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Report on our field trip to the cove

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Hi all,


Okay, Dear Hubby and I found the Cove (boy, that was fun in

itself!)... Linda wasn't there, only her husband(?), who seems more

of a rock-hound and less " metaphysical " , if you know what I mean.


He did " play " this incredible, huge crystal bowl for us, though. wow.

I want one of them! *chuckle*


The stones. The crystals. The dragons! ohmygoddessblessme! I could

spend all day there (and will, again, soon) and still not see it all.

I touched, fondled, listened to..

Oh, I'll tell you what I did. I ran the " Rock Wisdom " program from

the attunement before I got out of the car. And I trusted it.


I was getting worried, after awhile. none of the pretties seemed in

the least bit " interesting " to my crystal sense. I'd pick them up,

then put them down. Hmm.


Then, Dear Hubby brought me this beautiful little quartz single-

pointed crystlal with " fuzzy " growths on the bottom, and a

sideways " child(?) " in it. It's only about 2 " long, but it is SO

INCREDIBLY strong! It was hot in my hand! I will scan it, btw, soon.


Then I found this beautiful blue-green crystal. No clue what it is.

I'll scan it too. It's so pale, round and flat, like it was broken

off a long laser-wand sort of thing (5-sided)... it was calling me.

All the label said was " New " ...


I also got a ... Apapatite? lovely, lovely dark blue with such bright

glowing areas ... yes, I'll scan it with the others.


My Dear Hubby got himself a tiny Herkimer. It has a black spot in it

with a tiny " man " shape in clear in the center. I can't even feel

this one when I hold it, but he really likes it, so I guess it's

his! :)


More amazing is what I didn't get. I didn't get the lovely smoky

quartz, or the rose quartz (it was on my list), I didn't get any

amethyst or tourmaline! All the stuff I assumed I'd want, ended up

not being in the least attractive to me.


Oh, I discovered I can amplify a crystal for my Husband. It's really

spooked him, even though I told him I was doing it, to have the

crystal suddenly get really strong. He held my light-green in his

hand, and couldn't feel anything really. So I amplified it. It got

really heavy to him, but no buzz. So, that one is mine :)


Anyway, I'm gonna scan them now, and post it to the photo page :)


We'll go back...



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Yes - Ellson is Linda's husband, and yes, he is more of a rock hound than he

is metaphysical. Be sure and go back when Linda is there - she is a truly

beautiful, knowledgeable metaphysical being. :)


I am truly happy that you enjoyed yourselves. :) I can never walk out of

there without buying more Rose Quartz - because I give so much of it away! LOL



Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.





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