realize that Angels have no will of

their own. They are here simply to guide and protect us. If we want them to

do something, we have to ask. There are an infinite number of Angels - some

will be with us for a lifetime, some for specific time periods, and some for

specific goals/reasons. We can request an Angel for any person/situation that

we wish help with. To my mind, when I do that I put forth also the firm

intent to work with and listen to them, and thank them when the need for that

specific Angel has passed and release their energy to go help someone else. :)


For me, my Angels, as well as my Guides and Higher Self, are *real*

connections with Spirit, and are of great comfort. :)


Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.





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I meant the statement that Angels have no will of their own to be coming from

me, not from you. I apologize for not making that clear. I definitely do

believe that one difference between Angels and Guides is that Angels do *not*

have a will of their own. This does not make them less effective, but it is

something that we need to pay attention to in working with them.


Others on this list I am sure hold other views, and will work with the

Angelic realm according to the beliefs that they hold. :)


Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.





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spiritseeker wrote:


> Peggy:


> You have placed some wonderful information here. :) Angels are always there

> for us, but, as you stated, we need to realize that Angels have no will of

> their own. They are here simply to guide and protect us. If we want them to

> do something, we have to ask.


I did not say they had no will of their own they do have will, they do not

usualy intercede

without invitation because the purpose is to guide and support our personal



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